Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Greenies Want To Force You To Pay, Atlanta

From the Energy Front 082509

Hey folks,

We need to watch this new movement by a couple of Greenie groups. Why? This is the way they ALL think. This is the Liberal mindset. This is the Socialist mindset. YOU will pay, they will do whatever they want.

Al Gore flies around all over the world, uses more energy in ONE of his homes in a month, than most do all year. But that's OK. He pays himself Carbon Credits. Hollywood Stars run all over, telling you that YOU better do YOUR part, while they live it up. Politicians talk about and do, create Laws that do not apply to them, that force YOU to change the way you live. Here is the latest.

The Energy Foundation, and the Turner Foundation, did a study, of which says what they were PAID to say, that we need to be more efficient. In turn, this will reduce out need to build more power plants, and of course, cut down our need for Oil.

I know, this is patiently absurd to anyone with the ability to actually THINK on their own. It sounds good. It SOUNDS Logical. But the truth is, WE HAVE THE ANSWER to Energy Independence. They just want YOU to change. They want you to be good little Citizens. How is this move toward efficiency going to get done? YOU will pay for it. What if you do not believe in this garbage or you can NOT afford it? To bad, they want LAWS Passed FORCING you to pay for it.

Advocates are taking the study, funded by the Energy Foundation and the Turner Foundation, to state legislators and regulatory agencies hoping it will bolster their calls for more incentives for energy efficient products as an alternative to new power plants.

Listen to this Idiot.

"We're not saying that new plants aren't needed, because new plants can replace old clunkers that need to be replaced," said Marilyn Brown, a Georgia Tech professor who co-authored the report.

"But we don't need to build for an expanded demand if the Southern states would begin to launch energy efficient programs."

Sounds an awful lot like "Hey, inflate your tires and get a tune up and you will save as much Oil as new Drilling will produce."

The study distilled 19 separate reports published across the region over the past 12 years. It found that better use of energy-efficient products could bring consumption 9 percent below the levels now projected for 2020.

It found that the South has been one of the last regions in the country to embrace energy efficiency programs and to foster a culture where consumers value energy efficiency.

You are the last to be BRAINWASHED into accepting the falsehood of the NEED to be energy efficient, in the name of saving the planet. It IS Brainwashing. Remember this? Brainwashing You To Think Green

There's little research on how to lower people's energy use, but early evidence suggests that many people will change if:

• They think others similar to themselves are jumping on the "green" bandwagon.

• They get frequent positive feedback for effort.

• They feel able to make a difference by taking concrete steps.

• They think their children will be harmed by global warming, or children encourage the family to lead a greener life.

This is to good folks. They are TELLING the rest in the movement. Here are the talking points. Read this again. "You have to convince people that they are not just sheeple. That everyone is doing it, so they should too. Make sure you give them a pat on the back when they do. Make them feel that they are now a good person. That they matter. That they are heroes for doing this. They also have to "believe" that THEY can solve it. Don't be going around telling them that there is no hope. Make sure they know 'we can do it.' If all else fails, tell them their kids are going to DIE. That they will blame them for not doing anything about it. Scare them into submission if need be."

And if THAT fails, pass Laws FORCING them to follow it. What do they want you to do?

The brunt of the energy efficiency upgrades would take place in the private sector. It advocates homeowners and contractors to install heat pumps along with efficient window treatments and insulation.

It urges the commercial sector to embrace new lighting standards and more efficient cooling systems. And the report calls for aging boilers and burners in industrial plans to be replaced with newer and more efficient versions.

The technology to make the changes already exists, the report said, but it will take a host of more aggressive incentives to prod residents and business owners into action.

Along with laws saying you HAVE to. BILLIONS of dollars will be needed to make these changes. YOU will pay for them. YOU will pay for the changes to your home You will pay for the changes to the Power Planets through Higher Energy Costs. NOTHING will be solved. There is truly NO incentives to do this. You spend the money to install heat pumps along with efficient window treatments, insulation, energy efficient appliances and whatever THEY deem necessary, and you will NOT save money. Your energy costs will go UP because the Energy Companies, the Power Planets will charge you higher prices to upgrade what THEY have to.

Their answer to this? Laws.

Environmental advocates are already using the report's findings to push for those changes. A group met with utility executives a few weeks ago to discuss the study, and they have since fanned out to meet with lawmakers and regulatory agencies.

They are even telling Utility Companies, "Hey, in the long run, you will make a lot more. You can CHARGE more because you are doing this for the environment." Do you doubt that?

Ben Taube, the executive director of the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance, said he is planning to discuss the report with business leaders and legislators at a conference in Georgia on Wednesday.

The challenge, though, will be proving that policy encouraging more efficiency can pay economic dividends, he said.

"What we have to overcome is how does energy efficiency compete?" Taube said. "We need to focus on how to encourage a utility to invest into energy efficiency and also recoup the cost and even turn a profit."

Standard Progressive Lib, Socialist, bunk. YOU have to change to fit our agenda. Even though to this day, we have proven NOTHING. There is NO THREAT. There is no need for any of this. If you want to go out and spend the thousands of dollars to become more energy efficient, to save money in the long run, great. But the way that they set this up, you can do that, then you will STILL pay more. Unless you are someone like Al Gore, Rush Limbaugh, Bill Gates, the Politicians passing the Laws for you to follow, or whomever, that can AFFORD to pay Carbon Credits and continue to live how they want. For most, you WILL do what they say, or else.

I can not say it enough folks. 2010 is coming. Get ready. Get Educated. When the time comes, get out there and VOTE!

Houston Chronicle - Study: Energy efficiency could boost South
OPNTalk -
Brainwashing You To Think Green

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