Why I also really do not see President Obama Closing it.
Hey folks,
Yeah I know, President Obama signed an Executive Order to close Guantanamo Bay in one year. Yet, he has come right out and said that there are some really bad people there, and he has no plan on what to do with them.
We have heard that something like 60 percent of those released are caught again trying to blow us up. Here is such a case. According to the AP - Released detainee now Yemen al-Qaida commander, by PAMELA HESS
WASHINGTON – A released Guantanamo Bay terror detainee's re-emergence as an al-Qaida commander in Yemen highlights the difficulty President Barack Obama faces in his efforts to close the detention facility and decide the fates of U.S. captives.
A U.S. counterterror official confirmed Friday that Said Ali al-Shihri, who was jailed at Guantanamo for six years after his capture in Pakistan, has resurfaced as a leader of a Yemeni branch of al-Qaida.
"By Allah, imprisonment only increased our persistence in our principles for which we went out, did jihad for, and were imprisoned for," al-Shihri said in a video posted on a militant-leaning Web site Friday. It was the second time this week a reference to al-Shihri has shown up on the Web site. He was mentioned in an online magazine on Jan. 19 with a reference to his prisoner number at Guantanamo, 372.
Al-Shihri was released by the U.S. in 2007 to the Saudi government for rehabilitation. But this week a publication posted on the site said he is now the top deputy in "al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula," a Yemeni offshoot of the terror group headed by Osama bin Laden. The group has been implicated in several attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Yemen's capital Sana.
Do you really want these animals on US soil? Tried in US Courts? Do you really think that our US prisons can deal with them? What do we do with them once we close Club Gitmo?
The second announcement from the site came the day after President Barack Obama signed an executive order directing the closure of the prison at the U.S.
naval base in Cuba within a year.
For the Kooks out there. He did it because those that helped get him elected are calling for these "poor innocent people" to be treated like US citizens. The "poor innocent people" that after six years of "torture and their 'Rights' being violated" goes out and becomes a top deputy in "al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula,"
That announcement, which carried the video post of al-Shihri, also included a second video of a second militant who identified himself as Abu al-Hareth Muhammad al-Oufi and claimed he had also been a Guantanamo captive, later released. Both videos were partially translated by SITE Intel Group, an organization that monitors extremist Web sites.
Al-Shihri is one of a small number of deputies in the Yemeni group, the U.S. counterterror official said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity in order to discuss sensitive intelligence. U.S. officials were not available to verify the claims of the second militant who appeared on video.
A key question facing Obama's new administration is what to do with the 245 prisoners still confined at Guantanamo. That means finding new detention facilities for hard-core prisoners while trying to determine which detainees are harmless enough to release.
According to the Pentagon, at least 18 former Guantanamo detainees have "returned to the fight" and 43 others are suspected of resuming terrorist activities. Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell declined to provide the identity of the former detainees or say what their terrorist activities were.
It is unclear whether al-Shihri's name would be a new addition to that list of 61.
The militant Web site referred to al-Shihri under his terror nom de guerre, "Abu Sayyaf al-Shihri." The video refers to him as "Abu Sufyan al-Azdi al-Shahri."
An online magazine posted to the Internet site said al-Shihri is the group's second-in-command in Yemen. "He managed to leave the land of the two shrines (Saudi Arabia) and join his brothers in al-Qaida," the statement said.
Included in the site's material was a message to Yemen's populace from al-Qaida figure Ayman al-Zawahiri, bin Laden's top deputy.
According to Pentagon documents, al-Shihri was stopped at a Pakistani border crossing in December 2001 with injuries from an airstrike and recuperated at a hospital in Quetta for a month and a half. Within days of leaving the hospital, he became one of the first detainees sent to Guantanamo.
Al-Shihri allegedly traveled to Afghanistan two weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, provided money to other fighters and trained in urban warfare at a camp north of Kabul, Afghanistan, according to a summary of the evidence against him from U.S. military review panels at Guantanamo Bay.
An alleged travel coordinator for al-Qaida, he was also accused of meeting extremists in Mashad, Iran, and briefing them on how to enter Afghanistan, according to the Defense Department documents.
Al-Shihri, however, said he traveled to Iran to buy carpets for his store in Riyadh. He said he felt bin Laden had no business representing Islam, denied any links to terrorism and expressed interest in rejoining his family in Saudi Arabia.
