Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Fairness Act, Censorship. Plain and Simple.

Hey folks

I have been talking about the fact that liberalism is the quest for tyranny. I’ve been saying to you for a long time now that the Mass Media Drones are controlled by a "media guru." I’ve pointed out how the numbers do not lie. The old media has lost readers and views by staggering numbers, as the new media, continues to grow. The old media wants their control of the news, and what you think back. The guru wants his power back, and the LWL? They want their critics silenced. You know, a tyrant cannot have an opposing view out there. Not good for them.

Here is a story you most likely will not see in the Mainstream Media. Unless someone picks this up, or Rush comments on it, and they need to defend it. Unless the new media reports it, you most like will hear NOTHING until it’s too late.

AIM {Accuracy In Media} posted this on their website. It’s entitled, "The Plan to Silence Conservatives" by Cliff Kincaid January 15, 2007. It’s pretty lengthy but I encourage you to go Here and read it for yourself. A lot of it is what I have been saying, but there is a wealth of information there. He starts out saying,

"Memphis, Tennessee: Media reform sounds like a good cause. But the gathering here of more than 2,000 activists turned out to be an effort to push the Democratic Party further to the left and get more "progressive" voices in the media, while proposing to use the power of the federal government to silence conservatives.

In short, triumphant liberals now want to consolidate and expand their power.

Several speakers, including Senator Bernie Sanders and Rep. Maurice Hinchey, declared that they think Congress should use a new federal "fairness doctrine" to target conservative speech on television and radio.

But while conservatives are not ashamed to be conservatives, because of the popularity of their ideas about freedom, a strong military, economic growth and traditional values, the liberals at this conference wanted desperately to avoid the use of the term "liberal," apparently because of its association with failed domestic, social and foreign policies. They described themselves and their causes as "progressive."

If this conference has an impact, and the participants were called upon to put pressure on the media and Congress, we should expect increasing references to the term "progressive" in coverage of controversial liberal initiatives, including the proposed agenda for "media reform." The only question is when congressional liberals get enough nerve to aggressively push this authoritarian attempt to muzzle their political opponents."

I told you, they want total control in your lives. They cannot have the new media telling you the truth. If they do, their lies are less effective. As for the Media Guru? I told you back on October 20,2006

"WAIT A SECOND!!! "secret morning conference calls with Howard Dean and George Soros" The media is having morning conference calls with Howard Dean and George Soros? Then it says, "during which it was agreed just this morning that, yes, we can keep the meta-narrative ('The Democrats are going to beat Bush and run Congress!!') going for another 19 days, without interruption." The media ADMITS that they get their walking orders from Howard Dean, and or George Soros? They ADMIT that they have an agenda to get the LWL in power?
If I had to bet, at least between these two, I would bet that, the little man behind the big black and white curtain is none other than George Soros. Could HE really be the MMD Guru? It makes sense."

Well let any doubt be removed. The MMD Guru IS George Soros. Get this from the AIM piece,

"Soros, portrayed by the major media and "progressives" funded by him as a humanitarian and philanthropist, has made billions of dollars through international financial manipulations conducted through secretive off-shore hedge funds. He was convicted of insider trading in France, one of many countries to have borne the brunt of his global financial schemes.

He spent over $26 million in the 2004 presidential campaign trying to defeat Bush and also contributed to groups that have brought Democrats to power in Congress.

His "media reform" agenda is being pursued primarily though Free Press, which has received at least $400,000 over the last several years from the Soros-funded Open Society Institute. But Soros has also
poured money into groups like the Center for Investigative Reporting, the Fund for Investigative Journalism, and Investigative Reporters & Editors.

One obvious purpose of such grants is to steer the media away from investigating Soros himself. However, during one media appearance,
on the CBS 60 Minutes program, Soros acknowledged that as a 14-year-old Jewish boy in Hungary, his identity was protected and that he actually assisted in confiscating property from Jews as they were being shipped off to death camps. As an adult, he shuns pro-Israel causes and believes in accommodating the Iranian regime.

The Free Press co-founder, John Nichols, has edited such books as Against the Beast, a critique of the "American Empire," and shares Soros's opposition to a U.S. foreign policy that targets emerging threats in the Arab/Muslim world.

In addition to the creation of what he calls a "New World Order" under U.N. auspices, Soros's causes include abortion, drug legalization, and special rights for immigrants, homosexuals, felons, and prostitutes. An atheist, Soros is promoting the complete breakdown of traditional values and morality in America.

In the official conference program, however, there was no mention of the Soros role in funding Free Press. However, thanks were extended to the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the Overbrook Foundation, Quixote Foundation, Glaser Progress Foundation, and the Haas Trusts.

"We are grateful also for the generosity and support of many other public charities, private foundations and individual donors," the conference program said, carefully concealing their identities.

Publications and organizations given credit for promoting the event included The American Prospect magazine, The Washington Monthly, The Nation, and MoveOn.org"

They are so embolden now that they were able to get the LWL in power on nothing, they want to increase their power to make sure that they STAY in power. They do not want accountability. They do not want to be asked questions. Just do as they say. They do not even try to hind it anymore.

"Sanders, who votes with the Democrats in the Senate despite his official status as an independent socialist, claimed conservatives were 99 percent in control of talk radio and that it was time "to open the question of the fairness doctrine again" to restrict what they say and how they say it.

He faulted the media for covering two sides of the global warming debate "when there is no debate in the scientific community.""

STOP!!!! THIS is exactly WHY they want the censorship in place. There IS very much a debate in the scientific community. But if you are not aware of the FACTS, you would believe this garbage.

Then it talks about the Rev. Jackson whining. This is funny.

"Making himself out to be a victim, Jackson said that he should be called by the media for comments on foreign policy issues like Iraq, rather than just racial controversies like the Duke rape case."

WHY? {Sigh} Again I encourage you to read this whole story. But the "Fairness Act" is nothing more than censorship. It is nothing more than the attempt to silence the LWL critics, give the MMD their power back, and have a free ability to continue to tell you what to think.

They tried to compete in the free market place of ideas. They tried their own radio, and TV. They tried their own version of "the news." They failed. The reason is simple. Contrary to what they want you to believe, there is not that many Looneys out there that care what they say. So they have to silence the voice of opposition. I bet there is also a certain amount of jealousy involved in this whole thing as well. After all, it IS all about them.

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