Hey folks,

AP - House fails to move gas pump price gouging bill By H. JOSEF HEBERT, Associated Press Writer Wed Jun 25, 12:50 AM ET
House Democrats failed Tuesday to resurrect a bill to punish price gouging at the gas pump, while maneuvering to block Republican attempts to expand offshore drilling, an idea gaining in popularity amid $4-a-gallon gas prices.
Gaining in popularity? Yeah like 76 percent of Americas are for it.
Action on legislation that would assure continuation of the ban on oil and natural gas drilling in most of the country's coastal waters was put off until later this summer after it became increasingly clear that Republican lawmakers may have the votes to lift the drilling moratorium.
SO WHO's Fault is it that you will STILL be paying over 4.00 a gallon? The Liberal Democrats. Who's fault is it that we STILL cannot drill and use our own resources? The LWL {Left Wing Loonies} Who is to blame? Not Bush. Not the Republicans. Not YOU. It is ALL the Democrats. Those beholden to the Envionuts.
As Democrats prepared a string of energy proposals before lawmakers depart for the July 4 holiday recess, Republicans charged that they were being blocked from getting a vote on whether to end the ban on offshore oil and gas drilling.
Of course they are.
Last week GOP presidential candidate John McCain as well as President Bush called for ending the blanket prohibition on energy development over 80 percent of the country's offshore waters. Republicans contend that the offshore bans should be ended to allow for more domestic oil and gas production, an argument that has gained support with $130-a-barrel oil raising the cost of everything from food to air travel.
Air travel and the Airline business IS in danger of being destroyed at the hands of the Democrats. But they do not care about that. They do not care about the single mom that has to decide if she can afford to buy food for her kids or gas to go to work. They do not care about the average American who is struggling. They care about the Chicken Little crowd and the Envionuts. They care about the Soros money.
The House Appropriations Committee has postponed consideration of an Interior Department spending bill that included continuation of the offshore drilling ban. Republicans had prepared a proposal that would have ended the ban and allowed oil and gas development 50 miles from shore in all U.S. coastal waters.

The similar Interior spending bill, which also included the offshore drilling ban, was put off in the Senate as well.
Meanwhile, House Democratic leaders failed to get the two-thirds vote needed to push through a measure that would have made gasoline and diesel fuel price gouging a federal crime, with penalties of up to $2 million for individuals and possible jail time. The vote was 276-146.
Folks, these people are blooming Idiots. Big Oil has been investigated over and over again. No price gouging has EVER been found. This was nothing but a show vote. AGAIN. An attempt to villainize Big Oil and allow the Government to take over. Get the picture? Their answer as to WHY they continue to play games? Same old lies that have already been debunked.

It really is a wonder how a guy like this that cannot walk and crew gum at the same time got elected.

And again.
Energy experts and oil geologists acknowledge it would take five to 10 years for any oil or natural gas to be produced if the ban were ended today.
WAIT!!! The experts agree five to 10 years. FIVE YEARS? What happened to 2030? They just admitted that they LIED to you.

Emanuel, at a news conference, sidestepped questions on whether Democrats are concerned the GOP drilling measure was gaining support and that Democratic leaders were refusing to allow it to come up for a vote.
Instead, Emanuel emphasized that Democrats soon will push legislation that would require oil and gas companies to explore and develop the waters on which they already have obtained federal leases. If they don't, they will lose the leases.
{Laughing} Yeah, use it of lose it. We already talked about this.
Oil companies and their GOP supporters in Congress "are using this crisis as an excuse" for a grab for additional federal land and waters, said Emanuel.
This guy really is nothing more than a complete and utter Moron. I mean it. This guy is completely, well, stupid. Either that or he is just bought and paid for.
Other Democratic proposals range from giving the federal government new tools to curtail speculation in oil trading markets by imposing new requirements on the amount of collateral traders must have in oil purchases and requiring a reduction in mass transit fares.
NONE of which will add another gallon, nor lower prices at the pumps. Not now, not in five years. Not even by 2030. The Democrats have NOTHING. No answers. They just continue to play games. It's time to send them a message. GAME OVER. Drill Here, Drill Now. We WILL pay less. Anything else? Not good enough.
AP - House fails to move gas pump price gouging bill
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