Yemen is rapidly re-emerging as a terrorist battleground and potential base of operations for al-Qaida and is a main concern for U.S. counterterrorism officials. Al-Qaida in Yemen conducted an "unprecedented number of attacks" in 2008 and is likely to be a launching pad for attacks against Saudi Arabia, outgoing CIA Director Michael Hayden said in November.
The most recent attack, in September, killed 16 people. It followed a March mortar attack and two attacks against Yemen's presidential compound in late April.
The impoverished country on the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula has a weak central government and a powerful tribal system. That leaves large lawless areas open for terrorist training and operations.
Yemen was also the site of the 2000 USS Cole bombing that killed 17 American sailors. Seventeen suspects in the attack were arrested; 10 of them escaped Yemen's jails in 2003. One of the primary suspects in the attack, Jamal al-Badawi, escaped jail in 2004. He was taken back into custody last fall under pressure from the U.S. government.
How many escapes from Club Gitmo? 0. So why was this guy released anyway? You see folks, the DREAM of Obama, coming in and closing that "Torture chamber of Bush" and given these "poor innocent people" US Rights and trying them in US Courts, is just complete and utter Ignorance. They are animals that only exist to kill and destroy. They can not be rehabbed. They cannot be given to those that hate us and want us dead also. They can not be moved to other Prisons because other Prisons can not hold them.
So the REALITY that President Obama must face, is that Guantanamo Bay is VITAL to American safety and security. What he must face is the REALITY of the situation. What does he do with these "people?" How does he judge who will and will not go back to blowing us up and killing Americans? They Lie? Really? You mean they can not be trusted? {Sigh}
To President Obama, I hope you are up to this. I hope you are ready to take FULL responsibility for those that are killed by those that we already HAVE in custody. Because NOW the blood will be on YOUR hands. Now YOU will be responsible for whatever those we have in custody, preventing them from further attacks, do after YOU release them. I hope, President Obama, you are ready for this.
AP - Released detainee now Yemen al-Qaida commander
Hey folks,
Yeah I know, President Obama signed an Executive Order to close Guantanamo Bay in one year. Yet, he has come right out and said that there are some really bad people there, and he has no plan on what to do with them.

WASHINGTON – A released Guantanamo Bay terror detainee's re-emergence as an al-Qaida commander in Yemen highlights the difficulty President Barack Obama faces in his efforts to close the detention facility and decide the fates of U.S. captives.
A U.S. counterterror official confirmed Friday that Said Ali al-Shihri, who was jailed at Guantanamo for six years after his capture in Pakistan, has resurfaced as a leader of a Yemeni branch of al-Qaida.
"By Allah, imprisonment only increased our persistence in our principles for which we went out, did jihad for, and were imprisoned for," al-Shihri said in a video posted on a militant-leaning Web site Friday. It was the second time this week a reference to al-Shihri has shown up on the Web site. He was mentioned in an online magazine on Jan. 19 with a reference to his prisoner number at Guantanamo, 372.
Al-Shihri was released by the U.S. in 2007 to the Saudi government for rehabilitation. But this week a publication posted on the site said he is now the top deputy in "al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula," a Yemeni offshoot of the terror group headed by Osama bin Laden. The group has been implicated in several attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Yemen's capital Sana.
Do you really want these animals on US soil? Tried in US Courts? Do you really think that our US prisons can deal with them? What do we do with them once we close Club Gitmo?
The second announcement from the site came the day after President Barack Obama signed an executive order directing the closure of the prison at the U.S.

For the Kooks out there. He did it because those that helped get him elected are calling for these "poor innocent people" to be treated like US citizens. The "poor innocent people" that after six years of "torture and their 'Rights' being violated" goes out and becomes a top deputy in "al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula,"
That announcement, which carried the video post of al-Shihri, also included a second video of a second militant who identified himself as Abu al-Hareth Muhammad al-Oufi and claimed he had also been a Guantanamo captive, later released. Both videos were partially translated by SITE Intel Group, an organization that monitors extremist Web sites.
Al-Shihri is one of a small number of deputies in the Yemeni group, the U.S. counterterror official said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity in order to discuss sensitive intelligence. U.S. officials were not available to verify the claims of the second militant who appeared on video.
A key question facing Obama's new administration is what to do with the 245 prisoners still confined at Guantanamo. That means finding new detention facilities for hard-core prisoners while trying to determine which detainees are harmless enough to release.
According to the Pentagon, at least 18 former Guantanamo detainees have "returned to the fight" and 43 others are suspected of resuming terrorist activities. Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell declined to provide the identity of the former detainees or say what their terrorist activities were.
