Hey folks,

I'm talking about LightSquared. Remember them? OPNTalk - Obama Pushed, Pressured General To Lie Sunday, September 18, 2011
Those of you who have heard of 4G, raise your hands. Good. Look at that. Chances are, you would LOVE to use a 4G Network for FAR cheaper than you are now. Well, there is a Company out there with new Technology and the ability to make that happen. Their name? LightSquared.Then this. OPNTalk - Second Witness To White House Coercion Wednesday, September 21, 2011
There is a little bit of a bug though. Turns out it interferes with GPS. Yes, that little box on your dash, or on your Phone, but also Ships, the Military, Air force, Comical Air Flights, ETC. It actually FRIES their systems.
Now the biggest investor in this is Philip Falcone who invested $3 BILLION Dollars into this. He is also a BIG Obama Supporter, and a Contributor to the Democrat Party in General. So along with Pushing Through the $500 Million to Solyndra, Obama was pushing for this to be authorized for widespread use. So Congress is Investigating.
In walks Four Star Air Force General William Shelton, who oversees Air Force Space Command, and says the White House tried to pressure him to change his Testimony to make it more favorable to LightSquared. Would this NOT be tampering with a Witness. Is this NOT a Crime?
This past Sunday, I posted this, Obama Pushed, Pressured General To Lie This is all about LightSquared, A new Start Up Company of which Philip Falcone, BIG TIME Obama supporter, Contributor to the Democrat Party, has invested $3 BILLION Dollars in it. What they are attempting to bring to Market is a NEW and CHEAPER 4G Network. Turns out, it interferes with GPS. Not just that little box on your dash, or on your Phone, but also Ships, the Military, Air force, Comical Air Flights, ETC. It actually FRIES their systems.OK. So we know all about this. So then we get this. From
So of course, in no Sane World, would they be approved of this. Witnesses, Like a Four Star Air Force General William Shelton, who oversees Air Force Space Command, would Testify of the FACTS that this is DANGEROUS, and a potential THREAT to National Security, and Life itself. He would be listening to. LightSuared would be denied, and YES, Investors, no matter who they are, would lose out. Lightsuared would have to go back to the Drawing Board. Either FIX it so that it doesn't interfere with GPS, or complete fold and go away.
HOWEVER, as I pointed out to you, Philip Falcone, BIG TIME Obama supporter, Contributor to the Democrat Party, is the Investor with the most to loose. SO? Obama called Four Star Air Force General William Shelton, and told him to CHANGE his Testimony.
The Daily Caller - LightSquared CEO resigns amid revelations of company’s proximity to Obama White House Published: 1:43 PM 02/28/2012 By Matthew Boyle - The Daily Caller
LightSquared CEO Sanjiv Ahuja abruptly announced his resignation Tuesday amid revelations of his company’s political proximity — and his own closeness — to the White House and Obama administration officials.This is not new to you if you are a true OPNer. {Smile}
The Daily Caller first reported one week ago on emails and documents that indicate political ties and numerous meetings between LightSquared and Obama administration officials as the company was undergoing regulatory review.
Ahuja’s resignation comes after Obama’s FCC suspended conditional approval of a waiver LightSquared needed to complete its high-speed broadband network. Until two weeks ago, the company’s final approval appeared imminent.So wait, He resigns yet he is still the Chairman? But then you have THIS.
Ahuja, who had never donated to Democrats before and has not since, gave the maximum allowable $30,400 contribution to the Democratic National Committee on the same day his lawyers were trying to arrange a meeting for him at the White House with top Obama technology adviser Aneesh Chopra and other officials.
In emails between Ahuja’s lawyers and White House officials Ahuja wanted to meet with, his lawyers pointed out that he would attend an Obama fundraiser on or about the same day he wanted the meeting.
In a statement accompanying the company’s announcement of Ahuja’s resignation, he made no mention of those revelations.
“During my tenure at LightSquared, we all worked tirelessly to create the nation’s first open wireless broadband network and provide consumers with a new wireless broadband experience,” Ahuja said. “That work continues and I wish the company and its fine management team well as they work to achieve this important goal.”
LightSquared spokesman Terry Neal did not immediately respond to TheDC’s request for comment on the possible connections between Ahuja’s resignation and revelations published exclusively by TheDC.
According to the release, Ahuja will remain LightSquared’s chairman.
Philip Falcone, the CEO of Harbinger Capital Partners — which created LightSquared from its predecessor, SkyTerra — was appointed to the LightSquared board on Tuesday as well. The Obama administration FCC approved Harbinger’s purchase of SkyTerra after what appeared to be a series of favorable regulatory decisions amid White House visits.Are you kidding me? Do not be fooled by this. The whole reason behind protecting them is NOW them. This next part is an even bigger Joke.
In the press release, Falcone said he remains confident in LightSquared’s future despite these new revelations and the company’s reported challenges related to GPS interference issues.
“LightSquared’s objective, through its wholesale business model, is to provide increased competition and lower prices in the telecommunications industry, and to bring broadband cellular phone service to rural areas that currently don’t have such service and that has not and will not change,” Falcone said. “We are, furthermore, committed to working with the appropriate entities to find a solution to the recent regulatory issues. We, of course, agree that it is critical to ensure that national security, aviation and the GPS communities are protected.”And of course protecting my 3 BILLION dollar investment and keeping money flowing into Obama. Typical Liberal Bunk. Get caught doing something, "apologize" or pass the blame, pretend to "fix" the problem by changing around the Deck Chairs, and continuing on with business as usual. But you already knew that.
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