I hope they are anyway.
Hey folks,
Remember I just said
"The more time goes on, the more I truly feel that Obama is nothing more than an empty suit. A figurehead for a radical agenda drive group that wants American domination. He gives GREAT speeches that suck in even the most intelligent people. But take that teleprompter away, and he sounds worse than Bush." THIS Is Why They HATE Talk Radio
Well, Rush just said this on his show yesterday.
"Obama is a blooming idiot, a frontman for liberal hacks."
Rush said:
"This guy Obama is dangerous, because he's an idiot. I mean, really. They talk about how brilliant this guy is, that he went to Harvard and so forth. I did some checking. This guy never wrote anything at Harvard Law. He just had a law review. He never wrote anything -- probably on purpose, not to create a paper trail. Number two, he might not have been capable of it, for all I know. But I mean the things this guy says, the people he hangs around with, the associates he chooses to become part of his administration. Hell, he just went to somebody out there. He
just hired somebody to be one of his big advisors on something who ended up quoting Winnie the Pooh! I'm not kidding. He quoted Winnie the Pooh in terms of foreign policy, how we have to behave. I'll find this. I've got four stacks here. Ah. Here it is today. It's Richard Danzig."
He is referring to this article from the Telegraph.com.uk
Barack Obama aide: Why Winnie the Pooh should shape US foreign policy
Winnie the Pooh, Luke Skywalker and British football hooligans could shape the foreign policy of Barack Obama if he becomes US President, according to a key adviser.
Richard Danzig, who served as Navy Secretary under President Clinton and is tipped to become National Security Adviser in an Obama White House, told a major foreign policy conference in Washington that the future of US strategy in the war on terrorism should follow a lesson from the pages of Winnie the Pooh, which can be shortened to: if it is causing you too much pain, try something else.
Mr Danzig told the Centre for New American Security: “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security.”
Yup. Read that again.
“Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security.”
He spelt out how American troops, spies and anti-terrorist officials could learn key lessons by understanding the desire of terrorists to emulate superheroes like Luke Skywalker, and the lust for violence of violent football fans.
These are the smartest people in the room? He ACTUALLY READ FROM IT!
Mr Danzig spelt out the need to change by reading a paragraph from chapter one of the children’s classic, which says: “Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump on the back of his head behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming down stairs. But sometimes he thinks there really is another way if only he could stop bumping a minute and think about it.”
Then he claims that by talking to some captured terrorists, he found that they want to be Superheros. {Sigh}
He said that even people who are relatively well off and successful can feel like failures and become alientated from their societies. He said one terrorist told him: “We have been raised on a theory of superheroes. We all want to be like Luke Skywalker.
"When we’re doing mundane things, we lose track of our ambition but when someone comes along, like Asahara, the head of the cult, and presents himself as a messiah and gives us a picture of progress that is ordained by heaven and that we are carrying out a saintly mission on earth that is for us extraordinarily evocative.”
Mr Danzig added: “The parallels with al Qaeda are obvious.”
So is Obama's Messiah persona.
He said that another lesson about terrorists can be learnt from studying violent football fans. “One of the best books I’ve read on terrorism in recent years was not about terrorism at all,” he said. “It’s Bill Buford’s book Among the Thugs, which is a description of soccer violence in Britain.
“Buford became absorbed by soccer violence. He describes the most appalling examples of soccer violence by fans against fans. But he describes with relentless honesty how he finds sickening things attractive. He says violence lets the adrenaline flow; it’s like sex, you live in the moment.”
So we REALLY want these people in charge of our National Security? Then Obama got mad yesterday when the McCain camp called him naive on foreign affairs. REALLY? Get this from the AP - Obama rebukes McCain camp on terrorism criticism
A defiant Barack Obama said Tuesday he would take no lectures from Republicans on which candidate would keep the U.S. safer, a sharp rebuke to John McCain's aides who said the Democrat had a naive, Sept. 10 mind-set toward terrorism.
"These are the same guys who helped to engineer the distraction of the war in Iraq at a time when we could have pinned down the people who actually committed 9/11," the presumed nominee told reporters aboard his campaign plane. "This is the same kind of fear-mongering that got us into Iraq ... and it's exactly that failed foreign policy I want to reverse."
By quoting Winnie the Pooh? He also showed yet again how ignorant he really is when it comes to history and FACTS. He said this.
"And, you know, let's take the example of Guantanamo," Obama said. "What we know is that, in previous terrorist attacks — for example, the first attack against the World Trade Center — we were able to arrest those responsible, put them on trial. They are currently in U.S. prisons, incapacitated."