It is unclear whether al-Shihri's name would be a new addition to that list of 61.
The militant Web site referred to al-Shihri under his terror nom de guerre, "Abu Sayyaf al-Shihri." The video refers to him as "Abu Sufyan al-Azdi al-Shahri."
An online magazine posted to the Internet site said al-Shihri is the group's second-in-command in Yemen. "He managed to leave the land of the two shrines (Saudi Arabia) and join his brothers in al-Qaida," the statement said.
Included in the site's material was a message to Yemen's populace from al-Qaida figure Ayman al-Zawahiri, bin Laden's top deputy.
According to Pentagon documents, al-Shihri was stopped at a Pakistani border crossing in December 2001 with injuries from an airstrike and recuperated at a hospital in Quetta for a month and a half. Within days of leaving the hospital, he became one of the first detainees sent to Guantanamo.
Al-Shihri allegedly traveled to Afghanistan two weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, provided money to other fighters and trained in urban warfare at a camp north of Kabul, Afghanistan, according to a summary of the evidence against him from U.S. military review panels at Guantanamo Bay.
An alleged travel coordinator for al-Qaida, he was also accused of meeting extremists in Mashad, Iran, and briefing them on how to enter Afghanistan, according to the Defense Department documents.
Al-Shihri, however, said he traveled to Iran to buy carpets for his store in Riyadh. He said he felt bin Laden had no business representing Islam, denied any links to terrorism and expressed interest in rejoining his family in Saudi Arabia.
Yemen is rapidly re-emerging as a terrorist battleground and potential base of operations for al-Qaida and is a main concern for U.S. counterterrorism officials. Al-Qaida in Yemen conducted an "unprecedented number of attacks" in 2008 and is likely to be a launching pad for attacks against Saudi Arabia, outgoing CIA Director Michael Hayden said in November.
The most recent attack, in September, killed 16 people. It followed a March mortar attack and two attacks against Yemen's presidential compound in late April.
The impoverished country on the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula has a weak central government and a powerful tribal system. That leaves large lawless areas open for terrorist training and operations.
Yemen was also the site of the 2000 USS Cole bombing that killed 17 American sailors. Seventeen suspects in the attack were arrested; 10 of them escaped Yemen's jails in 2003. One of the primary suspects in the attack, Jamal al-Badawi, escaped jail in 2004. He was taken back into custody last fall under pressure from the U.S. government.
How many escapes from Club Gitmo? 0. So why was this guy released anyway? You see folks, the DREAM of Obama, coming in and closing that "Torture chamber of Bush" and given these "poor innocent people" US Rights and trying them in US Courts, is just complete and utter Ignorance. They are animals that only exist to kill and destroy. They can not be rehabbed. They cannot be given to those that hate us and want us dead also. They can not be moved to other Prisons because other Prisons can not hold them.
So the REALITY that President Obama must face, is that Guantanamo Bay is VITAL to American safety and security. What he must face is the REALITY of the situation. What does he do with these "people?" How does he judge who will and will not go back to blowing us up and killing Americans? They Lie? Really? You mean they can not be trusted? {Sigh}
To President Obama, I hope you are up to this. I hope you are ready to take FULL responsibility for those that are killed by those that we already HAVE in custody. Because NOW the blood will be on YOUR hands. Now YOU will be responsible for whatever those we have in custody, preventing them from further attacks, do after YOU release them. I hope, President Obama, you are ready for this.
AP - Released detainee now Yemen al-Qaida commander
These so called poor innocent people are not US citizens. Their terrorists out to kill poor innocent people.
Where the hell do people get the idea it safe to let these mad dogs loose in our country.
How many more of our citizens have to die before people realize the truth.
Hey Irishgodfather,
Welcome back.
"These so called poor innocent people are not US citizens. Their terrorists out to kill poor innocent people."
I will admit I have a hard time calling them PEOPLE. They are animals. No ability to think for themselves. Act on pure instinct and have no problem dying to KILL YOU.
60 percent go right back to killing American Soldiers, and bombing American interests.
"Where the hell do people get the idea it safe to let these mad dogs loose in our country."
The Maintstreme Media, the Liberals running Congress, and the "Kumbaya mentality."
"How many more of our citizens have to die before people realize the truth."
With Obama as President, while he is busy smiling at our enemies, I would not be the least bit surprised if we do not see another 9-11. Then people will wake up, for about a week, then they will be calling on President Obama to pull the Troops Out just like Bush.
An anti-war nut IS an anti-war nut, no matter WHO is in office.
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