Everything seems to be on the up and up in Minnesota
Hey folks,
OK. As you know I've been talking about this never ending joke of an Election in Minnesota. The battle between Norm Colman and Al Franken. We met John back on December 3, 2008 when he responded to Congratulations Saxby Chambliss .
Hey folks,

Here is the exchange
John Emerson said...
There's no evidence of cheating in Minnesota, right now or in the last few years, by ACORN or anyone else. Minnesota has a history of clean elections, and if you say there's been cheating you need to give evidence.
The candidate are about 200 votes apart and the recount is still proceeding on schedule. No one on either side has done anything wrong yet.
No one has to like or respect Franken, but you shouldn't make false accusations or insinuations.
Peter said...
The candidate are about 200 votes apart and the recount is still proceeding on schedule. No one on either side has done anything wrong yet.
No one has to like or respect Franken, but you shouldn't make false accusations or insinuations.
Peter said...
Hey John,
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog.
Yes they do have an excellent history, until ACORN. Sports teams registered. People paid in cigarettes to vote multiple times. Homeless registering park benches and told to who to vote for. ETC.
Yeah recount after recount. Franken has lost like two or three times. Amazingly enough, after the recounts, NEW uncounted ballots, just turn up. Most in favor of FRANKEN Amazing isn't it?
"No one has to like or respect Franken, but you shouldn't make false accusations or insinuations."
I'm not. And yeah I do not like Franken at all. Loud mouth, arrogant, nasty, and pretty much a waste of time. He lost. He needs to move on.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by John. Stop by again and often, you never know what you are going to see here.
6:28 AM
John Emerson said...
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog.
Yes they do have an excellent history, until ACORN. Sports teams registered. People paid in cigarettes to vote multiple times. Homeless registering park benches and told to who to vote for. ETC.
Yeah recount after recount. Franken has lost like two or three times. Amazingly enough, after the recounts, NEW uncounted ballots, just turn up. Most in favor of FRANKEN Amazing isn't it?
"No one has to like or respect Franken, but you shouldn't make false accusations or insinuations."
I'm not. And yeah I do not like Franken at all. Loud mouth, arrogant, nasty, and pretty much a waste of time. He lost. He needs to move on.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by John. Stop by again and often, you never know what you are going to see here.
6:28 AM
John Emerson said...
Franken has not lost once yet, according to Minnesota law. Only when the recount is finished will there be any result at all.
Both sides are fighting this to the end, and that's exactly as it should be.
Republican US Attorney Heffelfinger was asked to find voter fraud in the 2006 election, and he couldn't find any. The election office has ways to weed out fake registrations.
5:09 PM
Peter said...
OK John,
You seem to be a fan of Franken. I can not possibly imagine why an intelligent, and sane person would be, but you appear to be.
Do you NOT see anything wrong with what is going on? All these "mistakes" being found in FAVOR of Franken? This is not a continuous recount. This is the second or third recount. Franken lost. The election. The first recount. Now they are doing it again, and "uncounted" and mysterious ballots KEEP turning up? Mostly from highly Democratic Districts? Mostly in favor of Franken? You see NOTHING wrong here?
Yeah you better bet both will fight this out to the end. I would if I thought someone was trying to STEAL an election.
I guess eventually, time will tell.
Well time ticked by. Over a Month has pasted. And it is STILL going on.
Yeah, that never ending Race is STILL going on in Minnesota. Now the issue? MORE UNCOUNTED BALLOTS. How is this even possible? Well, barging those attempting to steal the election. You know, Franken drones. ACORN. and the LWL. {Left Wing Loons}
Now it turns out the issue is now over hundreds of unopened Absentee Ballots that could of course put either over the top. Why are they uncounted? Well, that is easy to explain, the Absentee Ballots in question were incorrectly rejected by Poll Judges on or before Election Day, mostly because of clerical errors outside the four legal reasons for rejection. So they were ILLEGALLY REJECTED?
You know folks, I really do not care what the argument is, it is crystal clear that fraud is running rampant in this election. From Ballots in the back of Election Officials cars, to missing Ballots just turning up, to all the mistakes made, all favoring Franken of course. Now he is a head of Republican Norm Coleman by 47 Votes. Now, we have Hundreds more?
The Court ruled that either Campaign can keep any ballot out of the mix with a written objection, leaving spurned voters the option of going to court to reinstate their ballot. This is just absolutely incredible. Both Parties want to cherry pick these Ballots for their own benefit. Why is it left up to Voters to challenge ANYTHING? This is an easy concept to understand. Voters Vote. Votes Counted. Those with the most WIN. If we allow this Circus, run by Democrats by the way, in Minnesota to continue and we allow this Joke of an Election to be Stolen by Franken and Company, then we make a mockery of the entire Democratic Process.
Now it turns out the issue is now over hundreds of unopened Absentee Ballots that could of course put either over the top. Why are they uncounted? Well, that is easy to explain, the Absentee Ballots in question were incorrectly rejected by Poll Judges on or before Election Day, mostly because of clerical errors outside the four legal reasons for rejection. So they were ILLEGALLY REJECTED?
