Hey folks,
I saw this on Monday but with the West Virginia results, and the fact I got a late start, I had to put it off until today. Remember this? We just learned that there are many Black Leaders that see Planned Parenthood as a Racist organization that kills way more Black babies through abortion than they do any other Race. Not to mention the fact that they will even accept donations especially set aside for that? Planned Parenthood Racists?
Who runs Planned Parenthood? Liberals.

Some public health experts are questioning why menthol, the most widely used cigarette flavoring and the most popular cigarette choice of African-American smokers, is receiving special protection as Congress tries to regulate tobacco for the first time.
One possible answer? They do not care if they die? Maybe, just maybe, they see the fact that 75 percent of Black Smokers smoke Menthol is a good thing? We have been told for years that cigarettes kill. Yet, if smokers were to quit tomorrow, where do you suppose all the money would come from that helps fund health care? It is bad, it kills, yet no ban? That is really just a side note.
The legislation, which would give the Food and Drug Administration the power to oversee tobacco products, would try to reduce smoking’s allure to young people by banning most flavored cigarettes, including clove and cinnamon.
But those new strictures would exempt menthol — even though menthol masks the harsh taste of cigarettes for beginners and may make it harder for the addicted to kick the smoking habit. For years, public health authorities have worried that menthol might be a factor in high cancer rates in African-Americans.
Yet they are exempting this? I remember seeing studies done that say Menthol actually grows crystals in the lungs and is FAR more dangerous than regular, unmethylated cigarettes. But as long as 75 percent of Blacks smoke Menthol, that's a fact that they are willing to overlook.
The reason menthol is seen as politically off limits, despite those concerns, is that mentholated brands are so crucial to the American cigarette industry. They make up more than one-fourth of the $70 billion American cigarette market and are becoming increasingly important to the industry leader, Philip Morris USA, without whose lobbying support the legislation might have no chance of passage.
“I would have been in favor of banning menthol,” said Senator Judd Gregg, Republican of New Hampshire, who supports the bill. “But as a practical matter that simply wasn’t doable.”
Because the government makes to much MONEY off of Big Tobacco. It really is that simple.
Even the head of the National African American Tobacco Prevention Network, a nonprofit group that has been adamantly against menthol, acknowledges that the ingredient needed to be off the bargaining table — for now — because he does not want to imperil the bill’s chances.
“The bottom line is we want the legislation,” said William S. Robinson, the group’s executive director. “But we want to reserve the right to address this issue at some critical point because of the percentage of people of African descent who use mentholated products.”
Liberals folks. They are all Liberals.
Supporters of the tobacco legislation, including the Senate bill’s sponsor, Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat, say the bill addresses the potential health risks of menthol by giving the F.D.A. the authority to remove cigarette additives, including menthol, if they are proved harmful.
Menthol is particularly controversial because public health authorities have worried about its health effects on African-Americans. Nearly 75 percent of black smokers use menthol brands, compared with only about one in four white smokers.
That is why one former public health official says the legislation’s menthol exemption is a “cave-in to the industry,” an opinion shared by some other public health advocates.
“I think we can say definitively that menthol induces smoking in the African-American community and subsequently serves as a direct link to African-American death and disease,” said the former official, Robert G. Robinson, who retired two years ago as an associate director in the office of smoking and health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Are they counting on this? It goes on for like two pages. But the point is clear. Get this.
Scientists who study smoking have identified various disparities in the health of black and white smokers. National Cancer Institute data shows that African-American men get lung cancer at a rate 50 percent higher than white men — a gap that most scientists say cannot be fully explained by historically higher rates of smoking by black men.
50 percent higher? Yet they still want this exemption? Why?
So we have Liberal programs that have destroyed the Black family. We have Planned Parenthood taking donations set aside to kill Black Babies. Now we have a ban on flavored Cigarettes, with an exemption of Menthol that is enjoyed by 75 percent of Black smokers, causing them a 50 percent higher rate than anyone else of getting cancer and DYING. Who is in charge of ALL these things? Liberal far Left Fringe Democrats. Affectionately dumbed here the LWL {Left Wing Loonies}
Who are the real racists? Just something to think about.
NYT - Cigarette Bill Treats Menthol With Leniency
OPNTalk - Planned Parenthood Racists?
1 comment:
The Congressional Black Caucus insisted on Menthols being exempt. If you really insist on the most powerful black people in this country (Obama is the exception) being racist towards the people they represent, I pity you.
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