Hey folks,

I got this in the Emails from Newt Gingrich, who started this to let Congress know, we as Americans, KNOW who is to blame for the skyrocketing oil prices, and it AIN'T Big Oil. It is the fact that we have been prevented for way to long from using our own resources right here in our own Country.
This is a simple step you can take to show Congress that you are fed up with this small, yet well funded, and extremely loud group of environmental Wackos that have caused YOU to be paying the prices you are paying at the pump.
It is far past time to start putting US first, and do what we should have been doing for well over twenty years. Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less.
Dear Friend,
We launched our “Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less.” campaign last month, and the response has been overwhelming.
Already, more than 667,000 people have signed the petition urging Congress to start drilling for oil domestically. We have already presented the Senate with our first round of 350,000 signatures, and we are quickly approaching our goal of 1,000,000 by July 4th. With gas and diesel prices averaging over $4.00 a gallon nationwide, we need relief, and long term solutions.
I hope you'll sign the petition now and join me in sending a message to Congress that we need real solutions to stop the pain Americans are feeling at the pump.
If you go online and make a special contribution of $10 or more we will send you this "Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less." bumper sticker.
Thank you for standing with me for real change.
Thank you for standing with me for real change.
Your friend,
Newt GingrichGeneral Chairman American Solutions
P.S. This petition drive has been successful because engaged citizens like you have helped spread the word. Please forward this email to 10 of your friends or family members and encourage them to sign the petition to help us reach our goal of 1,000,000 signatures.
Take a second and sign the Petition. I did. Have a great day. See you tomorrow.
I definitly signed that petition.
He did a video on his site that was fairly good on the price of oil;didn't quite agree with his comments on speculaters, never the less it's one of the better things he has done.
Thought to ponder:
A 1947 siver quarter will buy a gallon of gas, just like it did then. Wonder why that is?
Thank you for signing.
Yeah, I have a major problem with the Speculators. I have looked at this situation every way you can think of. I have come to the conclusion, that it is SO FAR out of the supply and demand aspect, that there HAS to be other forces driving it. Most of those possibilities come down to cold hard cash.
I still do not blame the Oil Companies. I do blame both the Democrat Congress, and the Enviro-Wackos that have prevented us from using our own resources.
I was wondering if Newt would let me know when he plans on dumping that oil on the market so I can sell oil options short.
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