Wednesday, August 26, 2009

CIA Investigation by Obama: Wag The Dog

Don't Bite The Bone!

Hey folks,

Remember Obama said, "I want to look forward, not backwards." He was talking about investigating Terrorist Interrogations by the CIA. He was talking about investigations into the Bush Administration. To his credit, Obama did not cave to the Kooks and those that, still to this day, suffer from BDS.{Bush Derangement Syndrome} That was until his poll numbers started to plummet, and he learned that the MAJORITY of the country was against Obamacare.

Now Eric Holder came out and said he is appointing a special Prosecutor to start an investigation into the CIA Interrogations. When asked about this, Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton Said this from Martha’s Vineyard.

“Ultimately, the decisions on who is investigated and who is prosecuted are up to the Attorney General. The President thinks that Eric Holder, who he appointed as a very independent Attorney General, should make those decisions.”

Holder works for Obama. Holder’s priorities are by definition Obama’s priorities. The facts make it clear that this Investigation is nothing more than an attempt to raise Obama's falling support amongst his Kook fringe base and a lame excuse to distract from the anger shown all across this country by REAL Americans that do not want Obamacare.

The Mainstream Media Drones are reporting that Holder’s decision is based on “new details” about the CIA Interrogation Program. Holder read the 2004 report with this "new information" nearly a year ago. There is no "new" information. Obama and Crew KNOW what the report said. It was just now released, and this "new" Investigation is just now starting, because they NEED a Wag the Dog scenario.

Of course the MMD will play along and hype it. Of course the Kooks will post this all over the Internet and chant "jail for Bush and death to Cheney." But all day yesterday, I heard quite a few people talking about this. DON'T BITE THE BONE!

I'm not even going to bother posting links here today. It's all over the place. Anywhere you look, you will find some in favor of it, and you will of course find many denouncing this. However, we must be diligent and NOT fall for this. We must stay focused on what really matters. Killing Obamacare.

Look folks, this is going to be just like most things from the Looney Left. It's going to be a show. It will be on the news every day. It will be in your local papers. People will talk about this at the water coolers. Even in these Townhalls that SHOULD be about Healthcare, or Energy, the script will tell them to talk about the CIA, Torture, and the War. They THOUGHT their Base would be all for them with Obamacare. They were wrong. With the exception of a VERY SMALL Minority of Kooks, most Americans understand that Obamacare IS Socialized Medicine and State Run Healthcare. Most KNOW what is TRULY in the Bill. SO they want to get back to what they KNOW their Base WANTS. Get Bush and Cheney.

But make no mistake about this folks. While this SHOW is going on on stage, in the back smoke filled rooms they are TRYING to find a way to pass Obamacare. They are hoping that people will forget about it and just accept it after it's done. We can not let this happen. Do NOT get distracted. Do not get complacent. Obamacare is all but dead, but it is NOT dead yet. Neither is Cap and Tax. Neither is Amnesty. 2010 is coming folks. 2010 is coming. They know it. You better realize it. You better get ready. Do not lose focus on what matters most at this time. STOPPING the Fascist take over of this country. Stop the LWL {Left Wing Loons} from destroying this country. 9 TRILLION in debt? Socialization of Healthcare. Take over of Private Industries. Blocking our Energy Independence. Czars galore, ETC. We can slow this train wreak down. But it's up to you.

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