Hey folks,

Amnesty. Something like 40 attempts at granting Amnesty in various Bills and hidden agendas. Talk Radio, Blogs, ETC, the NEW Media, told you about it. They failed.
Universal Health Care. It was because of the New Media that you have all the information you have on this. The Utopia of Nationalized Healthcare is not what it seems. They cannot get the votes because YOU will not let them.
FISA, Supporting our Troops, the fact that the War HAS NOT FAILED. In the face of all the FACTS and TRUTH, they, and their friends in the Mainstreme Media, were coming out and telling you DIRECT LIES. It was because of Talk Radio and the New Media that YOU FORCED them to do the right thing.
Global Warming BS. Why do you think they have not hit this full force and attempted to pass some of their idiotic ideas in to law? Because more and more of you are learning the it is GWBS. If it were not for the New Media, they would have flooded the major networks, and New Papers, as they have, with constant BS about GW. But more and more of you are getting your FACTS, and hearing the TRUTH from sources other than them. They cannot even debate it. They have NO real scientific PROOF that it even exists, as a matter of fact, Science and Nature prove them WRONG. You would have never heard that from them. You still haven't.
NOW, 76 percent of you want us to Drill here, Drill NOW, and you KNOW that this would mean you will pay less. They continue to hammer you with the Liberal talking points that are both incorrect, and will NOT add another gallon nor lower the cost a Pennie. As a matter of fact. ALL of their proposals on this will INCREASE the cost at the pump and create MORE hardship on those already suffering. How do you know this? Well, next to commonsense and logic, you have gotten the TRUE facts from the New Media.
I have been telling you that they want to cut this source off. Even some Republicans have said Talk Radio is a problem. These people have power to change your lives forever. They WANT to. But you are not making it easy for them because as a wise man once said. "Knowledge is power." You have the facts and know the truth. Therefore they can not, although they try, come out and fool you or mislead you into buying what they are trying to sell to you.
So instead of doing what normal and intelligent people do, talk about and debate the points on any given subject, they want to SILENCE those that disagree with them. They want to silence YOUR voice, and those that give you the TRUTH. They want the monopoly of the news and information you receive BACK.
See the montage of the Fairness Doctrine HERE.
Yesterday, John Gizzi, Political Editor of Human Events Online posted this. Pelosi Supports 'Fairness Doctrine'

Experts say that the “Fairness Doctrine,” which was ended under the Reagan Administration, would put a major burden on small radio stations in providing equal time to Rush Limbaugh and other conservative broadcasters, who are a potent political force. Rather than engage in the costly practice of providing that time, the experts conclude, many stations would simply not carry Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and other talk show hosts who are likely to generate demands for equal time.
At a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor yesterday, I asked Pelosi if Pence failed to get the required signatures on a discharge petition to get his anti-Fairness Doctrine bill out of committee, would she permit the Pence measure to get a floor vote this year.

Pelosi pointed out that, after it returns from its Fourth of July recess, the House will only meet for another three weeks in July and three weeks in the fall. There are a lot of bills it has to deal with before adjournment, she said, such as FISA and an energy bill.
“So I don’t see it [the Pence bill] coming to the floor,” Pelosi said.
“Do you personally support revival of the ‘Fairness Doctrine?’” I asked.
“Yes,” the speaker replied, without hesitation.
Folks, if the House and the Senate, continue to be run by the Left Wing Loonies that are running it now, and someone like Obama get in, possibly even McCain, we could see the Fairness Doctrine reinstated. Now it will not force Rush to do anything. It will not effect WABC. However, as Mr. Gizzi points out, it WILL effect smaller radio stations nationwide. So people in the Midwest and smaller areas will lose the ability to hear Rush, Hannity, ETC. Of course, you can always listen to them on line. {Smile} But this is a DIRECT attack on the First Amendment by those running our Government. This is an on going attempt to keep you in the dark about what they are actually doing. This is the INSANITY and arrogance of the LWL. Time to send them a message folks. Plain and simple.
OPNTalk - Fairness Doctrine Montage
Human Events- Pelosi Supports 'Fairness Doctrine'
The real information revolution has been the Internet. Don't be surprised if the Government doesn't begin making new attempts at controlling it. The excuse will as usual be for our protection and the common good. It will begin as some type of regulation that on the surface will seem acceptable, but will then spread and increase until our government will control it also as it does almost everything else.
You are right Doug.
They always start off small. Usually it's for the kids. In this case, it is for adults. But it is ALWAYS in the name of our own good. Once they get a foot hold, they kick the door down and keep going.
Most people just accept it when it starts. They buy into the whole for your own good garbage. By the time they realize what is REALLY going on, it's to late.
The only reason that the LWL has not been able to do more damage to this country than they already have is simple. Knowledge is power. The people ARE getting the TRUE information and facts, and forcing Congress to do the right thing.
If they succeed with Hush Rush, then they will go after the Internet. No doubt about it. They will do whatever they can to silence their opposition.
I would be more worried if I were you about these two factors killing talk radio:
1. Most of it is on AM. And most of its listeners are over 55. It's a struggle getting younger people to listen to radio at all, much less AM.
By the way, there are two powerful disincentives to stations throwing in the towel on talk and going back to music -- music doesn't work on AM, which is why they started talk in the first place, and the record companies are about to get Congress to force radio stations to pay more royalties for their songs. That's going to cost radio stations more than hiring a boatload of liberals to balance things out.
Hey Anonymous,
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog.
"1. Most of it is on AM. And most of its listeners are over 55."
That use to be the way. Not anymore More and more young people are finding Conservatism attractive to the Liberal insanity that they see on a daily bases. Think about it as, well, a kind of rebellion. Their Teachers are 90 percent Liberal. Their friends who watch Liberal artists speak out about this or that, tell them how Conservatives are nothing more than hicks. Racist, Homophobic, War Mongers, then they hear someone like Rush or Hannity. They learn the truth and start listening.
More and more as time goes on you hear young people calling into these shows. Even Pre- and Teenage kids are calling, now that it's summer. Rush and Hannity are both on FM and AM, yes most local talk is still on AM but not all.
"By the way, there are two powerful disincentives to stations throwing in the towel on talk and going back to music -- music doesn't work on AM, which is why they started talk in the first place, and the record companies are about to get Congress to force radio stations to pay more royalties for their songs. That's going to cost radio stations more than hiring a boatload of liberals to balance things out."
Interesting perspective. I understand your point. Even though they hire the boat load of Liberals to "balance things out," they will lose listeners at those time slots. NO ONE {relatively speaking} listens to Liberals rant and rave uncontrollably with conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory. "Hate Bush, Bush is evil, America sucks" only plays to a VERY few wackos out there and not to the masses. If the NEW Liberal agenda DID appeal to the masses, Air America, NPR, and the like, would be bigger than Rush. Not happening because no one is listening.
Most of this country is STILL very Conservative. When they hear the truth, facts, and are able to evaluate all the information, they make conservative choices.
THIS is why the Libs want to shut down talk radio. They miss days gone by when they wrote what they were told to, reported on the nightly news what they were told to, and the American people BELIEVED them.
The American people now have a choice. They CHOSE talk radio and the Internet for their source of both news and infotainment. They can not be fooled as easily any more.
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