Thursday, January 18, 2007

Clean Energy Act of 2007, More Taxes, More Dependence

Hey folks,

There will be a vote tomorrow on H.R.6, the "Clean Energy Act of 2007." one of those voting on it, Brad Ellsworth (D-Evansville IN-8) also signed the "Taxpayer Protection Pledge," Rep. Ellsworth promised to reject tax increases. This bill not only raises taxes, but it also will increase our dependence on foreign oil.

According to a Wall Street Journal editorial yesterday,

"This bill is said to promote America's energy independence, but the biggest winner may be OPEC. This is a lengthy, complicated bill, but the central idea is simple: Raise taxes on domestic oil producers and then spend the money to subsidize ethanol, solar energy, windmills (so long as they're not on Cape Cod), and so on. But if you increase the cost of domestic oil production by $10 billion, you are ensuring that U.S. imports of OPEC oil will rise and domestic production will fall."

This would be a clear violation of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, signed by 197 House members and 43 Senators, who have pledged to their constituents that they would oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates. Translation No new taxes. By eliminating the manufacture's deduction without an offsetting tax cut somewhere else, H.R. 6 clearly violates the pledge.

There is no other way to look at this. They are showing you who they are now. 15 days in office and they are raising taxes. Not to mention lying. But there is more to this.

I’ve been telling you for a while now that we need to increase drilling and domestic oil production while weaning ourselves off of dependency of foreign oil.

You know folks, this is really pretty stupid. We are in this position because of the environmental extremists to begin with. No new refineries in 30 years. No drilling. No nuclear power, etc. It is the extremists, and those that pander to them, that created the monopoly that Big Oil has.

The call of theirs, actually is the same as mine in part, create and produce more AFVs [Alterative fuel Vehicles] , and Afs [Alterative fuels] themselves. But, here’s where we separate the logic and intelligence, from the radical wackiness.

"We cannot drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge because we might upset the caribou." " The only answer to the high gas is Afs and to force the big bad oil companies to stop gouging." "You cannot put man over animals. We are no better than the poor helpless Polar bear."

I say we start weaning our dependants from foreign oil. Meanwhile, we continue to create, modify, and prefect, AFVs and Afs themselves. The faster we do this, the better off we will be. The happier the poor little caribou will be too.

This H.R.6, the "Clean Energy Act of 2007," increases our dependency on oil coming from places that can be controlled by others. Now with the LWL calling for us to cut and run, what do you think will happen to the oil prices if say, "Little Hitler" takes over?

Both there and elsewhere, even in the areas that are friendly, we STILL are at the whim of others. But this is simply who they are, they are NOT America first. Not for you, me, or even this country. They are more concerned with being "like or loved" by the world, keeping the new power they have, and getting Bush.

At least we only have two more years of this insanity. If the American people wake up in that time that is.

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