Sunday, August 02, 2009

Why Is Pointing Out Truth Racism?

Preview for Sunday 080209

Hey folks,

Welcome to the Big Sunday Edition of the OPNTalk Blog. Glad you could join us. Now I want to start off today asking you a question. Irishgodfather sent this in to me and said "Truer words were never spoken."

Well, I agree. Everything in this video is true. I showed it to a friend of mine who was checking on me, I've been VERY sick since my return from Miami last week, and he said, "THAT'S RACIST!" Really? Why? He could not give me an answer. So why? When did pointing out the truth become Racist. Can anyone deny the truth of the Video? Did these things NOT happen? So why is pointing out the TRUTH of this Racist? It's not.

My take? Some in the Minority, especially the Black Community, have been raised to see Racism everywhere. Much the same way Obama grew up surrounded by radicals and Race Baiters. Racists themselves due to the fact they automatically see a White Person as Racist because they are White. That is not reverse Discrimination. That IS discrimination. Period. Some in the Black Community are Racists and do not even know it.

They love to point out a White person walking down the street may get nervous when all of a sudden they are joined by two or more Blacks. That's because they claim, they are Racists, and automatically assume that they are going to be robbed. Well, what about the Black folks that see a White Cop, or White person in general and Assume that THEY are Racist? Why? Based solely on the color of their skin. Sorry, THAT is Racism. THAT is discrimination right there. Sorry again, but Minorities CAN be Racist. Even with the best of intentions.

Anyway, coming right up today?

Correcting More Misinformation on Healthcare
Politicians Are Afraid, Very afraid.
The Washington Times Deserves kudos
US Tells Israel Stop Ranting and Raving About Iran
Flu Vaccine Trials to Include Pregnant Women
IWA for Sunday 080209

All that coming right up. So now, with three Americans now being held in Iran, do you think Obama will still want to play paddy cake with Little Hitler. Most likely.

SULAIMANIYAH, Iraq – Iran state TV confirmed Saturday that it has detained three Americans who crossed the border from northern Iraq, saying they failed to heed warnings from Iranian guards. Kurdish officials from the self-ruled region in northern Iraq said the three — two men and a woman — were tourists who had mistakenly crossed into Iranian territory Friday while hiking in a mountainous area near the resort town of Ahmed Awaa.

"The Iranians said they have arrested them because they entered their land without legal permission," said Qubad Talabani, the Kurdish regional government's envoy to Washington.

So I guess Iran has a tougher immigration policy than we do. What IS the White House response? "Well if this is true, get them a Lawyer. Obama can't be sidetracked by three stupid hikers." I'm not kidding, that is basically what this says.

State Department spokesman Robert Wood said Saturday that Washington had asked the Swiss, who represent U.S. interests in Tehran, "to confirm these reports with Iranian authorities and, if true, to seek consular access" to the detained Americans.

Don't expect tough talk from Obama on this. This is a Muslim Lead Country. Now if this was Israel? May God be with the three Americans and may they be returned home safely.

Be right back.

AP - Iran state TV confirms arrest of 3 Americans


Unknown said...

You know Pete I'm not raciest I just call em as I see em.

Peter said...

Hey Irishgodfather

Yup. Me too.