Hey folks,

Well this week we learn that it is GOOD for you and can reduces risk of Alzheimer's, as long as you do not mind Hallucinations. {Laughing}
OK. What is Alzheimer's? It is a progressive and fatal brain disease. As many as 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior severe enough to affect work, lifelong hobbies or social life. Alzheimer’s gets worse over time, and it is fatal. Today it is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States.
Well according to the AFP - Drinking coffee reduces risk of Alzheimer's: study

"There are perhaps one or two other studies that have shown that coffee can improve some memory functions (but) this is the first study directed at dementia and Alzheimer's (and) in which the subjects are followed for such a long time," Kivipelto told AFP.
Well, that's GREAT news for me. Let's see, three pots a day, that's about 5 cups a pot, big cups, that's 15 cups a day. OK. Maybe some more than that from time to time. I am not exaggerating in the least.
So according to this study, I should NEVER have to worry about Alzheimer's or even Dementia for that matter. But WAIT!!!!
"I hear voices in my head
They council me
They understand
They talk to me,
They talk to me!" Randy Orton {WWE} Theme Song.
Researchers in the UK found that people who ingest a lot of caffeine, for instance by drinking lots of coffee, tea, and caffeinated energy drinks, are more likely to report experiencing hallucinations, including hearing voices and seeing things and people that are not there.
The research, which was funded by the UK's Economic and Social Research Council and the Medical Research Council, was done by scientists at Durham University, and is published as an academic paper in the journal Personality and Individual Differences.
Defined as consuming more than the equivalent of seven cups of coffee a day, a high caffeine user was three times more likely to have heard a person speak when there was nobody there, compared to low caffeine users (those who had less than the equivalent of one cup of coffee a day), said lead author Simon Jones, a PhD student, and Dr Charles Fernyhough, both from Durham University's Psychology Department.
So I'm not nuts, I just hear things. {Laughing}

"Hallucinations are not necessarily a sign of mental illness."
"Most people will have had brief experiences of hearing voices when there is no one there, and around three per cent of people regularly hear such voices," he added, explaining that most people coped well with these experiences and lived normal lives. However, organizations such as the Hearing Voices Network are there to help anyone who is worried or distressed by such experiences.
So maybe Randy Orton should lay off the coffee. He would have to find a new Theme Song, but, oh wait, then he may have to worry about Alzheimer's. No sorry folks, I think I'll keep my coffee. Hey, at least I will be Sane enough to talk back to the voices. {Smile}
AFP - Drinking coffee reduces risk of Alzheimer's: study
Medical News Today - Caffeine Linked To Hallucinations
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