Hey folks,

Then, if they allowed all the delegates, they would be seen as trying to give it to Clinton, receiving more of the popular vote, at the expense of what the majority of other delegates want. That being Obama. They would also then have a problem with ignoring their insane rules to begin with.
So their solution? Seat half. But that is not sitting well with Clinton. According to the AP - Officials say Fla., Mich. delegates will get half-votes By NEDRA PICKLER and BETH FOUHY, Associated Press Writers
It prompted an irate reaction from boisterous Clinton supporters in the audience and her chief delegate counter, Harold Ickes.
Ickes angrily informed the party's Rules Committee that Clinton had instructed him to reserve her right to appeal the matter to the Democrats' credentials committee, which could potentially drag the matter to the party's convention in August.
"There's been a lot of talk about party unity — let's all come together, and put our arms around each other," said Ickes, who is also a member of the Rules Committee that approved the deal. "I submit to you ladies and gentlemen, hijacking four delegates ... is not a good way to start down the path of party unity."
Then a Clinton supporter spoke up.
"How can you call yourselves Democrats if you don't count the vote?" one man in the audience shouted before being escorted out by security. "This is not the Democratic Party!"
But it IS the Democrat Party. They made these rules. They chose not to enforce them. They are the ones that created this whole insane process, this mess, and now this decision. It IS the Democrat Party.
Remember, Obama was not even on the ballot in Michigan.
Clinton's camp insisted Obama shouldn't get any pledged delegates in Michigan since he chose not to put his name on the ballot, and she should get 73 pledged delegates with 55 uncommitted. Obama's team insisted the only fair solution was to split the pledged delegates in half between the two campaigns, with 64 each.
The committee agreed on a compromise offered by the Michigan Democratic Party that would split the difference, allowing Clinton to take 69 delegates and Obama 59. Each delegate would get half a vote at the convention in Denver this summer, according to the deal.
So with not even being on the ballot?
Obama picked up a total of 32 delegates in Michigan, including superdelegates who have already committed, and 36 in Florida. Clinton picked up 38 in Michigan, including superdelegates, and 56.5 in Florida.
Obama's total increased to 2,052, and Clinton had 1,877.5.
66 away for Obama. Clinton? Well, you do the math. Folks, this is long from over. Clinton vows to take an appeal to the next level, possibly even the Convention, and of course there is always the Liberals favorite avenue, LAWSUIT! Then you have the Clinton supporters. The Obama supporters. Then you have the Mass Media. Nobody is happy with this. Just wait. This is going to get interesting. At least they tried. You have to give them that.
AP - Officials say Fla., Mich. delegates will get half-votes
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