Hey folks,
Happy Tuesday. Getting back into the swing of things? Some in the GWBS {Global Warming Bul,,well, you can figure it out. {Smile}} are still playing the game by the old rules. I guess James Cook and Philip Munday didn't get the memo.

"From now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected president of the United States. Over the past 18 months, Barack Obama has united a movement. He knows change does not come from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or Capitol Hill. It begins when people stand up and take action," Gore wrote.
"With the help of millions of supporters like you, Barack Obama will bring the change we so desperately need in order to solve our country's most pressing problems."
The only problem Father Gore cares about is how much power control and money he can make from the GWBS. This is why I'm surprised that he did not go with McCain. He's a Lib. He is a bigger GWBS pusher than Obama is. Nearly every speech McCain has given lately, is all about GWBS.
Anyway, back to Idiots still using the same old Rhetoric. According to the AFP - Climate change threatens reef fish,

Coral reefs' vulnerability to global warming has already been established by researchers, but the fish living in the reefs are also at risk, James Cook University's Centre for Excellence in Coral Reef Studies found.
"We have already seen episodes of mass die-off of corals as a result of warmer waters associated with global warming, the problem for specialist coral fish is that when the corals die, the fish have nowhere else to go," the centre's Philip Munday said.
Problem is we are NOT warming. As a matter of fact, most agree that we will be getting cooler in the next ten to twelve years. The they go into the whole "What If" scenario. Which I have already pointed out to you is NOT science nor fact.
"If reefs have been extensively damaged or the composition of their corals altered due to global warming impacts, this process of re-stocking the reefs with fish may be disrupted," he said.
"At the same time, the baby fish are likely to be affected by changes in water temperature and the acidification of the oceans."
"If reefs have been extensively damaged or the composition of their corals altered due to global warming impacts, this process of re-stocking the reefs with fish may be disrupted," he said.
"At the same time, the baby fish are likely to be affected by changes in water temperature and the acidification of the oceans."
IF an asteroid were to hit us, it MAY cause a dust cloud to skyrocket into the sky which is LIKELY to kill all living things in a period of time. Sounds logical. Sounds scary even. But there would HAVE to be an Asteroid FIRST. Then it would HAVE to hit us. The Dust would then HAVE to skyrocket into the sky blocking out the Sun, THEN and ONLY then, could we know IF this is a true statement.
Munday said some fish may migrate to cooler waters if temperatures around their reefs became too warm.
Oh? So they adapt?
But he said this was not an option in Australia's Great Barrier Reef because there was nowhere for new coral to grow in the deep waters to the south of the giant reef, regarded by scientists as the world's largest living organism.
"There is really nowhere for coral reefs and their associated fish communities to expand," he said.
"Effectively, this means that some coral reef fish species will be squeezed by rising water temperatures into smaller and smaller areas, making them more susceptible to disturbances such as coral bleaching and increasingly vulnerable to fishing and other forms of human activity."
{Sigh} There you have it folks. "other forms of human activity." We are evil. WE are destroying the planet. WE need to protect it from ourselves. These guys are nothing more than Enviro-Wackos.
The coral centre's paper, a synthesis of previous research, was published in the journal "Fish and Fisheries" and will discussed at an international symposium on coral reefs in Florida next month.
Gore, Obama, and the Coral Reef Fish. Sounds like a great 60's folk music band, but I'm not sure this qualifies them to run the country.
AFP - Climate change threatens reef fish,
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