They were already HERE. They were on American soil. They were not enemy combatants on foreign soil trying to kill our troops. MORON. But he goes on.
"And the fact that the administration has not tried to do that has created a situation where not only have we never actually put many of these folks on trial, but we have destroyed our credibility when it comes to rule of law all around the world, and given a huge boost to terrorist recruitment in countries that say, 'Look, this is how the United States treats Muslims. ...
We could have done the exact same thing, but done it in a way that was consistent with our laws," Obama said.
WE ARE! These are two COMPLETELY different situations and different laws.
"Senator Obama is a perfect manifestation a September 10th mind-set ... He does not understand the nature of the enemies we face," McCain national security director Randy Scheunemann told reporters on a conference call.
Former CIA director James Woolsey, who is advising the McCain campaign, concurred, saying Obama has "an extremely dangerous and extremely naive approach toward terrorism ... and toward dealing with prisoners captured overseas who have been engaged in terrorist attacks against the United States."
Their response was just plain idiotic.
The Obama campaign countered with its own conference call in which Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., and Richard Clarke, a counterterrorism official in Republican and Democratic administrations, argued the McCain campaign was emulating Rove.
"I'm a little disgusted by the attempts of some of my friends on the McCain campaign to use the same old, tired tactics ... to drive a wedge between Americans for partisan advantage and to frankly frighten Americans," Clarke said.
Kerry accused McCain of "defending a policy that is indefensible" by siding with Bush's policies, particularly with respect to the Iraq war.
Obama said Republicans could be counted on to do "what they've done every election cycle, which is to use terrorism as club to make the American people afraid to win elections." He said he didn't think it would work this time.
How about the FACT that there really are people out there that want us dead. How about the fact that these people do not even fall under the Geneva Convention. How about the fact that like it or not, the LWL members of the Supreme Court that just gave our enemies more Rights than our own Citizens are just plain wrong. Some of the blood of American people that died during 9-11 and any future attack is on THIER hands now.
The dumbing down of America is completely scary. Those in power are suppose to be smarter than your average person. Yet, as time goes on, we learn how truly ignorant they really are. Not insulting here, I truly mean ignorant. Some down right stupid. Completely oblivious to reality and truth.
Yes folks, Obama is a genius. He is choosing the best, most brilliant people in the world to surround himself with. You know, terrorists, thieves, and those that see Winnie the Pooh as a viable foreign policy. So do NOT call him naive.
OPNTalk- THIS Is Why They Hate Talk Radio
Rush- Radio Show
Telegraph.com.uk- Article
AP - Obama rebukes McCain camp on terrorism criticism
Hey folks,
Remember I just said

Well, Rush just said this on his show yesterday.
"Obama is a blooming idiot, a frontman for liberal hacks."
Rush said:
"This guy Obama is dangerous, because he's an idiot. I mean, really. They talk about how brilliant this guy is, that he went to Harvard and so forth. I did some checking. This guy never wrote anything at Harvard Law. He just had a law review. He never wrote anything -- probably on purpose, not to create a paper trail. Number two, he might not have been capable of it, for all I know. But I mean the things this guy says, the people he hangs around with, the associates he chooses to become part of his administration. Hell, he just went to somebody out there. He

He is referring to this article from the Telegraph.com.uk
Barack Obama aide: Why Winnie the Pooh should shape US foreign policy
Winnie the Pooh, Luke Skywalker and British football hooligans could shape the foreign policy of Barack Obama if he becomes US President, according to a key adviser.
Richard Danzig, who served as Navy Secretary under President Clinton and is tipped to become National Security Adviser in an Obama White House, told a major foreign policy conference in Washington that the future of US strategy in the war on terrorism should follow a lesson from the pages of Winnie the Pooh, which can be shortened to: if it is causing you too much pain, try something else.
Mr Danzig told the Centre for New American Security: “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security.”
Yup. Read that again.

He spelt out how American troops, spies and anti-terrorist officials could learn key lessons by understanding the desire of terrorists to emulate superheroes like Luke Skywalker, and the lust for violence of violent football fans.
These are the smartest people in the room? He ACTUALLY READ FROM IT!
Mr Danzig spelt out the need to change by reading a paragraph from chapter one of the children’s classic, which says: “Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump on the back of his head behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming down stairs. But sometimes he thinks there really is another way if only he could stop bumping a minute and think about it.”
