Sunday, August 23, 2009

IWA for Sunday 082309

The Duh Factor.

Hey folks,

Time to wrap it all up with this week's Idiot of the Week. This week we have a Democrat, who is brave enough, not all are, to actually MEET with you, and talk about Obamacare. Not Via phone conference. Not Via Video conference. But actually one on one, or one against hundreds is more like it.

I'll admit, when I first started reading this, I almost gave the Award to the Writer of the piece itself for this line.

"The overhyped and in many cases fraudulent sense of grass-roots fervor during an August Democrats would like to forget is easy to minimize."

No Mr. Jonathan Martin, these people are REAL Americans that are standing up for what they believe is an outright attack on America itself. It actually IS a Grass-Roots movement to KILL Obamacare. But then again, he seems to realize this. He continued by saying this.

"But for all the cries of Astroturf fakery and ginned-up crowds, a ground zero view in a district like Boyd’s underlines that a very real sense of anger and frustration is bubbling over as summer wanes."

So I will give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he really is not that stupid to believe that this is all staged or overhyped. This is REAL and it is REAL Americans Left, Right, and in between that are going to these Townhalls.

No. This weeks winner is the main focus of the article, Rep Allen Boyd (D-Fla.) who said this.

“They may be in a minority,"

STOP! They are NOT the Minority. They are the MAJORITY. ANY Poll you want to look at, you will CLEARLY see that the MAJORITY of Americans do not want Obamacare. Obama's approval rating is falling faster than his rise, and the Democrats are in disarray. Even THEY can not agree.

"but they are a larger minority than we’ve seen in the 20-plus years that I’ve been doing this,” said Boyd of the standing-room-only crowds who have been showing up to shout, boo, mutter and, in one case, hand him an actual stack of pink slips since he returned home for recess. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Where have you been? We do not want Obamacare. A person present summed it up pretty good.

Francis Kellison of Marianna, a Republican who said he had previously supported Boyd.

But Kellison — who thinks Obama is a “radical” — said now he may vote against the incumbent.

“I don’t like health care, I don’t like cap and trade, I didn’t approve of the bailout bills,” he explained after the meeting in his hometown.

He is not alone. Even this Author admits this.

A visit to Florida’s 2nd District also is a bracing case study in the mounting political peril some Blue Dogs like Boyd may be facing. Boyd acknowledged that after coasting to victory in a string of elections, including when a popular President George W. Bush was on top of the ticket in 2004 and national Republicans actively plotted his ouster, he may face a real threat next year at the polls.

Congratulations Rep Allen Boyd (D-Fla.) For actually being caught off guard, and thinking that those who oppose Obamacare are in the Minority, you ARE the Idiot of the Week. Do the right thing here Mr. Boyd, LISTEN to you constituents, and Vote NO! on Obamacare.

Politico - 'I've never seen anything like this'

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