Hey folks,

But I did want to point out that it is JUST FACT now, that Socialism is in waiting. I'm not kidding. They are coming out of the woodwork folks. They are in place and ready to change this country as soon as Obama takes over as President. One group even comes right out and TELLS you this.
First, as I have been telling you, they do not like this country. The NEW liberal movement is nothing more than a quest for tyranny. Nothing more than full out Socialism. Remember,. we just learned that when it comes to redistribution of wealth, Obama is SERIOUS, and hates the Constitution that FORBIDS this. He is not alone.
United States House of Representatives for the Ninth Congressional District of Ohio, Marcy Kaptur Tuesday in Toledo, advocating a Second Bill of Rights.

Then I see this just this morning. From the AP - Progressive think tank offers new plan for America
You can substitute the word Socialist for Progressive. Because that is what it is.
WASHINGTON – In a 10th-floor office a few blocks from the White House is a self-described government in waiting, ready to push detailed proposals for the economy, Iraq and scores of other issues if Barack Obama becomes president.
You have to read this, and FULLY understand it folks.
The Center for American Progress, formed five years ago by top aides to former President Clinton, could become Washington's most influential think tank overnight. It is about to publish a 50-chapter book on how to run a Democratic administration, and many Obama aides have perused its 26-page document describing what the last five presidents did on each day of his transition.
How to run a Socialistic Administration.

He is in place a ready to go.
Podesta, Clinton's former White House chief of staff, helped create the Center for American Progress in 2003 to counteract conservative think tanks. Many other former Clinton aides and Democratic activists joined him there, and some will be eager to fill top slots in an Obama administration.
More than a year ago, the center commissioned about 60 people to write articles for its forthcoming book, "Changing America: A Progressive Blueprint." Obama can ignore its department-by-department suggestions, certainly. But with Podesta heading both the think tank and Obama's transition, that seems unlikely.
Remember what I keep telling you. Obama is an empty suite. A Puppet.
McCain also has a transition team, headed by former Navy Secretary John Lehman. Political insiders say it's essential, not presumptuous, for presidential nominees to launch transition plans before the campaign ends, provided they do so discreetly.
Podesta modeled the Center for American Progress on the conservative Heritage Foundation, which gained fame by offering ideas, strategies and personnel to Ronald Reagan when he won the presidency in 1980. Heritage published the first such hefty think tank blueprint that year, outlining conservative ideas.
Who is running the show? Who is running the Media? Why is there such a Media Bias for the "Messiah?" Who is in charge? Who is trying to BUY this country? I keep telling you. Here is more proof.
Wealthy liberals including George Soros provided the Center for American Progress an initial budget of about $10 million and 75 staffers. Now it has about 150 staffers and spends more than $25 million a year.
GEORGE SOROS. The MMD {Mass Media Drones} Guru himself.
Its reputation is solid among government insiders, and one of its blogs, Think Progress, gets heavy traffic. But the center could instantly vault to greater visibility and importance if Obama is elected and perceived to be turning to it for political and intellectual support.
CAP can become a near equal to the larger and wealthier Heritage Foundation "if they play their cards right and become Obama's favorite think tank," said Heritage vice president Michael Franc.
CAP isn't shy about its ambitions. Its roles include being a Democratic "government in waiting," said spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri, another former Clinton White House official.
But the center will speak out when it disagrees with an Obama administration policy or action, she said. "There will be times we will be an irritant," Palmieri said.
I doubt they would have to speak out that often. He will do whatever they say.
The center offers ideas on a range of domestic and foreign issues through its Web site, events, publications and media outreach. Many proposals are similar to Obama's, but not always identical.
Because if he came right out and SAID what he is going to do, more than he already has, he would lose in a LANDSLIDE. People would not be able to MISS that Socialism he would be espousing.
CAP's health care blueprint, for instance, calls for giving some people refundable tax credits to help them pay medical insurance premiums. Obama has a similar plan for the needy. CAP would require Americans to acquire health insurance or pay a fee to help fund the health care they would use if sick or injured. Obama, however, would not require adults to obtain coverage; he says his incentives would prompt a great majority to do so.
That is not entirely true. Obama would indeed FORCE you to have health care. He has backed away from saying so, but his plan WOULD.
The "Progressive Blueprint," scheduled for release by Basic Books a few days after the election if Obama wins, will offer detailed proposals to the new administration on dozens of topics. Many of the writers were prominent in the Clinton administration, according to a summary provided to The Associated Press.
Surrender, GWBS FEARED and forced control in your Private lives. Distribution of wealth, higher taxes for ALL, Universal Healthcare, if you like it or not. AMENESTY. Just to name a few.
They include former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger; former economic advisers Gene Sperling and Laura Tyson; former Housing Secretary Henry Cisneros; and former Federal Emergency Management Director James Lee Witt. Former Clinton White House aides P.J. Crowley and Steve Richetti wrote the chapter on homeland preparedness. Former White House staff secretary Todd Stern wrote the chapter on the National Energy Council. Clinton's impeachment trial lawyer, Gregory Craig, wrote the State Department chapter.
Podesta, who declined to be interviewed, wrote the book's preface and its White House overview. The book's co-editors are consumer activist Mark Green of New York and CAP senior fellow Michele Jolin.
Podesta, 59, is a low-key, intense lawyer who has devoted most of his career to government work and teaching law.
His recently published book, "The Power of Progress," includes a hypothetical inaugural address for the next president. When Obama named Podesta his transition chief, the McCain campaign said Obama was so overconfident he'd already had an inaugural address drafted. Palmieri said Podesta never intended Obama to deliver the speech but wrote it as a way to express his own ideas for a new administration.
Podesta's speech says the nation must make "three extraordinary transformations" — in energy production and consumption; a reinvigorated economy; and a new national security structure including more interaction with other nations.
Giving up US Sovereignty to the UN.
If McCain wins, Podesta's speech will quickly lose relevance. And Basic Books would certainly lose interest in the "Progressive Blueprint," Palmieri said, so the Center for American Progress would probably self-publish.
Yes the POWER is in your hands. ACRON is trying hard to change that. 200,00 questionable registrations in Ohio, MANY DISTRICTS IN MANY STATES finding they have MORE Registrations than they have VOTERS. Homeless can now vote in Ohio. People being PAID to Vote for Obama. ETC. This is why you MUST go out and VOTE in five days.
Socialism is in waiting. America is on the edge. This very country is at stake. Make no mistake about it. It all depends on Obama winning or losing. Obama is the greatest threat to America itself then we have ever had from within. DO NOT LET IT HAPPEN
AP - Progressive think tank offers new plan for America
The Center For American Progress
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