Hey folks,

But then you have the Envionuts standing in the way of even THAT! A while back there were articles about how Wind Turbines will harm wildlife. More studies need to be done. NOW, Solar Power is on their hit list. On Friday, the New York Times had this. Citing Need for Assessments, U.S. Freezes Solar Energy Projects
DENVER — Faced with a surge in the number of proposed solar power plants, the federal government has placed a moratorium on new solar projects on public land until it studies their environmental impact, which is expected to take about two years.
That is all you need to know. So TWO years to study the environmental impact, then, if they decide it's OK, we MAY start to plan, build, and distribute, for a high price, this alternative. So how long?
It is past time we stop playing games here folks. Go here and let them know you are done with the insanity of the Left and you WANT this NOW. There is a form letter there that you can just put you name and address to. I added a few things and sent it out. Here is a copy of mine. Highlighted is what I added to it.
Peter Carlock
[Sender address inserted here]
June 27, 2008
[recipient address was inserted here]
Dear [recipient name was inserted here],
As you know, energy prices are skyrocketing and Americans are feeling an increasing amount of pain from fuel costs at home, at the office and at the pump. I am writing you today to ask that you support opening the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) to energy exploration and production. You have an opportunity to fix these high prices by voting in favor of increasing America's supply of energy. I am counting on your support.
It really is as simple as this. Drill Here, Drill Now, and we will pay less. As they stated in their letter to Speaker Pelosi, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists indicated that it would only take between five to ten years.
"The process of leasing, evaluating, drilling, and developing an oil or natural gas field typically takes five to ten years. Some fields come online sooner. Others are delayed by permitting or regulatory delays or constraints in the availability of data acquisition and drilling equipment and crews. Large projects and those in deep water may require a decade or more to ramp up to full production."
This by those that actually DO it. Not talking points from some Liberal Evionut group that knows nothing.
Doing nothing, taxing Big Oil, {By the way, Windfall Profits means profit from doing nothing. Like what the Government gets by taxing the gas we buy now.} or stealing their profits outright "to invest in alternative fuels," will not add another gallon of gas, nor lower the price at the pump one Pennie.
Please help those of us who are concerned about how our nation's energy policies impact our daily lives. Please support increasing our energy supply by accessing our domestic energy resources in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
Thank you considering my perspective.
Peter Carlock
Folks, if you are as fed up as I am over the fight to keep us away from the simplest of answers to this continuously growing problem, take a second and take action on this. Let them KNOW you are. We must keep up the pressure on these idiots, we must gain our energy independence NOW.
NYT - Citing Need for Assessments, U.S. Freezes Solar Energy Projects
Friends of The Chamber- Letter
Both wind and solar power are inefficient means of producing energy.
The only reason they are around at all is due to millions of dollars in subsidies by our Congress
who never stop trying to make a country into their idea of what it should be., rather than let the people
decide it through the market place.
The large increase of oil is not necessarily a bad thing if it occurred through a free market. Being more profitable a lot of companies would get into the business of producing more oil.
However the steep decline of the value of the dollar, due in most part by our funding of the Iraq war
has pushed investors into hedges against this failing currency. Referred to as speculators ( the people that
Newty and other corrupt politicians wants to punish). These speculators are those companies that manage
your pensions, insurance plans and dreams of decent retirements.
To drill or not to drill and where should be a business/economic issue not a political football, played on a field of ignorance and propaganda.
This economic/political problem is the direct results from all administrations starting with Nixon through Bush. Note that Reagon, and both Bush’s along with the congress have expanded the paper money in this
country to dangerous levels. A large part of the price of oil is a reflection of this.
VERY well said.
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