Sunday, August 30, 2009

Job Insecurity Worse For Your Health Than Unemployment

Preview for Sunday 083009

Hey folks,

Just got back from Miami and MAN am I glad this day was over. Joshua didn't want to participate, so we left WAY early. My Niece got her first speeding ticket going through Palm Beach. Josh is now officially sick with a cold. Everyone is tired.

But then again, I'm HERE! Welcome to the Big Sunday Edition of the OPNTalk Blog, I am SO happy you checked in today.

I want to start by clearing something up. In case you missed it, they buried Senator Ted Kennedy yesterday. Someone wanted to know why I did not say anything about his passing. I did. I checked and found I DID, but not here. I posted it on Facebook. So for all those true OPNers that sit on the Left, I'll say it again here. God Speed Ted Kennedy. May his family have the peace and comfort they need in this time.

I mean that folks. I sincerely hope that Ted made peace with God and his fate PRIOR to his passing. I sincerely hope that he is in a FAR better place than this of which he left. My personal feelings aside, he was a fellow Human being, and I wish his family well.

OK. Coming right up today?

Clinton and Gore Reunite for Obamacare
Ahmadinejad says Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi should be punished
Proponent For Obamacare Now Opponent
Energy Debate Comes to Tampa
IWA for Sunday 082909

First, did you catch this? This is a message to all my unemployed friends out there. BE THANKFUL. Seriously, at least according to the Psychobabble community, you have it FAR better than those poor slobs like me, that have a job.

You read that correctly. According to Live Science - Job Insecurity Worse For Your Health Than Unemployment Robert Roy Britt Editorial Director robert Roy Britt editorial Director – Fri Aug 28, 5:26 pm ET

Simply worrying about losing your job can cost you your health, a new investigation of data from two long-term studies finds.

Surprisingly, the effect is worse than actually losing your job, the research suggests.

Yeah, forget all that stress and worry about how you are going to pay the Electric Bill, or Rent or Mortgage. Forget worrying about making that Car Payment, or where your next meal is going to come from. That's NOTHING compare to those that HAVE a job. They are more stressed than you.

"Based on how participants rated their own physical and mental health, we found that people who were persistently concerned about losing their jobs reported significantly worse overall health in both studies and were more depressed in one of the studies than those who had actually lost and regained their jobs recently," said Sarah Burgard, a sociologist at the University of Michigan.

"In fact, chronic job insecurity was a stronger predictor of poor health than either smoking or hypertension in one of the groups we studied," Burgard said.

{Laughing} So having a job, is MORE harmful to your health than SMOKING. Maybe we should look into BANNING Work. {Laughing} I'm all for it. What say you.

Anyway, going to fill my cup. I need it today. Many of them. Be right back.

Live Science - Job Insecurity Worse For Your Health Than Unemployment

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