Yes. You read that correctly.
Hey folks,
Happy Hump Day. Day three in what is most likely, a VERY long first week back for most of you out there, including me. I really can not believe I'm about to do this. I really can't.
If you have spent ANY time talking to me or time here, at the OPNTalk Blog, you know I do not like Sen Harry Reid. I consider him an ACTUAL Traitor. The very definition of the word. I consider him arrogant, power hungry, and pretty much an idiot who thinks that he, and the Senate, actually run this country. He seems to think that he and Pelosi control everything. They over reach, attempt to micro manage everything, including the Presidency, think they are smarter than everyone else, yet DO nothing. They love putting on shows. They love the spot light. But when it comes right down to it, they DO nothing.
HOWEVER. Knowing where I stand on Reid, and knowing how I feel about Racism and playing the Race card, I HAVE to come to Reid's aid here. I HAVE to defend him, if I like it or not.
You all know that Illinois Governor Blagojevich is under federal investigation for corruption. He tried to sell Obama's Senate Seat to the highest bidder. Now if he actually broke any laws, with the investigation being halted BEFORE he could actually do anything, is a matter for the Courts and the People in Illinois to decide.
Right now though, he IS the Governor and he DID appoint Roland Burris to Obama's Senate Seat. So now, yesterday, Burris shows up and was turned away. So what happens next? Of course, the Race Card is played. But it is not just Burris that is playing it.
A friend of mine pointed out that on Rush Limbaugh's Radio Show yesterday, he seemed to be calling Reid a Racist. He even talked about this piece illustrating that Race is ALWAYS seen by the Democrats and New Libs. That they are the ones that always bring it up. THAT I agree with and have been talking about that for a long time as well. I'll comment on the Dawn Trice piece tomorrow.
Yes I know that there are rumors out there that Reid called Blagojevich, and named three people that he did not want him to appoint, all being Black. Of course Reid denies this, and at this point it is nothing more than rumors. Yes I am aware, as I pointed out over and over again, the true Racists in the country find their home in the Left. But in this case? I'm not sure that Race is the factor.
What Reid is using for an excuse not to Seat him, may ACTUALLY not be an excuse. It may actually be Law. You see, Burris has a legal problem. Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, who wants Blagojevich to resign, refused to sign the paperwork he must present to Senate Officials. In essence, the process was not completed. If not completed, then officially not legal. So Reid may very well be with in his Rights, if not actually following the Law, to turn Burris away.
It may very well be that Reid does not want to accept Burris's incomplete paper work to allow Blagojevich to leave office, one way or another. Then once Blagojevich is out, Burris can be reappointed. No questions or controversy. No problems.
What I think Rush was doing yesterday was "Illustrating absurdity by being absurd" as he says often. It is ALWAYS the Republicans and, more to the point, Conservatives, that are called Racists. So now you have these rumours, and you have a Black guy show up, with more experience than even Obama, no corruption, no dark or questionable history, and appointed by a sitting Governor, who is turned away by a Rich White Guy, Reid.
But the truth is, you still have that little Legal problem of the paperwork NOT being completed. Excuse or not, that is still fact.
Hey folks,

If you have spent ANY time talking to me or time here, at the OPNTalk Blog, you know I do not like Sen Harry Reid. I consider him an ACTUAL Traitor. The very definition of the word. I consider him arrogant, power hungry, and pretty much an idiot who thinks that he, and the Senate, actually run this country. He seems to think that he and Pelosi control everything. They over reach, attempt to micro manage everything, including the Presidency, think they are smarter than everyone else, yet DO nothing. They love putting on shows. They love the spot light. But when it comes right down to it, they DO nothing.
HOWEVER. Knowing where I stand on Reid, and knowing how I feel about Racism and playing the Race card, I HAVE to come to Reid's aid here. I HAVE to defend him, if I like it or not.
You all know that Illinois Governor Blagojevich is under federal investigation for corruption. He tried to sell Obama's Senate Seat to the highest bidder. Now if he actually broke any laws, with the investigation being halted BEFORE he could actually do anything, is a matter for the Courts and the People in Illinois to decide.
Right now though, he IS the Governor and he DID appoint Roland Burris to Obama's Senate Seat. So now, yesterday, Burris shows up and was turned away. So what happens next? Of course, the Race Card is played. But it is not just Burris that is playing it.
A friend of mine pointed out that on Rush Limbaugh's Radio Show yesterday, he seemed to be calling Reid a Racist. He even talked about this piece illustrating that Race is ALWAYS seen by the Democrats and New Libs. That they are the ones that always bring it up. THAT I agree with and have been talking about that for a long time as well. I'll comment on the Dawn Trice piece tomorrow.
Yes I know that there are rumors out there that Reid called Blagojevich, and named three people that he did not want him to appoint, all being Black. Of course Reid denies this, and at this point it is nothing more than rumors. Yes I am aware, as I pointed out over and over again, the true Racists in the country find their home in the Left. But in this case? I'm not sure that Race is the factor.
What Reid is using for an excuse not to Seat him, may ACTUALLY not be an excuse. It may actually be Law. You see, Burris has a legal problem. Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, who wants Blagojevich to resign, refused to sign the paperwork he must present to Senate Officials. In essence, the process was not completed. If not completed, then officially not legal. So Reid may very well be with in his Rights, if not actually following the Law, to turn Burris away.
It may very well be that Reid does not want to accept Burris's incomplete paper work to allow Blagojevich to leave office, one way or another. Then once Blagojevich is out, Burris can be reappointed. No questions or controversy. No problems.
What I think Rush was doing yesterday was "Illustrating absurdity by being absurd" as he says often. It is ALWAYS the Republicans and, more to the point, Conservatives, that are called Racists. So now you have these rumours, and you have a Black guy show up, with more experience than even Obama, no corruption, no dark or questionable history, and appointed by a sitting Governor, who is turned away by a Rich White Guy, Reid.
But the truth is, you still have that little Legal problem of the paperwork NOT being completed. Excuse or not, that is still fact.
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