Hey folks,
First off, sorry about the last two days. Circumstances beyond my control kept me away. But I'm back in The Chair, and ready to go.

Seriously, this was all over the place, under the blanket if you will, WAITING, BEGGING, to be broken free and thrown into the light of public consumption. Even some of the Mainstream Media started reporting this last night. According to the AP-Adviser says Clinton has decided to end campaign By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer
Hillary Rodham Clinton has decided to end her historic presidential campaign while leaving her options open to retain her delegates and promote her issue agenda, a campaign official says.
The former first lady told House Democrats during a private conference call Wednesday that she will express support for Barack Obama's candidacy and congratulate him for gathering the necessary delegates to be the party's nominee.
"Senator Clinton will be hosting an event in Washington, D.C., to thank her supporters and express her support for Senator Obama and party unity. This event will be held on Saturday to accommodate more of Senator Clinton's supporters who want to attend," her communications director Howard Wolfson said.
Sorry, I just cannot buy this. She is talking about suing. She said she will never quit. She said, well, then again, when did what she says today matter tomorrow away?
Also in the speech, Clinton will urge once-warring Democrats to focus on the general election and defeating Republican presidential candidate John McCain.
Of course, if she actually does this. But really?
A senior Clinton adviser said the candidate and her lieutenants had discussed various ways a presidential candidacy can end, including suspending the campaign to retain control of her convention delegates and sustain her visibility in an effort to promote her signature issue of health care. This adviser spoke on condition of anonymity because officials were not authorized to discuss the conference call Clinton held with her congressional supporters.
But one has to also ask, what else could she be waiting for? Suspending a campaign is not the same as conceding. It is NOT quiting and TRULY bring unity to the party. Good for McCain, BAD for the Democrats.
The other options include freeing her delegates to back Obama and ending her candidacy unconditionally. The official stressed that neither Clinton nor her inner circle had decided specifically what course to take other than to recognize that the active state of her bid to become the nation's first female president had ended.
But she really has not done that yet. This all sounds good folks, but do not believe it until you actually see it. Then take even that with a grain of salt. Like I said, do not believe she is out, until you see her walking away. But just like Freddy Kruger, Michael Myers, and Jason, she may come back when everyone is starting to get comfortable.
Until November, when the next President of the United States is voted in, she still has time. Do not forget who we are talking about here.
Sorry again for missing a couple of days. See you tomorrow for the From the Emails Friday.
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