Once again, NYT talking about Secrete and Convert Operations to keep America safe.
Hey folks,
When I first heard of this news, I thought to myself, great. I have to use this. It proves beyond any doubt that, even though I disagree with his decision, President Bush is NOT that War Mongering Idiot that so many on the Far Left Loony fringe like to claim.
Think about this. Little Hitler, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, continues his Nuclear quest. As you know I have been following this closely and have talked about Little Hitler extensively here over the years. He will not stop. He will get a Nuclear bomb. He will use it. He has said so.
So Israel decided that they were going to shut him down. THEY realize that there is no negotiations with this guy. No kumbaya to be sung. He doesn't want land, money, or anything else from anyone. What he DOES want, is Israel wiped off the map, and death to America. He has said THAT.
So Israel, seeing that the Sanctions imposed by the US and the UN have had no effect. The Inspectors there being barred and thrown out of various sites. They LISTENED to Little Hitler when he said he is stepping UP his Nuclear quest and will have the ability to make a bomb within a year.
So they plan an Air Attack on his main, known, Nuclear facility. They asked for bunker-busting bombs for the attack, and permission to fly over Iraq. Folks, this would have thrown Little Hitler back to the stone age and would have eliminated any near threat that he could pose. I have to admit, if I were President, I would have had to seriously think about giving the OK.
But Bush said "Nope. Sorry. You have to trust us. We are working on something as we speak." What happened to the War Mongering Idiot that the Loons love to talk about? Why would he possibly deny Israel from carrying out something that we most likely should be looking at doing ourselves? He could have denied any participation. He could have come out and "denounced" Israel's efforts AFTER The fact. But he said no.
Now this is the story. This would have been fine to report as others did as well. But the New York Times? No. They have to once again, talk about secrete and convert operations. Once again, put forces in danger that are working these operations. Once again, the NYTs has decided to let the enemy know what we are up to. Talking about Israel's request for the Bombs and Air Clearance over Iraq, the NYT - U.S. Rejected Aid for Israeli Raid on Iranian Nuclear Site
The White House denied that request outright, American officials said, and the Israelis backed off their plans, at least temporarily. But the tense exchanges also prompted the White House to step up intelligence-sharing with Israel and brief Israeli officials on new American efforts to subtly sabotage Iran’s nuclear infrastructure, a major covert program that Mr. Bush is about to hand off to President-elect Barack Obama.
This account of the expanded American covert program and the Bush administration’s efforts to dissuade Israel from an aerial attack on Iran emerged in interviews over the past 15 months with current and former American officials, outside experts, international nuclear inspectors and European and Israeli officials. None would speak on the record because of the great secrecy surrounding the intelligence developed on Iran.
Yeah "the great secrecy" until you Morons decided to run with this part of the story.
Several details of the covert effort have been omitted from this account, at the request of senior United States intelligence and administration officials, to avoid harming continuing operations.
You think? Now if they stopped here, this would have been bad enough. This right here will cause Little Hitler to run around and start asking people working for him which side they are on. Start investigations that will be FAR more than just a Q and A with people to see if he can figure out what America is up to. But the New York Times CONTINUES. This thing is like three pages long.
A New Covert Push
Throughout 2008, the Bush administration insisted that it had a plan to deal with the Iranians: applying overwhelming financial pressure that would persuade Tehran to abandon its nuclear program, as foreign enterprises like the French company Total pulled out of Iranian oil projects, European banks cut financing, and trade credits were squeezed.
But the Iranians were making uranium faster than the sanctions were making progress. As Mr. Bush realized that the sanctions he had pressed for were inadequate and his military options untenable, he turned to the C.I.A. His hope, several people involved in the program said, was to create some leverage against the Iranians, by setting back their nuclear program while sanctions continued and, more recently, oil prices dropped precipitously.
There were two specific objectives: to slow progress at Natanz and other known and suspected nuclear facilities, and keep the pressure on a little-known Iranian professor named Mohsen Fakrizadeh, a scientist described in classified portions of American intelligence reports as deeply involved in an effort to design a nuclear warhead for Iran.
Past American-led efforts aimed at Natanz had yielded little result. Several years ago, foreign intelligence services tinkered with individual power units that Iran bought in Turkey to drive its centrifuges, the floor-to-ceiling silvery tubes that spin at the speed of sound, enriching uranium for use in power stations or, with additional enrichment, nuclear weapons.
A number of centrifuges blew up, prompting public declarations of sabotage by Iranian officials. An engineer in Switzerland, who worked with the Pakistani nuclear black-marketeer Abdul Qadeer Khan, had been “turned” by American intelligence officials and helped them slip faulty technology into parts bought by the Iranians.
What Mr. Bush authorized, and informed a narrow group of Congressional leaders about, was a far broader effort, aimed at the entire industrial infrastructure that supports the Iranian nuclear program. Some of the efforts focused on ways to destabilize the centrifuges. The details are closely held, for obvious reasons, by American officials. One official, however, said, “It was not until the last year that they got really imaginative about what one could do to screw up the system.”
