New York, New Jersey, Reality vs Fantasy
Hey folks,
For years, first with Hillary, then with Obama who is even farther left than Hillary, people like me have been warning you about Socialism. About oppressive taxation. About the FANTASY of far left Liberal Policies. THEY DO NOT WORK.
One reason so many in this country just do not get it, is because they are caught up in the fantasy. "Fairness for all." "Free Healthcare." "Free Education." ""Free Money." There are some in this country that actually EXPECT to sit home on their couches and just get handed FREE MONEY. They will be. In the fantasy.
The lack of understanding that everywhere Socialism is tried, it fails. It is this lack of the educated populace that got Obama elected. The ignorance of what can and WILL happen is astounding. But we need not look to far away places. We need not look toward Russia, Cuba, or Venezuela. We need only look at states right here in this country. We need to look at New York, New Jersey, and California.
Get past all the rhetoric and pull yourself out of the fantasy for a few minutes and LOOK at the exodus out of these Liberal States. Then ask yourself, if these policies are so great, and these States are attempting to spend their way out of THEIR financial situations, then why is there not a mass exodus of people trying to get IN.
We here in South Florida call these people implants. I know, I am one. Not to many Floridians are happy with all the people coming here. But then again, as WE move a little toward the Left, there are some starting to move out of here as well. But ask Georgians, Carolinians, ETC. Go towards the great mid west States. Ask them.
So why are these people FLEEING these far left Liberal States? Here is an example in California. According to the AP - Go East, young man? Californians look for the exit
By MICHAEL R. BLOOD, Associated Press Writer Michael R. Blood, Associated Press Writer – Mon Jan 12, 5:40 pm ET
LOS ANGELES – Mike Reilly spent his lifetime chasing the California dream. This year he's going to look for it in Colorado.
With a house purchase near Denver in the works, the 38-year-old engineering contractor plans to move his family 1,200 miles away from his home state's lemon groves, sunshine and beaches. For him, years of rising taxes, dead-end schools, unchecked illegal immigration and clogged traffic have robbed the Golden State of its allure.
Is there something left of the California dream?
"If you are a Hollywood actor," Reilly says, "but not for us."
Pay attention folks. If you are the ELITE. The Rich far left Liberals, you will do just fine under Obama. Those people that have all the money, that DO whatever they want to do, will be fine no matter what. Yet THEY are the ones that attempt to dictate to YOU how to live your lives. Ride a bike, while I take my Jet. Live in a tent so I can live in my Manson.
Example after example is out there. From Al Gore using more electric than EVER while flying around the world telling you YOU are killing the Planet, to this new Moron putting on a show with Hydrogen Cars. TOWED Hydrogen cars for a SHOW that he cares. Stars coming out of the woodwork to blindly repeat the scripts that YOU are the problem and THEY are telling you that YOU must stop. While THEY drive their SUVs, Limos, fly in THEIR Jets. ETC. Back to the article.
Since the days of the Gold Rush, California has represented the Promised Land, an image celebrated in the songs of the Beach Boys and embodied by Silicon Valley's instant millionaires and the young men and women who achieve stardom in Hollywood.
But for many California families last year, tomorrow started somewhere else.
The number of people leaving California for another state outstripped the number moving in from another state during the year ending on July 1, 2008. California lost a net total of 144,000 people during that period — more than any other state, according to census estimates. That is about equal to the population of Syracuse, N.Y.
The state with the next-highest net loss through migration between states was New York, which lost just over 126,000 residents.
California's loss is extremely small in a state of 38 million. And, in fact, the state's population continues to increase overall because of births and immigration, legal and illegal. But it is the fourth consecutive year that more residents decamped from California for other states than arrived here from within the U.S.
So for FOUR years, more than that in New York, MORE people want OUT than in. I love that one line, "The state's population continues to increase overall because of births and immigration, legal and illegal." I wonder the percentages of Legal vs Illegal. Remember immigration reform is ALSO a Liberal policy. Yeah I know Bush was for it. But that doesn't change the fact it is a LIBERAL policy.
