Hey folks,

Since the government of Ecuador assumed full ownership of the operation nearly 20 years ago, Petroecuador has compiled a deplorable record of environmental irresponsibility, tallying more than 1,400 oil spills since 2000 alone. So it is NOT Texaco or Chevron that is responsible for this. They have not even been there since 1992, and they even got an all clear by the Government when they pulled out.
But Oil is not the only health problem in Ecuador. Cancer is VERY predominant. According to ASCO News and Forum - International Insight Cancer in Ecuador, a Website run by DOCTORS. Check out this list.
Olimpo Acosta, MD
President, Ecuadorian Society of Coloproctology
Gastòn Sierra, MD
Course Director, ASCO Multidisciplinary Cancer Management Courses (MCMC)
Department Head of Coloproctology at the Social Security Hospital in Guayaquil
Nèstor A. Gòmez, MD
ASCO MCMC Coordinator
Governor of the American College of Surgeons, Ecuador Chapter
Here is just part of what they are saying.
Contrary to world statistics, colorectal cancer in Ecuador is the seventh most common for women, and eleventh for men, so gender is a factor that is very important in our environment. In Latin America, we have the fourth highest rates of the disease, after Argentina, Uruguay, and Cuba. Taking into account age as a risk factor, this cancer typically presents after age 40 and is sporadic.
In Ecuador, prostate cancer is the leading cause of cancer incidence in males, followed by stomach cancer. In women, breast cancer is the leading cause, followed by cervical and uterine cancer. In these cancers, death can be prevented if people embrace healthy habits and have cancer detected in its earliest stages. One of the most important objectives of patient examination is to discover these cancers early.
Unfortunately, many people in our country are poor and uneducated. Many never receive health education and are unaware of the ways that diseases, including cancer, can be prevented. Even though there are public prevention campaigns, it is not enough to overcome the lack of education, literacy, and awareness. As a result, oncologists treat many patients who present in the terminal stages of disease, when the cancer is hardest to treat and the prognoses are not good.
Who runs the Healthcare in Ecuador? Who runs the Education system in Ecuador? Yup.
In addition, the people of Ecuador often work hard in conditions that constantly expose them to cancer-causing agents. Fishermen work eight to ten hours in the sun each day and have no protection for their skin. Some farmers work on the rice or corn harvest for seven to eight hours daily without sunscreen.

Recently, there has been an increase in diseases that result from chemicals used during the banana harvest; fumigation planes drop chemicals that settle over neighboring towns and villages or rivers. Oncologists are now seeing a greater number of people, even newborns, with skin problems relating to these chemicals.
Where is the lawsuit against the Chemical Companies? Who runs those? Who is in charge of the spraying? Why is it being sprayed or allowed to settle on entire towns? In the water? Hmm?
You see folks, this lawsuit against Chevron is completely bogus. They, nor Texaco that they took over in the early 2000s, have NOTHING to do with the environmental damage nor the heath problems that Ecuador face today. What they are attempting to do is called Vicarious Liability. Hold Chevron responsible because of what they CLAIM Texaco did while they were there. Vicarious Lawsuits are also called "Deep Pockets" Lawsuits and usually end up settling out of court. Think of the lady that burned herself with hot coffee from McDonald's.
However, in this case, the evidence is CLEAR that:
1- Texaco got a full Clarence when they cleaned up and left Ecuador in 92.
2- Chevron took over Texaco LONG after they left.
3- Petroecuador, the Ecuadorian Owned Oil Company has violated Environmental laws for YEARS and THEY are the one's to blame for the Environmental Damage. Where is the Lawsuit against THEM?
4- There are vast other contributing factors that negatively effect the health and well being of Ecuadorians all across the country.
Now I know, like I told you would happen, some of the Envionuts are jumping all over this. Search "Cancer in Ecuador" and you will find countless sights BLAMING Chevron. Blaming "Big Oil." Even some are saying EXACTLY what I told you they would. "We can not allow further drilling here. Look what happened in Ecuador." To bad for them, the FACTS just do not add up to what they claim.
Now with this VIDEO documenting $3 million dollar bribe, this should be thrown out of the courts, and the Ecuadorian Government should be held liable. After all, they ARE the ones to blame.
ASCO News and Forum - International Insight
Cancer in Ecuador