Yup. I am defending Obama. He has the RIGHT to Freedom OF Religion.
Hey folks,
What a day today is starting out to be. I really do not know where to begin. I have to defend Obama. Then I have to get ready for another Conference with some of our other Blogger friends and API at 11:30 AM this morning. So let's get right to it.
First off. You DO know what the First Amendment actually states. Right?
Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
OK, First, it is Freedom OF Religion. Not Freedom FROM Religion. Second, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. AKA the Church of England. This is saying that the Federal Government can not establish, or create a National Religion, then create laws to FORCE you to worship that Federally created Religion. Third, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; AKA, tell you when and where to practice your Religion. Saying that you cannot pray in school for an example is prohibiting the free exercise of the student. Therefore that very act is unconstitutional. There is NO WALL OF SEPARATION. The supposed Wall is from a private letter, and has NOTHING to do with the Constitution. Not to mention the Constitution is FEDERAL, and has nothing to do with the States.
So word is that Obama wants to end his inaugural oath with the words "so help me God." A lot of President have. So what is the problem? Newdope, uh, I mean Newdow. Yeah THAT Idiot, Michael Newdow.
This is the guy who sued, and LOST, to words "under God" taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance. He wants, and will fail, to have "In God We Trust" taken off our money. He even tried, and failed, to stop Bush from using "so help me God." He will fail again. The Justice Department and Attorneys General from all 50 states have filed motions at the federal court asking for the lawsuit to be thrown out.
This guy is a waste of breath. He is nothing more than someone looking for his fifteen minutes. He has NO ground to stand on. He seems obsessed in fighting against something he does not even believe in. God.
What scares Newdope so much? Is he really that insignificant that he has to carry on with his stupidity, for all to see, to attempt to feel good? To what, make a name for himself? His life must really be pathetic.
Look, I have no problem with those that chose to dis-believe in God. Some do it because they see no proof. Some do it out of fear. Some do it out of arrogance. There can not possibly be something greater than they. Some out of ignorance as to what Faith is all about. If you chose not to believe in God, does that make you a bad person? Nope. Does it mean the God will condemn you to Hell? Nope. Do I judge you harshly? No. We all have our lives to live and we are all responsible for whatever choices we make.
However, when you start attacking me, or attempting to prohibit my free exercise of my Faith, then we will have problems. Obama has every right to say the "G" Word and has every Right to have the standard use of prayers during the Inaugural celebration.
Newdope has every Right not to watch. Newdope does NOT have the Right to force HIS belief system upon Obama or anyone else.
OK. Let me talk directly to this Idiot. Mr Newdope, I have a proposition for you. If you can PROVE to me that there is no God, I will stand by your side and call for Obama to NOT use the "G" word. I will start telling people that they have to shut up about God. I will be on your side. All you have to do is PROVE to me that there is no God. Until then, SCREW OFF. Go back into that little ooze puddle of which you crawled out of. Obama has the Constitutional RIGHT to do whatever he wants to in reference to his Faith. To SAY anything he wants to. You have the Right to SAY anything you want. But to attempt to infringe on Obama's Rights, this, you do not have the Right to do.
AP - Atheists want God stricken from inaugural oath

What a day today is starting out to be. I really do not know where to begin. I have to defend Obama. Then I have to get ready for another Conference with some of our other Blogger friends and API at 11:30 AM this morning. So let's get right to it.
First off. You DO know what the First Amendment actually states. Right?
Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
OK, First, it is Freedom OF Religion. Not Freedom FROM Religion. Second, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. AKA the Church of England. This is saying that the Federal Government can not establish, or create a National Religion, then create laws to FORCE you to worship that Federally created Religion. Third, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; AKA, tell you when and where to practice your Religion. Saying that you cannot pray in school for an example is prohibiting the free exercise of the student. Therefore that very act is unconstitutional. There is NO WALL OF SEPARATION. The supposed Wall is from a private letter, and has NOTHING to do with the Constitution. Not to mention the Constitution is FEDERAL, and has nothing to do with the States.
So word is that Obama wants to end his inaugural oath with the words "so help me God." A lot of President have. So what is the problem? Newdope, uh, I mean Newdow. Yeah THAT Idiot, Michael Newdow.
This is the guy who sued, and LOST, to words "under God" taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance. He wants, and will fail, to have "In God We Trust" taken off our money. He even tried, and failed, to stop Bush from using "so help me God." He will fail again. The Justice Department and Attorneys General from all 50 states have filed motions at the federal court asking for the lawsuit to be thrown out.
This guy is a waste of breath. He is nothing more than someone looking for his fifteen minutes. He has NO ground to stand on. He seems obsessed in fighting against something he does not even believe in. God.
What scares Newdope so much? Is he really that insignificant that he has to carry on with his stupidity, for all to see, to attempt to feel good? To what, make a name for himself? His life must really be pathetic.
Look, I have no problem with those that chose to dis-believe in God. Some do it because they see no proof. Some do it out of fear. Some do it out of arrogance. There can not possibly be something greater than they. Some out of ignorance as to what Faith is all about. If you chose not to believe in God, does that make you a bad person? Nope. Does it mean the God will condemn you to Hell? Nope. Do I judge you harshly? No. We all have our lives to live and we are all responsible for whatever choices we make.
However, when you start attacking me, or attempting to prohibit my free exercise of my Faith, then we will have problems. Obama has every right to say the "G" Word and has every Right to have the standard use of prayers during the Inaugural celebration.
Newdope has every Right not to watch. Newdope does NOT have the Right to force HIS belief system upon Obama or anyone else.
OK. Let me talk directly to this Idiot. Mr Newdope, I have a proposition for you. If you can PROVE to me that there is no God, I will stand by your side and call for Obama to NOT use the "G" word. I will start telling people that they have to shut up about God. I will be on your side. All you have to do is PROVE to me that there is no God. Until then, SCREW OFF. Go back into that little ooze puddle of which you crawled out of. Obama has the Constitutional RIGHT to do whatever he wants to in reference to his Faith. To SAY anything he wants to. You have the Right to SAY anything you want. But to attempt to infringe on Obama's Rights, this, you do not have the Right to do.
AP - Atheists want God stricken from inaugural oath
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