Once again they PROVE that it is THEY that are the true Racists
Hey folks,
Happy Thursday. Just one day left. Then it is FINALLY Friday. OK. To the Dawn Trice piece in the Chicago Tribune. This was just completely amazing. It really is. Now I have been telling you for years now that it is NOT the Republicans, more to the point Conservatives, that "see" Race. It IS the new Liberals
Let me rephrase that so that you do not misunderstand. When I look at someone, can I tell they are Black? Uh, YEAH! Yes, I can see that they look differently than I. Does that mean ANYTHING to me? Nope. Never has. I do not wonder if they are intelligent. I do not wonder if they are going to mug me. I do not think of them as anything other than, they are a person. Once I get to know them, I will judge them based on WHO they are and not WHAT they are. Yet, the Left are ALWAYS the ones that point out, and seem to see everything through the prism of Race.
Some examples?
Plan Parenthood Racist?
Will The REAL Racist Please Stand Up
Them Dems Are the Racist Ones
Look at some of their own words.
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man."
"In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking." Yup. Sen Joe Biden.
Then you have Obama himself, along with his friends in the Mainstreme Media calling YOU a racist. Uh, as long as, uh, you do not vote for him. You see, if you voted for him, then you are OK. But if you didn't, because he "does not look like the other Presidents on the
Dollar Bills," YOU are a Racist. Yes, an all out attack on YOU. But they are FOR Minorities. Just ask them. Like John Kerry.
"I am convinced a volunteer army would be an army of the poor and the black and the brown.We must not repeat the travesty of the inequities present during Vietnam. I also fear having a professional army that views the perpetuation of war crimes as simply 'doing its job.’"
Hillary? She would never pull the Race Card. Would She?
"Let me just put this in perspective: If HIV-AIDS were the leading cause of death of white women between the ages of 25 and 34 there would be an outraged, outcry in this country,"
It is the Liberal Mainstreme Media that played, and still are, but played the Race Card. Asking if Obama was "Black Enough." "The Magic Negro." "Slave Blood." "Is he down for the Struggle?" ETC. Now we have even MORE comments that would get ANY Republican thrown out of office. That would get ANY Non-Liberal crucified in the front pages and Prime Time Broadcasts for WEEKS.
"It may be that, you know, they think that because of who I am and where my political base has traditionally been, they may want me to sort of hustle up what Lawton Chiles used to call "the cracker vote" there." Yup Bill Clinton
I could keep going on and on. It IS the Left that see everything through the prism of Race. It always has been. It has also ALWAYS been the Left that QUESTION if someone is Black Enough. Enter Dawn Turner Trice January 5, 2009 Chicago Tribune - Filling Obama's seat becomes test of 'authentic' blackness
What does it mean to be authentically black?
When Democratic U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush said last week that an African-American should fill President-elect Barack Obama's U.S. Senate seat, he didn't mean just any black person. He meant an "authentic" black person.
It's fair to say that a Condoleezza Rice, Clarence Thomas or even an Alan Keyes-type wouldn't suffice. Rush meant a black person, such as former Illinois Atty. Gen. Roland Burris, who has a certain street cred, someone considered "black enough."
In 2000, when Rush and Obama competed for Rush's congressional seat, Rush said his opponent wasn't black enough or authentic.
Can you imagine if it were a White guy that said this? Hell, can you imagine if Dawn's last name was Coulter?
This question of authenticity seems to follow Obama. In recent weeks, we've witnessed the controversy over former Tennessee GOP Chairman Chip Saltsman who—in a bid to become chairman of the Republican National Committee—sent committee members a Christmas CD that contained the parody song "Barack the Magic Negro."
The song, written by a conservative satirist, was inspired by a 2007 Los Angeles Times op-ed piece, written by a biracial film critic, who tried to explain Obama's appeal to white voters by deconstructing the fabled "Magic Negro."
In cinematic terms, the "Magic Negro," is a character who's just "white enough" in that he's neither violent, threatening nor hypersexual. His primary function is to save the white protagonist and assuage "white guilt." Think: Sidney Poitier, Morgan Freeman, Will Smith.
It's not White guilt Ms. Trice. It "Liberal Guilt." Folks, the guy that first used "Barack the Magic Negro" is a BLACK Guy.
Here's an excerpt of the song, which is sung to the tune of "Puff the Magic Dragon." It ran on Rush Limbaugh's show in 2007 with a Rev. Al Sharpton impersonator:
"Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C./The L.A. Times, they called him that/'cause he's not authentic like me. . ./Yeah the guy from the L.A. paper/ said he made guilty whites feel good/ they'll vote for him and not for me/'cause he's not from the hood. . ."
My point has less to do with the song (satire is satire) than the idea that the "Magic Negro" raises the question: What does it mean to be authentically black, or authentically black and male?
It only seems to mean something to LIBERALS Ms Trice. LIBERALS.
For many, Obama flies in the face of such "authenticity." He's neither an Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson nor a Bobby Rush-type.
{Laughing} And what type would that be? You know, if I was Al Sharpton, I would be highly offended. This is the second time that he has been told that he is not clean and articulate. You know, like Obama.
What frustrates me is that the prevailing "type" for black men is so distressingly narrow that any black man who stands outside the "type" is considered the exception or inauthentic by some whites and some blacks.
Who created the types. Liberals. Mostly Black Liberals at that.
One cannot deny that there are myriad problems facing some black men. But the black male type is far more diverse than what's captured in statistics and in the media. A substantial group of impressive black men have been rendered invisible by the knuckleheads.
{Laughing harder, banging hand on desk} Now Rev. Al is a knucklehead!
Here's a question: What does it mean to be authentically white?
Consider our economic meltdown. A bunch of white men were at the helm of government and private companies, now brought to their knees by shoddy dealings. Nobody would suggest that the new archetype for the white male is somebody who shouldn't be in charge of our kids' piggy banks, let alone facets of a national economy.
No they put themselves in charge of fixing the problem. Again, it was the Democrats policies and the Democrats themselves that blocked reform, that put us where we are. NOW they have been put in charge of fixing what they screwed up.
But whenever there is a grim statistic about a black man, it's too often used to reaffirm all the negative stereotypes. Sadly, for some, that becomes what's authentic.
What's encouraging is that it appears Americans are beginning to see beyond what it means for a black person to be "black enough" or "white enough." Maybe more of us are starting to examine people on an individual basis. Maybe.
Yup. They are starting to see past the Mainstreme Media and the Liberal nonsense that attempts to categorize Black people. I have not heard ANYONE use "white enough." besides you, but I get your point. We, Conservatives do not ask these questions. YOU do. Most White people do not ask these questions. You do.
Folks, just another example of the Left talking about Race, instead of facts. It is the Left that "see" Race and always see Black vs White. The proof just keeps coming. Yet it is always the Right, that gets blamed for being Racists. Well, until this week when a lot of people started calling Harry Reid a Racist. So the next time that someone starts talking to you about Race in a negative way, I would be willing to bet you, if you were to ask them, you will discover that they find their home on the Left.
Chicago Tribune - Filling Obama's seat becomes test of 'authentic' blackness
Hey folks,

