Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pettiness Is Not Productive

Health and Science Article Removed from Sunday.

Hey folks,

Some of you may have realized that the Heath and Science Segment from this past Sunday has disappeared. I posted this article about Honey, which I though was really good, and wanted to share with you. However, the Author of the piece Emailed me and asked who I got permission from to post it. I'm not kidding folks. I Emailed her back and explained that this is not a money making Blog. I'm in now way profited from her work. I also gave her as the Author, and linked to the Magazine itself. She said "I do not allow my work to be posted for free." {Laughing}

Yup. She wanted money for me to use her article. Just a day later I got an Email from the Editor of the Magazine GIVING ME PREMISSION to keep the article. I explained to her that the Writer wants it removed and so that is what I will honor.

Now the Editor is well aware that her Magazine is NOT "Times", or "GQ", or any other Name Brand Magazine. Truthfully, I never heard of this writer or the Magazine itself, until this article. I'm willing to bet that you hadn't either. By me posting the article here, it has the potential of increasing interest in the Magazine and the Writer. Increased readership is ALWAYS a good thing. However, since the Writer wanted it removed, that is what I did.

I would be willing to bet that the Editor is having a conversation with the Writer about the fact that pettiness is not productive. There is no damage done to the Writer, nor the Magazine "Energy Times" by me posting the article, AGAIN, giving full credit and a link. It could only INCREASE interest and possible Readership. But to each their own.

I will no longer mention the Magazine, nor any work by the Author Gina Roberts-Grey, from this point on. I sincerely Apologized to Gina and will again now do so here publicly. I apologize Gina. I wish you nothing but the best in the future.

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