You know folks, I really do not care what the argument is, it is crystal clear that fraud is running rampant in this election. From Ballots in the back of Election Officials cars, to missing Ballots just turning up, to all the mistakes made, all favoring Franken of course. Now he is a head of Republican Norm Coleman by 47 Votes. Now, we have Hundreds more?
The Court ruled that either Campaign can keep any ballot out of the mix with a written objection, leaving spurned voters the option of going to court to reinstate their ballot. This is just absolutely incredible. Both Parties want to cherry pick these Ballots for their own benefit. Why is it left up to Voters to challenge ANYTHING? This is an easy concept to understand. Voters Vote. Votes Counted. Those with the most WIN. If we allow this Circus, run by Democrats by the way, in Minnesota to continue and we allow this Joke of an Election to be Stolen by Franken and Company, then we make a mockery of the entire Democratic Process.
John returns. He said this.
John Emerson said...
John Emerson said...
"The absentee ballots didn't suddenly appear. They've been there the whole time, and people have been talking about them for at least a month. You're just making things up that make yo feel good. You should pay attention. "
Uh, no John. They are just now being called into question. Would you care to explain why Ballots were in Election Officials cars being driving around? Or would you care to explain how HUNDREDS of Ballots could be rejected OUTSIDE of the four LEGAL reasons for rejection? If rejected, then WHY could they all of a sudden be OK and able to be counted NOW?
How about this John? Could you give us a your theory of why it seems that all these "Mistakes" that have been found seem to favor Franken? How do you think Colman went from being ahead by thousands to now being behind, with just the addition of a few thousand "new" "found" or "previously uncounted" Ballots?
"I've spent some time in the past few weeks correcting people factually, but it's an outside struggle because people don't pay attention and don't care. I might as well use the Republican method and limit myself to insults and lies and jeers. I was wasting my time. "
"I've spent some time in the past few weeks correcting people factually, but it's an outside struggle because people don't pay attention and don't care. I might as well use the Republican method and limit myself to insults and lies and jeers. I was wasting my time. "
John, you are not wasting your time here at the OPNTalk Blog. I give you the floor. You can post a comment, or send me an Email at opntalk@aim.com, that I will edit into the Main Article to make sure that no one misses it.
I'll admit that I do not like Franken in the slightest bit. He has no experience. Never held elected office anywhere. I see him as nothing more than a bad joke. But I care more about protecting the integrity of the electorial process more than I dislike him. So please John, if you can shed some light on all these discrepancies, and to me at least, the clear appearance of Franken and crew attempting to steal this election. You have the floor, make the most of it.
1 comment:
Coleman was never ahead by more than about 700 votes, and that was an unofficial election night phone-in report done for the benefit of the media. About 99% of the time the unofficial report tells you who won, but not in very close elections like this one.
The mistakes favored Franken on the net, but not all of them. Some mistakes favored Coleman, but more favored Franken. This was true at every stage. Between the unofficial election night total and today, the total swing was less than a thousand votes out of 2.9 million, or about 0.03%. That's a tiny number and in the same range as most statewide races. Lott was misinformed.
No ballots were mysteriously found in the trunk of a car. The first day, in one county one small group of ballots from remote areas was separated from the others and added in a day late. It was never lost and there was a documented chain of custody.
Mistaken rejections of absentee ballots: Minnesota has 87 counties and many more than a thousand precincts. Elections take place every two years and Workers are volunteers or at least very low paid. Mistakes get made, especially on absentee ballots which require special handling and used to be very rare in many precincts. (Absentee ballots is one area where I think procedures will be changed and instructions made clearer).
At least a month ago Franken asked that, as part of the recount, absentee ballots be looked at to see if they were wrongly rejected, and the election board and Supreme Court supported him. They might have been counted earlier except that Coleman slowed the process with a lawsuit.
The reason the recount took so long was because this was the legal process in Minnesota -- the earliest it would have been finsihed was Dec. 19. This recount was required by law and was not called by Franken. Maybe it bored people but recounts aren't entertainment event, and there wasn't any hurry because no Senator would have been seated before Jan 3 anyway. Care was taken to do things right, and consideration was given to county officials who had other things to do besides count ballots. But from today on out, any delay will be caused by Coleman's lawsuits and Cornyn's filibuster.
Nobody was enthusiastic about the Supreme Court's ruling requiring both candidates to approve one at a time the counting of the absentee ballots which the local boards had decided was wrongly rejected. (One justice did dissent: Justice Alan Page, the NFL Hall of Famer who went into law). But that's what the court said, and they're the boss. I don't think that anyone claims that the Court's decision was pro Franken or pro Colemen; just sort of lame and overcautious.
For the record, Minnesota is a reliably Democratic State only for Presidential elections. In the last 30 years we've had more Republican Senators than Democratic Senators, and we haven't had a Democratic Governor for 18 years.
Minnesotans are proud of the state's reputation for clean politics, and in my opinion nothing has happened to change that. My guess is that you've been relying on bad sources. (Bad sources that I know of include Lott, Coulter, Hannity, Limbaugh, NRO, and the Wall Street Journal editorial page).
The conservative Powerline blog is located in Minnesota, and they've been much more restrained in what they've been saying than the national conservative spokesmen have been. I don't read them regularly and can't promise that I'll agree with everything they say, but that's one place I'd look.
John Emerson
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