It is just completely beyond comprehension WHY minorities continue to vote for these Idiots, based on the lie that they CARE about them. That it is the evil Republicans that are the ones that are War Mongering, Hate filled, bigoted, Homophobes.
All one has to do is look at history. EVERY time TRUE advancements have been made in Race relations, and programs that actually HELP Minorities, it has been a Republican or one with affiliation at the helm. But we will leave that aside for now.

No I want to talk about statements like THIS.

That's a storybook? The "first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean?" Hell of a compliment. Remember, this is the same guy that said this.
"In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking." Yup. Sen Joe Biden.
Then you have Obama himself, along with his friends in the Mainstreme Media calling YOU a racist. Uh, as long as, uh, you do not vote for him. You see, if you vote for him, then you are OK. But if you don't, because he does not look like the other Presidents on the Dollar Bills, YOU are a Racist. Yes, an all out attack on YOU. But they are FOR Minorities. Just ask them. Like John Kerry.

"Let me just put this in perspective: If HIV-AIDS were the leading cause of death of white women between the ages of 25 and 34 there would be an outraged, outcry in this country," said the New York senator.
How about this? If you are against ILLEGAL Aliens, YOU are a Racist.

It is the Liberal Mainstreme Media that played, and still are, but played the Race Card. Asking if Obama was "Black Enough." "The Magic Negro." "Slave Blood." "Is he down for the Struggle?" ETC. Now we have even MORE comments that would get ANY Republican thrown out of office. That would get ANY Non-Liberal crucified in the front pages and Prime Time Broadcasts for WEEKS.
Bill Clinton just said THIS.

The CRACKER VOTE! Is this how Obama sees you? Is this how the Media Messiah sees White folks? Have you see this on the Front Page? Have you see this in the news? Do not give me the garbage of "that's what they call natural born Floridians." That is the Black version of the N word. You know it as well as I.
Well, they just keep coming. Have you heard the latest? How about this one? Democratic Congressman Alcee Hastings just said THIS.

{Laughing} Yup. The Liberal Party that is all about helping Minorities {When election time comes around} is out there in FULL force playing Race. More pearls of wisdom form the Moron.
"Just like Jews, blacks care about affordable health care, energy independence, and the separation of church and state," said Hastings. "And just like blacks, Jews care about equal pay for equal work, investment in alternative energy, and a woman's right to choose."
But you White folks out there, uh, unless you are a Jew, DON'T care about affordable health care, energy independence, and the separation of church and state, equal pay for equal work, investment in alternative energy, and a woman's right to choose. Nope, you are simply War Mongering, hate filled, bigoted, Homophobes. It is YOUR Racism that will cause poor innocent Obama to lose this election. You bitter clingers. You would rather cling to your guns and Religion than do the right thing. Vote for Obama just because he is Black.
I ask again, will the TRUE Racists, please stand up.
OPNTalk Blog -Montage
ABC News' Teddy Davis Reports: Florida Democratic Congressman Alcee Hastings pointed to Sarah Palin on Wednesday to rally Jews to Obama.
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