Hey folks,

All of this is nonsenses and a distraction. Obama and Crew NEED Votes in the worst way. The LAST thing they want you or anyone else talking about is THE ECONOMY. So they COMPLETELY MAKE UP this war on women and Contraceptives. They ask Romney about it out of the blue, and dig up an old Video of Santorum giving an answer that they have constructed into something that was NEVER said. Then they get this ignorant Pawn named Fluke, to make an asinine statement. Rush jump in and well, you know the rest.
NO ONE ever called for the Banning of Contraceptives. No one on the Right is talking about Abortion, Contraceptives, or anything else. The LEFT is. The Obama Administration is orchestrating this whole thing. Just do not discuss the Economy.
Texas does not allow YOUR money to be used for Abortion. The people of Texas LIKE this. Obama and crew don't. So they announce, "No more money for you. Unless of course you change your ways and Pay for Abortion." They said, and continue to say "Screw Off." So who is hurt? 130,000 low-income Women.
Now of course, they want to blame Texas. But the truth is, it's the Federal Government playing Politics with these Women's health. Texas has had this Policy for quite some time, but NOW it's an Issue? They, Obama and Crew, put on a show to tell the LWL base BEFORE they even talk to anyone in Texas. It's all Show and Bunk. It's all Politics. It has NOTHING to do with Women's health. ZERO!
According to Fox News - Obama administration to end funding for Texas health program over state's abortion law Published March 09, 2012
HOUSTON – The federal government will stop funding a Texas health program that serves 130,000 low-income women because of a state law that bars abortion-affiliated clinics from getting public money, a top U.S. health official said Friday.{Sigh}They are just attempting to further the appearance that there is this "War on Women." That's all this is. Reality is though, the only ones effected by this Show is the 130,000 low-income Women. The program goes away, they get nothing. They will be back in the Emergency Rooms for Healthcare.

Perry blasted Sebelius' announcement, insisting Medicaid rules give states the right to determine which clinics are qualified to provide women's health care.There really is no other way to look at this. This is EXACTLY what Obama is doing. Playing Politics with the Health and Well being of those he CLAIMS to be all about helping.
"The fact that the Obama administration would announce its decision to deny care for more than 100,000 low-income women during a press event before giving official notice to the state is a clear demonstration of the political motivation behind this decision," he said in a written statement, adding that Texas officials are still waiting for official word on the decision.
As is the case with other programs now in the national spotlight, the Women's Health Program provides cancer screenings, family planning and other women's health services. About 44 percent of women in the Texas program go to Planned Parenthood clinics, although none that accept funding from the program may perform abortions, and no federal funds are used to terminate pregnancies.Because it's an election year and we are in trouble.
The problem in Texas is being caused by lawmakers' desire to prevent state funds from going to Planned Parenthood. The state is implementing a law that bars public funds from going to any programs, organizations or groups that are affiliated with abortions, even if they don't perform them.
After touring a hospital in Houston, Sebelius said the state law violates federal Medicaid regulations that require women be allowed to choose where they go for health care. Federal funds flowed to Texas under a waiver, but "we plan to let Texas know that that waiver will not be extended," Sebelius said.
The money will be phased out so women have time to find alternative care, she said.THERE IS NO RIGHT TO COMMIT MURDER!!!! There is no "Right" to take the life of another based on convenience or choice. There is none. Abortion may still be legal in this Country, but it is not a "Right" that others must pay for. If you want to have an Abortion, or SEX itself, then PAY for it. PERIOD! No one is saying that you can't. We are just saying it's NOT my responsibility to pay for YOUR decisions. Then you have this that bothers the Hell out of me. Listen to this and tell me this is NOT something you would hear from Pelosi or the Liberals calling for a China like, one Child Policy.
The state was warned that implementing the law would jeopardize federal funding, and Texas chose not to immediately enforce it when it was passed, Sebelius added.
"They knew ... they are not allowed to deny women the right to choose," Sebelius said. "Women would be losing their doctor, their medical home, their choice."
Stephanie Goodman, spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Health and Human Services, said money to pay for the program would be diverted from others that are under budget — though she didn't offer specifics. If that doesn't cover the costs, she said, the state would increase its deficit to pay for the services because officials believe that if low-income women don't have access to birth control, the birth rate would rise and cost the state another $57 million in maternity bills.{Sigh} Abortion and Contraceptives SAVE the State Money? Children are a burden? Did she not just say this? I'd like to know more about this Chick. But even if we accept the premise, which I do not, that this is Fact, it is STILL not MY or YOUR responsibility to pay for it. More on this in the DLA Segment.
Last year, Texas lawmakers slashed state funding for women's health and family planning programs by $73.6 million — cutting services to 160,000 women. They also took $10 million from a separate family planning budget line and shifted those responsibilities to organizations that administer Medicaid in Texas.Just because this Administration deemed a Law, doesn't make it right. If THEY cut the funding, it is THEM that will be denying these Women access. Not Texas. Obama. I hope Texas stands strong on this. Continue to tell the Truth about this Gov. Rick Perry. Don't give in to this nonsensical Political pressure. Continue to stand for what the PEOPLE in Texas want. And they don't want this.
Now, with the expected cut in federal funds, "there's a huge gap in family planning" in Texas, Sebelius said.
State Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-Houston, said she and members of Congress are negotiating with Sebelius and federal officials to find a way to ensure that the funds don't stop flowing.
And while Sebelius said her department has been trying to work with the state to provide a solution, she didn't indicate that would happen before March 14, when the state plans to begin enforcing the law.
"We have been working with Texas. We're eager to work with Texas to find a solution," Sebelius said. "But if Texas chooses to go down a road that violates the law, we really have no choice."
Fox News - Obama administration to end funding for Texas health program over state's abortion law
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