Then, he cautioned, “none of these are game-changers,” meaning that the efforts would not necessarily cripple the Iranian program. Others in the administration strongly disagree.
In the end, success or failure may come down to how much pressure can be brought to bear on Mr. Fakrizadeh, whom the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate identifies, in its classified sections, as the manager of Project 110 and Project 111. According to a presentation by the chief inspector of the International Atomic Energy Agency, those were the names for two Iranian efforts that appeared to be dedicated to designing a warhead and making it work with an Iranian missile. Iranian officials say the projects are a fiction, made up by the United States.
WAIT A SECOND! I thought that the latest "Intelligence Report" said that Iran halted it's Nuclear quest in 2003? Right? That there were no signs that they were doing anything wrong. Just attempting to build Nuclear Power Plants. Remember that? Now we learn, as well does Little Hitler learns we know, that Mohsen Fakrizadeh is the guy working on creating WARHEADS for Iran? I wonder how long Mr. Fakrizadeh, or his family will be around after this.
While the international agency readily concedes that the evidence about the two projects remains murky, one of the documents it briefly displayed at a meeting of the agency’s member countries in Vienna last year, from Mr. Fakrizadeh’s projects, showed the chronology of a missile launching, ending with a warhead exploding about 650 yards above ground — approximately the altitude from which the bomb dropped on Hiroshima was detonated.
{Laughing} Yeah, that's murky. But now we ALL know. There is really, there never has been really, any doubt, that Little Hitler is trying to get a Nuclear Bomb and wants to USE it.
The exact status of Mr. Fakrizadeh’s projects today is unclear. While the National Intelligence Estimate reported that activity on Projects 110 and 111 had been halted, the fear among intelligence agencies is that if the weapons design projects are turned back on, will they know?
They haven't been halted. Mr. Fakrizadeh and the way HIS program was working may disappear, but Little Hitler will NOT stop. If people like the NYT keeps talking about what we are up to, and telling our enemies what to look for and what we are doing, then they will have an easier time hiding it from us. Idiots.
So who wrote this? David E. Sanger who is the Chief Washington Correspondent for The New York Times. Turns out that this guy is about to release a book. Figures. Yeah that is more important than the safety of the US and our allies.
NYT - U.S. Rejected Aid for Israeli Raid on Iranian Nuclear Site
Hey folks,

Think about this. Little Hitler, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, continues his Nuclear quest. As you know I have been following this closely and have talked about Little Hitler extensively here over the years. He will not stop. He will get a Nuclear bomb. He will use it. He has said so.
So Israel decided that they were going to shut him down. THEY realize that there is no negotiations with this guy. No kumbaya to be sung. He doesn't want land, money, or anything else from anyone. What he DOES want, is Israel wiped off the map, and death to America. He has said THAT.
So Israel, seeing that the Sanctions imposed by the US and the UN have had no effect. The Inspectors there being barred and thrown out of various sites. They LISTENED to Little Hitler when he said he is stepping UP his Nuclear quest and will have the ability to make a bomb within a year.
So they plan an Air Attack on his main, known, Nuclear facility. They asked for bunker-busting bombs for the attack, and permission to fly over Iraq. Folks, this would have thrown Little Hitler back to the stone age and would have eliminated any near threat that he could pose. I have to admit, if I were President, I would have had to seriously think about giving the OK.
But Bush said "Nope. Sorry. You have to trust us. We are working on something as we speak." What happened to the War Mongering Idiot that the Loons love to talk about? Why would he possibly deny Israel from carrying out something that we most likely should be looking at doing ourselves? He could have denied any participation. He could have come out and "denounced" Israel's efforts AFTER The fact. But he said no.
Now this is the story. This would have been fine to report as others did as well. But the New York Times? No. They have to once again, talk about secrete and convert operations. Once again, put forces in danger that are working these operations. Once again, the NYTs has decided to let the enemy know what we are up to. Talking about Israel's request for the Bombs and Air Clearance over Iraq, the NYT - U.S. Rejected Aid for Israeli Raid on Iranian Nuclear Site
The White House denied that request outright, American officials said, and the Israelis backed off their plans, at least temporarily. But the tense exchanges also prompted the White House to step up intelligence-sharing with Israel and brief Israeli officials on new American efforts to subtly sabotage Iran’s nuclear infrastructure, a major covert program that Mr. Bush is about to hand off to President-elect Barack Obama.
This account of the expanded American covert program and the Bush administration’s efforts to dissuade Israel from an aerial attack on Iran emerged in interviews over the past 15 months with current and former American officials, outside experts, international nuclear inspectors and European and Israeli officials. None would speak on the record because of the great secrecy surrounding the intelligence developed on Iran.
