Friday, January 12, 2007

End Of Day Round Up / Dems Are Nuts

Hey folks,

I usually have more time on the weekends to spend with you here. I come into the OPN office and start scanning. I get my articles I want to comment on and start thinking of the "Daily Articles," "Just My Thoughts," and the "IWA". But tonight?

So much happened today that NEEDS to be addressed. I do not even know if I can get it all in. Let’s start with the continuing, uh, "debate" over sending more troops. I knew that this would continue to be big news for a while. But I had NO idea how idiotic the LWL {Left Wing Looneys, for the Liberals out there to understand} was going to get on this.

First thing I saw today when I stopped somewhere to get a coffee, was the front page of the New York Post. Then I started hearing things on the radio, TV, and articles popping up all over the place. What am I referring to? The all sensitive and caring Barbra Boxer calling Secretary of State Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice childless. In a condescending manner, Ms. Boxer said,

"Who pays the price? I'm not going to pay a personal price. My kids are too old and my grandchild is too young," Boxer said. "You're not going to pay a particular price, as I understand it, with an immediate family. So who pays the price? The American military and their families."

Are you kidding me. What is Barbara saying? Seems like she is saying that Rice cannot understand the sacrifice of the soldiers and their families because she doesn’t have kids. Or is she saying that Rice is less of a woman because she doesn’t have kids. Did Ms. Boxer’s kids serve? I bet not. Why isn’t all the Feminists all over Ms. Boxer?

So as you would imagine, the response was QUICK. White House Spokesperson Tony Snow was talking to FOX News Talk's Brian and The Judge, he said,

"I don't know if she was intentionally that tacky, but I do think it's outrageous. Here you got a professional woman, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and Barbara Boxer is sort of throwing little jabs because Condi doesn't have children, as if that means that she doesn't understand the concerns of parents. Great leap backward for feminism,"

And of course Rice responded to FOX News' Jim Angle ,

"I guess that means I don't have kids. Was that the purpose of that?" Rice said. "Well, at the time I just found it a bit confusing frankly. But in retrospect, gee, I thought single women had come further than that. That the only question is are you making good decisions because you have kids?"

That was the whole point to feminism. Forget the kids, husband, and all that "man created" establishment. Be an independent women. Strive to be equal to men. So Condoleezza Rice, a single woman, with no kids, made it to be the FIRST woman Secretary of State. Not to mention the first African American woman to be Secretary of State. She get ridiculed by BB for not having kids?

What about an apology? Not going to happen. BB said,

"I spoke the truth at the committee hearing, which is that neither Secretary Rice nor I have family members that will pay the price for this escalation. My point was to focus attention on our military families who continue to sacrifice because this Administration has not developed a political solution to the situation in Iraq."

NO YOUR NOT! You do not CARE about the troops or the families Ms. Boxer. All you care about is the furthering of the Looney and anti-war, anti-Bush agenda. This was the stupidest thing that BB said, but not the ONLY stupid thing during this hearing. She also said,

"So from where I sit, Madam Secretary, you are not listening to the American people, you are not listening to the military, you are not listening to the bipartisan voices from the Senate, you are not listening to the Iraq Study Group," Boxer said.

Not all the American people are against the war. Noone that I know, wants another attack here, more Americans killing, because we cut and run with them following us home. The Military said, if you want to win, we need more troops. We are doing that. BIPARTISAN voices from the Senate???? OK. Not listening to the "Surrender Moneys?" That is because they have NO clue. Neither do you.

Now finally Reuters is catching up to REALITY,

The United States could start withdrawing forces from Iraq this year if the additional troops being sent to Baghdad reduce violence significantly, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Friday.

"If these operations actually work you could begin to see a lightening of the U.S. footprint both in Baghdad and Iraq itself," Gates told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Defending President George W. Bush's plan against intense opposition from the new Democratic-led Congress for the second day in a row, Gates cautioned that adding more U.S. forces would not end sectarian violence in Iraq.

But if it lowers the violence "significantly" and the Iraqi government fulfills its promises, "then you could have a situation later this year where you could actually begin withdrawing," he said.

This is what I have been telling you for the past few days. Send help, end the problem, bring them ALL home. Next?

How is the world viewing this? The Iraq divide? According to The Guardian UK,

President George Bush faced increasing isolation last night after his much-vaunted new strategy for Iraq met with overwhelming public and political opposition.

Mr Bush and his most senior staff embarked on a huge public relations exercise to sell the plan to send an extra 20,000 troops to Iraq, aware of formidable opposition in Congress which already promises an embarrassing vote next week rejecting the new strategy.

In contrast to the deference the president enjoyed in his first six years in office, he is confronting for the first time a combination of reinvigorated Democrats and rebellious Republicans. Harry Reid, the Democratic majority leader in the Senate, said: "In choosing to escalate the civil war, the president virtually stands alone."

STOP!!!{Laughing} They are quote Harry Reid? And they seem to believe him. One, I do not know if this is a typo, or if Reed actually said this, President Bush cannot escalate a CIVIL WAR. He is not escalating anything. They also quote him in saying that his resolution will be "the beginning of the end of the war". They quote polls and get this,

In a taste of the new confrontational approach on Capitol Hill, Ms Rice received a grilling when she appeared before the Senate foreign affairs committee to explain the plan. The Democratic senator and 2008 presidential hopeful Joe Biden told her Mr Bush's plan was "a tragic mistake". Meanwhile, Democratic and Republican congressmen were lining up in TV studios to denounce the deployment of an extra 21,500 US troops to Iraq.

Because that is ALL they care about. The spot light. But this is just a small example of what folks outside of the US are reading about this whole situation. President Bush stands alone. The Democrats are running the show. NO THEY ARE NOT. But that is what the MMD is reporting. It goes on and on. Check out the who article if you got time. I’m out of time. But there is SO much more. I’ll be back with part two, in just a bit.

Reuters-Withdrawals could start if Iraq plan works: Gates
The Guardian UK-Isolated Bush faces rebellion over Iraq

AP-Clock ticking on Dems' 100-hour agenda
AP-Drug bill passes despite veto threat
Fox News- White House Spokesman Blasts Sen. Boxer's Exchange With Secretary Rice

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