Hey folks,

In 1998, Fannie Mae's earnings were manipulated, which resulted in
"maximum payouts" to executives including CEO Jim Johnson. "As CEO of Fannie Mae, Johnson, a former chief of staff to Vice President Walter F. Mondale and chairman of the board of the Kennedy Center, was the beneficiary of accounting in which Fannie Mae's earnings were manipulated so that executives could earn larger bonuses. The accounting manipulation for 1998 resulted in the maximum payouts to Fannie Mae's senior executives -- $1.9 million in Johnson's case -- when the company's performance that year would have otherwise resulted in no bonuses at all, according to reports in 2004 and 2006 by the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight." (Jonathan Weisman and David S. Hilzenrath, "Obama's Choice Of Insider Draws Fire," The Washington Post, 6/11/08)
The manipulation resulted in Johnson receiving a bonus of over $1.9
million when he otherwise would not have earned a bonus. "An Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight report in September accused the company of improperly deferring $200 million of estimated expenses in 1998, which allowed management to receive full annual bonuses. Had the expenses been recorded that year, no bonuses would have been paid, the report said. Fannie Mae reported paying bonuses in 1998 to Johnson, who received $1.932 million; Raines, who then was chairman-designate, $1.11 million; Chief Operating Officer Lawrence M. Small, $1.108 million; Vice Chairman Jamie S. Gorelick, a former deputy attorney general, $779,625; Chief Financial Officer J. Timothy Howard, $493,750; and Robert J. Levin, who was executive vice president for housing and community development, $493,750." (Albert B. Crenshaw, "High Pay At Fannie Mae For The Well-Connected," The Washington
Post, 12/23/04)
Johnson also received fees and compensation from Fannie Mae worth $3.3
million between 2001 and 2006. "Johnson left the company before it was swept up in an accounting scandal that tarred its reputation, but even during the years of scandal, Johnson was reaping hundreds of thousands of dollars in consulting fees and other compensation, $3.3 million in all between 2001 and 2006." (Jonathan Weisman and David S. Hilzenrath, "Obama's Choice Of Insider Draws Fire," The Washington Post, 6/11/08)
Since 2001 he is a Vice Chairman of the private banking firm Perseus LLC. He is also a board member at Goldman Sachs, Gannett Company, Inc., a media holding group. KB Home, a home construction firm. Target Corporation. Of whom my Wife LOVES. {Smile} Temple-Inland, and United Health Group.
He is also the FORMER "Search Leader" for the VP for Obama. That's right folks, he just resigned yesterday.
Obama's response? Jim Johnson resigned so he would not be a distraction. {Laughing} Another one?
"Jim did not want to distract in any way from the very important task of gathering information about my vice presidential nominee, so he has made a decision to step aside that I accept."
Hey Senator Obama. What about Eric Holder?
Eric Holder is another member of Obama's Vice Presidential Vetting
Committee. So? Remember Marc Rich? Rich was under investigation of Wire Fraud, Tax Fraud, and illegal trading with Iran. He ran away to Switzerland, and denounced his citizenship to avoid prosecution for Racketeering, Wire Fraud, 51 counts of Tax Fraud, evading $48 million in taxes, and engaging in illegal trades with Iran in violation of the U.S. embargo following the 1979-80 hostage crisis.
Eric Holder was the guy that avoided standard procedures of filing the proper paper work for Pardons through the Justice Department. They went right to President Clinton, who in turn, issued the Pardon.
So Senator? What about Eric Holder? Is he new? Or is he just Politics as usual. Is he not going to be a distraction also? Like Rev Wright, Tony Rezko, William Ayers? No Senator. They are all your friends. All your associates. This is who you CHOSE to surround yourself with. Yet, you want us to believe that you are about change, hope, and a new direction? We do, just not the direction you want to go.
The more time goes on, the more I truly feel that Obama is nothing more than an empty suit. A figurehead for a radical agenda drive group that wants American domination. He gives GREAT speeches that suck in even the most intelligent people. But take that teleprompter away, and he sounds worse than Bush.
So why do they hate Talk radio? I repeat, Rev Wright, Tony Rezko, William Ayers. These were not well known names until Talk Radio brought them to the attention of their listening audience. Rush just talked about Jim Johnson last week. I am bring up Eric Holder, but I would not be surprised if you hear that name soon being shouted from the Microphones.
I really do have a question to Obama. Do you have ANY friends or associates that are not, well, shady?
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