Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Seat At The Table

Why would anyone allow all this to happen in America?

Hey folks,

Coming right up, I'll post the entire transcript of Rush Limbaugh on the Glen Beck Show. They are having a SCARY conversation. Especially here in America. Over and over again, I keep getting asked HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? This is America. The greatest country in the world. How can people sit back and allow ANYONE to take over and destroy the country we know and love, the freedoms that have been bought with blood, and the future for our children. Where are all the Liberals out there? Those that used to fight this sort of thing. You know, TRUE Liberals. Those that stand for Limited Government. Those that stand for the ORIGINAL Liberal Ideology. Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis, suitable for a free man) is the creed that holds that individuals should be free.

They USE to stand for Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. WHERE ARE THEY NOW? What happened since the Roman slave Spartacus and the famous words quoted by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last." What happened since Tie Dye and "Down with the Man." Where are all those spouting just over a year ago, Government has to much power and needs to be brought into check?

They all believe that they will receive, and they are all hoping for, a seat at the table. This is why they have shut up now. This is why they are PRAISING the take over of this country. Obama has reached FAR further past his Constitutional limitations than Bush would have EVER dreamed of. But you wouldn't know that listening to the Mainstream Media Drones. The MMD are bought and paid for. They ARE State Run. They do not think they will be touched when the crack down begins.

No, Liberalism, the original Liberalism is dead. The Liberals of today are NOTHING even close to what Liberalism actually stands for. They ARE Socialists, Fascists, and, well, Idiots, if they think that they will get ANYTHING from allowing this to happen. But that IS what they think. People like the Moron Bill Maher, who acts arrogant and condensation because he is PAID to, actually believe that he has a seat at the table waiting for him. So he goes on and on, spouting the New Liberal Talking points, PROVEN Wrong over and over again, and saying things that are so far outside the realm of reality, that a blind, deaf, and dumb person could see right though him.

People like, and the Daily Kooks, uh, Kos, and even people like Micheal Moron, uh, Moore, have all gone silent or attack people that have no power. Where is the movies about Obama Mikey? What about him spending us into TRILLIONS of dollars in debt Mikey? What about his take over of private industries Mikey? What about him attempting to silence his ONLY opposition, Talk Radio? What about the Freedom of Speech Mikey. That allowed you to make millions on those pathetic, and completely bogus movies of yours Mikey? Have another Donut Mikey.

Why would this EVER be said in America? The new Diversity Officer for the FCC, Mark Lloyd just praise Hugo Chavez saying this.

"In Venezuela, with Chavez, you really had an incredible revolution democratic revolution to begin to put in place things that were going to have impact on the people of Venezuela. The property owners and the folks who were then controlling the media in Venezuela rebelled worked, frankly, with folks here in the US government worked to oust him. He came back and had another revolution, and Chavez then started to take the media very seriously in his country"

He took OVER the Media you Moron. He shut down TV and Radio Stations. Now they are ALL, nearly like what we have here now, STATE RUN. They report whatever they are told to report. Just like most of the Mainstream Media that I pointed out to you were MOSTLY Privately financed. Not dependant on their readership, so they do not care if you drop them or not.

All these people, some of which I'm SURE have been promised a seat, actually believe that they have a bright future ahead of them in a Centralized Government controlled country. They THINK that they will not be touched. Just like those pushing the "Green Movement." They do not have to change, but they say YOU do.

Folks, all this is happening right in front of your eyes. Obamacare is a HUGH push in that direction. This is why it is SO very important to them. Now they will even use the death of Ted Kennedy to attempt to push it even harder. This is why they are putting into place all these Czars. All these people that are NOT accountable to anyone but the Obama Administration. And the Libs cheer. Is it true? "This is how Liberty Dies, with roaring applauds and great cheer?"

If these Morons were really about Freedom, really about Liberty, really about individualism, they would be dogging Obama FAR more than they ever did Bush. Mikey would have many more movies out there. The Headlines would still be reflecting the body counts in the War. But it's Obama. Shhhhh! Don't say anything.

No folks. Now is not the time to "work together" or to find common ground. Now is the time to keep it up. Keep the pressure on these Idiots to attempt to force them to do the RIGHT things. Now is the time to get ready. NOW is the time to get them out. They are destroying this very country and they are coming after YOUR Freedoms. It's not time to play Politics. Now is the time to STOP THEM! Now is the time to let them know, they WILL be out in 2010 if they continue down this path.

The sad thing is, all these Idiots that think they have a place at the table in the future, will find out when it's too late, just like Cindy Sheehan, that they are nothing more than pawns being used by those in power to get MORE. Then they will be in the same boat as the rest of us.

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