Then he claims that by talking to some captured terrorists, he found that they want to be Superheros. {Sigh}

"When we’re doing mundane things, we lose track of our ambition but when someone comes along, like Asahara, the head of the cult, and presents himself as a messiah and gives us a picture of progress that is ordained by heaven and that we are carrying out a saintly mission on earth that is for us extraordinarily evocative.”
Mr Danzig added: “The parallels with al Qaeda are obvious.”
So is Obama's Messiah persona.
He said that another lesson about terrorists can be learnt from studying violent football fans. “One of the best books I’ve read on terrorism in recent years was not about terrorism at all,” he said. “It’s Bill Buford’s book Among the Thugs, which is a description of soccer violence in Britain.
“Buford became absorbed by soccer violence. He describes the most appalling examples of soccer violence by fans against fans. But he describes with relentless honesty how he finds sickening things attractive. He says violence lets the adrenaline flow; it’s like sex, you live in the moment.”
So we REALLY want these people in charge of our National Security? Then Obama got mad yesterday when the McCain camp called him naive on foreign affairs. REALLY? Get this from the AP - Obama rebukes McCain camp on terrorism criticism
A defiant Barack Obama said Tuesday he would take no lectures from Republicans on which candidate would keep the U.S. safer, a sharp rebuke to John McCain's aides who said the Democrat had a naive, Sept. 10 mind-set toward terrorism.
"These are the same guys who helped to engineer the distraction of the war in Iraq at a time when we could have pinned down the people who actually committed 9/11," the presumed nominee told reporters aboard his campaign plane. "This is the same kind of fear-mongering that got us into Iraq ... and it's exactly that failed foreign policy I want to reverse."
By quoting Winnie the Pooh? He also showed yet again how ignorant he really is when it comes to history and FACTS. He said this.
"And, you know, let's take the example of Guantanamo," Obama said. "What we know is that, in previous terrorist attacks — for example, the first attack against the World Trade Center — we were able to arrest those responsible, put them on trial. They are currently in U.S. prisons, incapacitated."
They were already HERE. They were on American soil. They were not enemy combatants on foreign soil trying to kill our troops. MORON. But he goes on.
"And the fact that the administration has not tried to do that has created a situation where not only have we never actually put many of these folks on trial, but we have destroyed our credibility when it comes to rule of law all around the world, and given a huge boost to terrorist recruitment in countries that say, 'Look, this is how the United States treats Muslims. ...
We could have done the exact same thing, but done it in a way that was consistent with our laws," Obama said.
WE ARE! These are two COMPLETELY different situations and different laws.
"Senator Obama is a perfect manifestation a September 10th mind-set ... He does not understand the nature of the enemies we face," McCain national security director Randy Scheunemann told reporters on a conference call.
Former CIA director James Woolsey, who is advising the McCain campaign, concurred, saying Obama has "an extremely dangerous and extremely naive approach toward terrorism ... and toward dealing with prisoners captured overseas who have been engaged in terrorist attacks against the United States."
Their response was just plain idiotic.
The Obama campaign countered with its own conference call in which Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., and Richard Clarke, a counterterrorism official in Republican and Democratic administrations, argued the McCain campaign was emulating Rove.
"I'm a little disgusted by the attempts of some of my friends on the McCain campaign to use the same old, tired tactics ... to drive a wedge between Americans for partisan advantage and to frankly frighten Americans," Clarke said.
Kerry accused McCain of "defending a policy that is indefensible" by siding with Bush's policies, particularly with respect to the Iraq war.
Obama said Republicans could be counted on to do "what they've done every election cycle, which is to use terrorism as club to make the American people afraid to win elections." He said he didn't think it would work this time.
How about the FACT that there really are people out there that want us dead. How about the fact that these people do not even fall under the Geneva Convention. How about the fact that like it or not, the LWL members of the Supreme Court that just gave our enemies more Rights than our own Citizens are just plain wrong. Some of the blood of American people that died during 9-11 and any future attack is on THIER hands now.
The dumbing down of America is completely scary. Those in power are suppose to be smarter than your average person. Yet, as time goes on, we learn how truly ignorant they really are. Not insulting here, I truly mean ignorant. Some down right stupid. Completely oblivious to reality and truth.
Yes folks, Obama is a genius. He is choosing the best, most brilliant people in the world to surround himself with. You know, terrorists, thieves, and those that see Winnie the Pooh as a viable foreign policy. So do NOT call him naive.
OPNTalk- THIS Is Why They Hate Talk Radio
Rush- Radio Show
Telegraph.com.uk- Article
AP - Obama rebukes McCain camp on terrorism criticism
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