A losing streak that long hasn't happened in California since the recession of the early 1990s, when departures outstripped arrivals from other states by 362,000 in 1994 alone.
In part because of the boom in population in other Western states, California could lose a congressional seat for the first time in its history.
Why are so many looking for an exit?
Among other things: California's unemployment rate hit 8.4 percent in November, the third-highest in the nation, and it is expected to get worse. A record 236,000 foreclosures are projected for 2008, more than the prior nine years combined, according to research firm MDA DataQuick. Personal income was about flat last year.
With state government facing a $41.6 billion budget hole over 18 months, residents are bracing for higher taxes, cuts in education and postponed tax rebates. A multibillion-dollar plan to remake downtown Los Angeles has stalled, and office vacancy rates there and in San Diego and San Jose surpass the 10.2 percent national average.
Median housing prices have nose-dived one-third from a 2006 peak, but many homes are still out of reach for middle-class families. Some small towns are on the brink of bankruptcy. Normally recession-proof Hollywood has been hit by layoffs.
"You see wages go down and the cost of living go up," Reilly says. His property taxes will be $1,300 in Colorado, down from $4,300 on his three-bedroom house in Nipomo, about 80 miles up the coast from Santa Barbara.
How can any of this BE? They have some of the most LIBERAL Policies out there. They are also putting into place, and have in place, a bunch of "programs" to combat Global Warming. They are doing everything that Obama has said that he wants to do for America. How can this BE? Foreclosures, a record $41.6 billion budget hole, unemployment, oppressive taxation, failing schools? All these programs are Liberal programs. Government is the answer in California. Only Government can fix their problems. Like Obama said about our entire country.
Listen to what the Governator had to say.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is among those who say the state needs to create itself anew, rebuilding roads, schools and transit.
Sound familiar? What got California to where it is today? What got New York, New Jersey, to where they are today? LIBERALISM. Why is everyone wanting to leave these Liberal Dreamlands? REALITY.
If Obama DOES succeed to transforming the entire country into California, or the new USSA, where are you going to go then? Think about it. Then again, what does amaze me most is that once these people invade a clean, new place, they turn around and Vote the same kind of people in to screw up their new home. But with Obama fulfilling what he said, there will be no safe place left.
AP - Go East, young man? Californians look for the exit
Hey folks,

One reason so many in this country just do not get it, is because they are caught up in the fantasy. "Fairness for all." "Free Healthcare." "Free Education." ""Free Money." There are some in this country that actually EXPECT to sit home on their couches and just get handed FREE MONEY. They will be. In the fantasy.
The lack of understanding that everywhere Socialism is tried, it fails. It is this lack of the educated populace that got Obama elected. The ignorance of what can and WILL happen is astounding. But we need not look to far away places. We need not look toward Russia, Cuba, or Venezuela. We need only look at states right here in this country. We need to look at New York, New Jersey, and California.

We here in South Florida call these people implants. I know, I am one. Not to many Floridians are happy with all the people coming here. But then again, as WE move a little toward the Left, there are some starting to move out of here as well. But ask Georgians, Carolinians, ETC. Go towards the great mid west States. Ask them.
So why are these people FLEEING these far left Liberal States? Here is an example in California. According to the AP - Go East, young man? Californians look for the exit
By MICHAEL R. BLOOD, Associated Press Writer Michael R. Blood, Associated Press Writer – Mon Jan 12, 5:40 pm ET
LOS ANGELES – Mike Reilly spent his lifetime chasing the California dream. This year he's going to look for it in Colorado.
With a house purchase near Denver in the works, the 38-year-old engineering contractor plans to move his family 1,200 miles away from his home state's lemon groves, sunshine and beaches. For him, years of rising taxes, dead-end schools, unchecked illegal immigration and clogged traffic have robbed the Golden State of its allure.
Is there something left of the California dream?
"If you are a Hollywood actor," Reilly says, "but not for us."