Yeah "the great secrecy" until you Morons decided to run with this part of the story.
Several details of the covert effort have been omitted from this account, at the request of senior United States intelligence and administration officials, to avoid harming continuing operations.
You think? Now if they stopped here, this would have been bad enough. This right here will cause Little Hitler to run around and start asking people working for him which side they are on. Start investigations that will be FAR more than just a Q and A with people to see if he can figure out what America is up to. But the New York Times CONTINUES. This thing is like three pages long.
A New Covert Push
Throughout 2008, the Bush administration insisted that it had a plan to deal with the Iranians: applying overwhelming financial pressure that would persuade Tehran to abandon its nuclear program, as foreign enterprises like the French company Total pulled out of Iranian oil projects, European banks cut financing, and trade credits were squeezed.
But the Iranians were making uranium faster than the sanctions were making progress. As Mr. Bush realized that the sanctions he had pressed for were inadequate and his military options untenable, he turned to the C.I.A. His hope, several people involved in the program said, was to create some leverage against the Iranians, by setting back their nuclear program while sanctions continued and, more recently, oil prices dropped precipitously.
There were two specific objectives: to slow progress at Natanz and other known and suspected nuclear facilities, and keep the pressure on a little-known Iranian professor named Mohsen Fakrizadeh, a scientist described in classified portions of American intelligence reports as deeply involved in an effort to design a nuclear warhead for Iran.
Past American-led efforts aimed at Natanz had yielded little result. Several years ago, foreign intelligence services tinkered with individual power units that Iran bought in Turkey to drive its centrifuges, the floor-to-ceiling silvery tubes that spin at the speed of sound, enriching uranium for use in power stations or, with additional enrichment, nuclear weapons.
A number of centrifuges blew up, prompting public declarations of sabotage by Iranian officials. An engineer in Switzerland, who worked with the Pakistani nuclear black-marketeer Abdul Qadeer Khan, had been “turned” by American intelligence officials and helped them slip faulty technology into parts bought by the Iranians.
What Mr. Bush authorized, and informed a narrow group of Congressional leaders about, was a far broader effort, aimed at the entire industrial infrastructure that supports the Iranian nuclear program. Some of the efforts focused on ways to destabilize the centrifuges. The details are closely held, for obvious reasons, by American officials. One official, however, said, “It was not until the last year that they got really imaginative about what one could do to screw up the system.”
Then, he cautioned, “none of these are game-changers,” meaning that the efforts would not necessarily cripple the Iranian program. Others in the administration strongly disagree.
In the end, success or failure may come down to how much pressure can be brought to bear on Mr. Fakrizadeh, whom the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate identifies, in its classified sections, as the manager of Project 110 and Project 111. According to a presentation by the chief inspector of the International Atomic Energy Agency, those were the names for two Iranian efforts that appeared to be dedicated to designing a warhead and making it work with an Iranian missile. Iranian officials say the projects are a fiction, made up by the United States.
WAIT A SECOND! I thought that the latest "Intelligence Report" said that Iran halted it's Nuclear quest in 2003? Right? That there were no signs that they were doing anything wrong. Just attempting to build Nuclear Power Plants. Remember that? Now we learn, as well does Little Hitler learns we know, that Mohsen Fakrizadeh is the guy working on creating WARHEADS for Iran? I wonder how long Mr. Fakrizadeh, or his family will be around after this.
While the international agency readily concedes that the evidence about the two projects remains murky, one of the documents it briefly displayed at a meeting of the agency’s member countries in Vienna last year, from Mr. Fakrizadeh’s projects, showed the chronology of a missile launching, ending with a warhead exploding about 650 yards above ground — approximately the altitude from which the bomb dropped on Hiroshima was detonated.
{Laughing} Yeah, that's murky. But now we ALL know. There is really, there never has been really, any doubt, that Little Hitler is trying to get a Nuclear Bomb and wants to USE it.
The exact status of Mr. Fakrizadeh’s projects today is unclear. While the National Intelligence Estimate reported that activity on Projects 110 and 111 had been halted, the fear among intelligence agencies is that if the weapons design projects are turned back on, will they know?
They haven't been halted. Mr. Fakrizadeh and the way HIS program was working may disappear, but Little Hitler will NOT stop. If people like the NYT keeps talking about what we are up to, and telling our enemies what to look for and what we are doing, then they will have an easier time hiding it from us. Idiots.
So who wrote this? David E. Sanger who is the Chief Washington Correspondent for The New York Times. Turns out that this guy is about to release a book. Figures. Yeah that is more important than the safety of the US and our allies.
NYT - U.S. Rejected Aid for Israeli Raid on Iranian Nuclear Site
Freedom of the press is a great idea but putting American lives at risk is going way to far.
When freedom of the press means divulging secrets that puts America in danger it is no longer freedom of the press but treason.
Very well said. You are 100 percent correct.
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