Let me rephrase that so that you do not misunderstand. When I look at someone, can I tell they are Black? Uh, YEAH! Yes, I can see that they look differently than I. Does that mean ANYTHING to me? Nope. Never has. I do not wonder if they are intelligent. I do not wonder if they are going to mug me. I do not think of them as anything other than, they are a person. Once I get to know them, I will judge them based on WHO they are and not WHAT they are. Yet, the Left are ALWAYS the ones that point out, and seem to see everything through the prism of Race.
Some examples?
Plan Parenthood Racist?
Will The REAL Racist Please Stand Up
Them Dems Are the Racist Ones
Look at some of their own words.

"In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking." Yup. Sen Joe Biden.
Then you have Obama himself, along with his friends in the Mainstreme Media calling YOU a racist. Uh, as long as, uh, you do not vote for him. You see, if you voted for him, then you are OK. But if you didn't, because he "does not look like the other Presidents on the

"I am convinced a volunteer army would be an army of the poor and the black and the brown.We must not repeat the travesty of the inequities present during Vietnam. I also fear having a professional army that views the perpetuation of war crimes as simply 'doing its job.’"

"Let me just put this in perspective: If HIV-AIDS were the leading cause of death of white women between the ages of 25 and 34 there would be an outraged, outcry in this country,"
It is the Liberal Mainstreme Media that played, and still are, but played the Race Card. Asking if Obama was "Black Enough." "The Magic Negro." "Slave Blood." "Is he down for the Struggle?" ETC. Now we have even MORE comments that would get ANY Republican thrown out of office. That would get ANY Non-Liberal crucified in the front pages and Prime Time Broadcasts for WEEKS.