Pay attention folks. If you are the ELITE. The Rich far left Liberals, you will do just fine under Obama. Those people that have all the money, that DO whatever they want to do, will be fine no matter what. Yet THEY are the ones that attempt to dictate to YOU how to live your lives. Ride a bike, while I take my Jet. Live in a tent so I can live in my Manson.
Example after example is out there. From Al Gore using more electric than EVER while flying around the world telling you YOU are killing the Planet, to this new Moron putting on a show with Hydrogen Cars. TOWED Hydrogen cars for a SHOW that he cares. Stars coming out of the woodwork to blindly repeat the scripts that YOU are the problem and THEY are telling you that YOU must stop. While THEY drive their SUVs, Limos, fly in THEIR Jets. ETC. Back to the article.
Since the days of the Gold Rush, California has represented the Promised Land, an image celebrated in the songs of the Beach Boys and embodied by Silicon Valley's instant millionaires and the young men and women who achieve stardom in Hollywood.
But for many California families last year, tomorrow started somewhere else.
The number of people leaving California for another state outstripped the number moving in from another state during the year ending on July 1, 2008. California lost a net total of 144,000 people during that period — more than any other state, according to census estimates. That is about equal to the population of Syracuse, N.Y.
The state with the next-highest net loss through migration between states was New York, which lost just over 126,000 residents.
California's loss is extremely small in a state of 38 million. And, in fact, the state's population continues to increase overall because of births and immigration, legal and illegal. But it is the fourth consecutive year that more residents decamped from California for other states than arrived here from within the U.S.
So for FOUR years, more than that in New York, MORE people want OUT than in. I love that one line, "The state's population continues to increase overall because of births and immigration, legal and illegal." I wonder the percentages of Legal vs Illegal. Remember immigration reform is ALSO a Liberal policy. Yeah I know Bush was for it. But that doesn't change the fact it is a LIBERAL policy.
A losing streak that long hasn't happened in California since the recession of the early 1990s, when departures outstripped arrivals from other states by 362,000 in 1994 alone.
In part because of the boom in population in other Western states, California could lose a congressional seat for the first time in its history.
Why are so many looking for an exit?
Among other things: California's unemployment rate hit 8.4 percent in November, the third-highest in the nation, and it is expected to get worse. A record 236,000 foreclosures are projected for 2008, more than the prior nine years combined, according to research firm MDA DataQuick. Personal income was about flat last year.
With state government facing a $41.6 billion budget hole over 18 months, residents are bracing for higher taxes, cuts in education and postponed tax rebates. A multibillion-dollar plan to remake downtown Los Angeles has stalled, and office vacancy rates there and in San Diego and San Jose surpass the 10.2 percent national average.
Median housing prices have nose-dived one-third from a 2006 peak, but many homes are still out of reach for middle-class families. Some small towns are on the brink of bankruptcy. Normally recession-proof Hollywood has been hit by layoffs.
"You see wages go down and the cost of living go up," Reilly says. His property taxes will be $1,300 in Colorado, down from $4,300 on his three-bedroom house in Nipomo, about 80 miles up the coast from Santa Barbara.
How can any of this BE? They have some of the most LIBERAL Policies out there. They are also putting into place, and have in place, a bunch of "programs" to combat Global Warming. They are doing everything that Obama has said that he wants to do for America. How can this BE? Foreclosures, a record $41.6 billion budget hole, unemployment, oppressive taxation, failing schools? All these programs are Liberal programs. Government is the answer in California. Only Government can fix their problems. Like Obama said about our entire country.
Listen to what the Governator had to say.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is among those who say the state needs to create itself anew, rebuilding roads, schools and transit.
Sound familiar? What got California to where it is today? What got New York, New Jersey, to where they are today? LIBERALISM. Why is everyone wanting to leave these Liberal Dreamlands? REALITY.
If Obama DOES succeed to transforming the entire country into California, or the new USSA, where are you going to go then? Think about it. Then again, what does amaze me most is that once these people invade a clean, new place, they turn around and Vote the same kind of people in to screw up their new home. But with Obama fulfilling what he said, there will be no safe place left.
AP - Go East, young man? Californians look for the exit
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