Wednesday, August 12, 2009

America IS At Stake, I Warned You About This

For OVER Two Years I Have Been Warning You

Hey folks,

I told you I was done. I was done being nice. I was done giving these Morons in Congress and the White House a free pass. I'm getting down right pissed off now. I no longer am willing to say that these people are Idiots. That they are completely out of touch and clueless. No. I'm SURE that they know EXACTLY what they are doing.

Back on June 1, 2007, I posted this. America IS At Stake. I said this.

I’m actually getting down right angry. I understand that the election is a long way off. Hell, even the primaries are a long way off, but we NEED to get ready. America needs to wake up. You NEED to educate yourselves on what the LWL {Left Wing Looneys} are really up to. It couldn’t be any more clear. I am fully convinced that this very country, the America founded by our Forefathers. The America our Fathers came here for. The America they grew up in, that YOU grew up in, is at risk.

I cannot put it any more bluntly than that. When you go to the polls in 08, this very country is at stake. Your very life as you know it, is at stake. The American Dream, could very well DIE. Do not underestimate, down play, or just wave this off as politics. This is REAL. America itself could very well die in a matter of a couple of years. Why? Because there are some that want to kill her. I’m not talking about terrorists, I’m talking about the LWL.

I have been warning you even longer that the NEW Liberalism is nothing more than a Quest for Tyranny. Now we are seeing this form right in front of our eyes. I also told you this, on October 30, 2008. Socialism In Waiting I told you about John Podesta and the Socialists in waiting for Obama to be elected.

Podesta modeled the Center for American Progress, and is one of it's leaders. They are the group that published a 50-chapter book on how to run a Democratic Administration, and how to push a Liberal agenda. One of it's main issues? HEALTHCARE! CAP would require Americans to acquire health insurance or pay a fee to help fund the health care they would use if sick or injured. Sound familiar?

So who is behind CAP? Wealthy liberals including George Soros provided the Center for American Progress an initial budget of about $10 million and 75 staffers. Now it has about 150 staffers and spends more than $25 million a year. Yup. Soros. Same guy that owns and controls most of the Mainstream State Run Media. Same guy who controls a lot of what Obama does.

You may have heard of this little group out there, People of Faith For Healthcare Reform? They are a scam. Look at those on the Boards. Where do they come from? SOROS. That's right. Soros. In a lame attempt to get those "Bitter Clingers" to jump on board with Obama and buy into Obama care. After all, the Faithful are nothing more than Mindless Drones in their eyes that will do whatever their so called Leaders say.

Now what is going on is just down right offensive. Something else I have been warning you about. First, they called you a mob. Those of you that feel strong enough to go to these Townhall meetings and ASK questions. Now, you are nothing more than a Racist. A lot of these on the Left, including some on Fox News, are now saying that Race has a major part in this.

Someone asked me why I do not give Bill Mahar a chance. Well, I just caught his show last week. He had two Republican Senators on and they were attempting to have a discussion about Obamacare when Mahar let this little Jewel slip out of his mouth. "These people at the townhall meeting yelling and holding signs, saying 'we want our country back' aren't they saying we want our country back from that Colored Guy? Isn't that what is really going on here?" No you ignorant Jackass, what is going on here is that THESE people at the Townhall Meeting are SMARTER than YOU. They are more educated on what is actually in this Bill than the Representatives that are showing up. THEY READ THE BILL.

But Mahar is not the only one. This is a growing SOP for the Left. You question Obama or DARE to show up at the Townhalls and ask questions, it's not that you are against Obamacare. No. There is nothing wrong with Obamacare. You simply hate Black people and are pissed that one is now President. So because you are a stupid Racist, they do not have to respond to you.

Then you have this. Now they are trying to BAN the word Socialist. I'm not kidding. According to Carlos Watson, MSNBC

"Today I want to talk about a word that we're hearing more and more, and that's the word socialist. You hear it from a lot of conservatives these days, that's usually critiquing the President, or more broadly Democrats. And while that's certainly a legitimate critique, there certainly is an ideology that can and should be critiqued at certain times, it also some times is just a kind of a generic conservative bludgeoning tool. And that's alright, too, because you hear it on the Democratic side as well: rightwingnut, what have you.

But what concerns me is when in some of those town hall meetings including the one that we saw in Missouri recently where there were jokes made about lynching, etc., you start to wonder whether in fact the word socialist is becoming a code word, whether or not socialist is becoming the new N-word for frankly for some angry upset birthers and others. I hope that's not the case, but it sure does say to you what David Brooks said the other day on T.V. which is that more credible conservatives have to stand up and say that there's a line that has to be drawn, that there's a line of responsibility that's important, and that extends to the words that we choose including how choose even legitimate words like socialist."

They Banned the N Word. So if Socialist or Socialism is now the new N Word, why should we not Ban that also. Let's not call Obama and Crew what they are, lets use nicer words and say that he is trying to fix a system that is broken? Sorry, according to TWO THIRDS of Americans, IT'S NOT BROKEN!

Hell, it's not EVEN about Healthcare. It is about giving the Government complete control over every aspect of your lives. Including who lives and who dies. THAT is what this is about. Folks, do NOT be discouraged at this juvenile attempt to intimidate you into staying home. That is what got us what we got so far. Hell, that's what got Obama ELECTED. Remember the Media was telling you that if you did not Vote for him there would be riots in the street?

These people REALLY actually believe that they are the smartest people in the room. They actually believe that you are idiots and that you are not able to THINK for yourselves. They ACTUALLY believe that they can intimidate you into just going along with their agenda because you are too scared to speak out. Well, you are NOT stupid or scared. THEY ARE. They KNOW that, as of right now at least, YOU hold the power to keep them in power or Vote them out. They HAVE to listen to you. So what they are doing is attempting to get you to shut up and get out of the way. Obama even SAID exactly that.

No folks, they are NOT Idiots, or ignorant. They KNOW EXACTLY what is in the Bill, and they WANT what is in the Bill. They, including Obama himself, are LYING to you. They are attempting to intimidate you. They are attempting to ignore you. Now is the time to keep it up, and increase the pressure on these puppets. No. I will no longer be nice. I will no longer play the game. They are on a Quest for Tyranny, and America itself IS at stake. I will not go quietly. I will NOT shut up and get out of the way. Neither should you.

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