Hey folks,

It turns out that Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, and Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana, have failed to disclose they are officers of family charities. They are sitting on a lot of money. Now why would they do this? Not only is this a way to hide money, but it’s a violation of law. Non to mention, a violation of ETHICS.
According to USA Today,
WASHINGTON — U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and two other prominent Democrats have failed to disclose they are officers of family charities, in violation of a law requiring members of Congress to report non-profit leadership roles.

All three foundations are funded and controlled by the lawmakers and their spouses, and do not solicit donations from outside sources.
It other words folks, they control the money. This is not new. 16 other lawmakers from both parties hold similar positions. So what is the problem? They REPORTED it. Not reporting it, like these three have failed to do, violates the law, gives an appearance of impropriety, and could also be tax evasion.
According to the second article,
Rep. Rahm Emanuel made millions as an investment banker. Sen. Evan Bayh had leftover cash after two successful campaigns for Indiana governor. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul, became wealthy investing in real estate and technology firms.
It was with this money that each of these Democrats started a charitable foundation.
Emanuel, Bayh and Nancy Pelosi are officers of the foundations that carry their names but failed to disclose the fact on their annual financial disclosure reports filed with Congress. Tax records show the foundations donated mostly to hometown charities that reflect the lawmakers' personal and political attitudes. None of the foundations received donations from outside sources.
They made their money. Then they create these "Charitable Foundations" as a way to avoid big tax bills. They give some away to this group or that, to APPEAR they are doing something good, but in reality, it is THEIR money. They are just hiding it. This is done all the time. Not just politicians, but a lot of the wealthy do these things. But for them to do this and then NOT report it?
The Senate passed an ethics bill earlier this month that would boost penalties for knowingly filing false financial disclosure statements.
"Despite all the ethics reforms, there's still no enforcement," said Melanie Sloan, a former federal prosecutor and head of the liberal-leaning Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington.
Filing a false report could be prosecuted as a felony, Sloan and Brand said, but prosecutions are rare. Last year, then-Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist failed to report his role in a family charity. He updated his disclosure form and wasn't punished.
So what is their response to this? "Oh it was just an "over sight." No big deal. We will just go back a rewrite it. We got caught, no problem." {Sigh}
Pelosi spokesman Brendan Daly said Friday the speaker will amend her reports. He said it "was an oversight" that she had not listed her position dating back to 1992.

Emanuel, chairman of the House Democratic Conference, does not believe the law requires him to disclose his foundation post, spokeswoman Kathleen Connery said. "We believe we're following the instructions of the (ethics) committee exactly right, but if we're not, we'll amend our report," she said.
Pelosi had NOT listed her position dating back to 92? OH you can’t do that? {laughing} Translation time folks, we tried to cover it up. We got caught, now we are going to re-write history. The norm for the LWL.
If the headline read, "{Any Three Top Republican Names Here} Violated The Law By Attempting to Hide Money, Could Be Guilty Of Tax Evasion," It would be reported COMPLETELY differently. Front page. All the shows. Then you would most likely have the call for hearings. Since it’s Pelosi? Well, I guess we’ll see.
USA Today- Pelosi, two other Democrats failed to disclose roles in family charities
USA Today- Democrats put own money into charitable foundations
Of course there is no ethics enforcement. The only time it will happen is if it is used as a tool to go after a member of congress.
This applies usually for both parties but as we know if a Republican gets caught he quits and if a democrat get caught fellow democrats make excuses for them and they keep their seat.
Hey Sam,
Don't forget the MMD. Even AFTER they quit, front page news. The Democrats? They get leadership positions in the party. The MMD ignores the whole thing.
I was wondering when someone was going to remember about her husband. Sheesh. Thanks for the conversation!
Hey Teraisa
Welcome to the OPN,
your welcome.
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