I could keep going on and on. It IS the Left that see everything through the prism of Race. It always has been. It has also ALWAYS been the Left that QUESTION if someone is Black Enough. Enter Dawn Turner Trice January 5, 2009 Chicago Tribune - Filling Obama's seat becomes test of 'authentic' blackness
What does it mean to be authentically black?

It's fair to say that a Condoleezza Rice, Clarence Thomas or even an Alan Keyes-type wouldn't suffice. Rush meant a black person, such as former Illinois Atty. Gen. Roland Burris, who has a certain street cred, someone considered "black enough."
In 2000, when Rush and Obama competed for Rush's congressional seat, Rush said his opponent wasn't black enough or authentic.
Can you imagine if it were a White guy that said this? Hell, can you imagine if Dawn's last name was Coulter?
This question of authenticity seems to follow Obama. In recent weeks, we've witnessed the controversy over former Tennessee GOP Chairman Chip Saltsman who—in a bid to become chairman of the Republican National Committee—sent committee members a Christmas CD that contained the parody song "Barack the Magic Negro."
The song, written by a conservative satirist, was inspired by a 2007 Los Angeles Times op-ed piece, written by a biracial film critic, who tried to explain Obama's appeal to white voters by deconstructing the fabled "Magic Negro."
In cinematic terms, the "Magic Negro," is a character who's just "white enough" in that he's neither violent, threatening nor hypersexual. His primary function is to save the white protagonist and assuage "white guilt." Think: Sidney Poitier, Morgan Freeman, Will Smith.
It's not White guilt Ms. Trice. It "Liberal Guilt." Folks, the guy that first used "Barack the Magic Negro" is a BLACK Guy.
Here's an excerpt of the song, which is sung to the tune of "Puff the Magic Dragon." It ran on Rush Limbaugh's show in 2007 with a Rev. Al Sharpton impersonator:
"Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C./The L.A. Times, they called him that/'cause he's not authentic like me. . ./Yeah the guy from the L.A. paper/ said he made guilty whites feel good/ they'll vote for him and not for me/'cause he's not from the hood. . ."
My point has less to do with the song (satire is satire) than the idea that the "Magic Negro" raises the question: What does it mean to be authentically black, or authentically black and male?
It only seems to mean something to LIBERALS Ms Trice. LIBERALS.
For many, Obama flies in the face of such "authenticity." He's neither an Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson nor a Bobby Rush-type.

What frustrates me is that the prevailing "type" for black men is so distressingly narrow that any black man who stands outside the "type" is considered the exception or inauthentic by some whites and some blacks.
Who created the types. Liberals. Mostly Black Liberals at that.
One cannot deny that there are myriad problems facing some black men. But the black male type is far more diverse than what's captured in statistics and in the media. A substantial group of impressive black men have been rendered invisible by the knuckleheads.
{Laughing harder, banging hand on desk} Now Rev. Al is a knucklehead!
Here's a question: What does it mean to be authentically white?
Consider our economic meltdown. A bunch of white men were at the helm of government and private companies, now brought to their knees by shoddy dealings. Nobody would suggest that the new archetype for the white male is somebody who shouldn't be in charge of our kids' piggy banks, let alone facets of a national economy.
No they put themselves in charge of fixing the problem. Again, it was the Democrats policies and the Democrats themselves that blocked reform, that put us where we are. NOW they have been put in charge of fixing what they screwed up.
But whenever there is a grim statistic about a black man, it's too often used to reaffirm all the negative stereotypes. Sadly, for some, that becomes what's authentic.
What's encouraging is that it appears Americans are beginning to see beyond what it means for a black person to be "black enough" or "white enough." Maybe more of us are starting to examine people on an individual basis. Maybe.
Yup. They are starting to see past the Mainstreme Media and the Liberal nonsense that attempts to categorize Black people. I have not heard ANYONE use "white enough." besides you, but I get your point. We, Conservatives do not ask these questions. YOU do. Most White people do not ask these questions. You do.
Folks, just another example of the Left talking about Race, instead of facts. It is the Left that "see" Race and always see Black vs White. The proof just keeps coming. Yet it is always the Right, that gets blamed for being Racists. Well, until this week when a lot of people started calling Harry Reid a Racist. So the next time that someone starts talking to you about Race in a negative way, I would be willing to bet you, if you were to ask them, you will discover that they find their home on the Left.
Chicago Tribune - Filling Obama's seat becomes test of 'authentic' blackness
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