Hey folks,

As I told you before, the push is on. We now have a President to be sworn in that is all to willing to play the game. It doesn't matter who that is. Both Obama and McCain are either ignorant enough to buy it, or cagey enough to see what it is all about and want a piece of it.
So one of the last things that President Bush will be doing is going to his last EU-US summit tomorrow. It is no surprise that most in the world, in any aspects, realize that Bush is out, and as I said already, the world is watching 08.
Nothing ground breaking is going to happen here. Nothing. Maybe more talks to talk further. But they are waiting to see what McCain or Obama will pledge to do. They are waiting to see how much US sovereignty either will be willing to give up in the name of saving the planet. The one not in any danger, nor in the need of saving.
Of course they will be discussing other things in this summit, but the crust of it will be GWBS {Global Warming BS} However, that will even be pointless at this point. Bush is out, so there is no way that he can nor will guarantee any future implementations.
Just think about this folks. A LWL {Left Wing Loony} run Congress, and a Socialist President? One who seeks Money, Power, and Control? More on Obama tomorrow. Then you have McCain. McCain has already come right out and said that he wants to create a new wold order. A NEW organization to control world powers and see to it that we all fall in line in the name of saving the planet and the future for our kids.
Do not expect this EU-US summit to amount to anything more than a sound bite this time around. However, be mindful of the future.
New World Order?
That's scary as hell
Usually means a a powerful and secretive group alleged to be plotting to eventually rule the world.
Yes it is.
John McCain, the virtually certain Republican presidential nominee, has endorsed the concept of a new global compact of more than 100 democratic countries to advance shared views and has discussed the idea with French and British leaders.
"It could act where the U.N. fails to act," he said last month, and pressure tyrants "with or without Moscow's and Beijing's approval."
VERY scary.
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