Hey folks,

RUSH: I mentioned at the open of the program that I got some stuff from the official site of those kooks calling themselves Occupy Wall Street. The official site of these kooks is called General Assembly, and I have here the minutes from a meeting. They posted the meeting minutes on their website and discussed at length, should we sew our own sleeping bags or give in and buy 'em? Here's a little excerpt.{Laughing} "So they want capitalists to give them stuff. Doctors, nurses, they want these people to perform their services free, while they are at the same time protesting everything that would make any of that possible." This really is the hypocrisy of Liberalism. This is a REAL Life example. "This is who these people are. This is what they're agonizing over. They need all this stuff, but it's a great conflict, because to go buy it they think is self-defeating. That's helping the "capitolists." So they want the "capitolists," the people they're protesting against to come donate items and their services."
Justine: "I'm concerned that buying new sleeping bags is against the principles that people came here for."
-Why? -
Justine: "I was under the understanding that there is an anti capotalist [sic] --" by the way, capitalist is spelled c-a-p-o-t every time it's written here, capotalist [sic]. "I was under the understanding that there is an anti capotalist [sic] part of this movement and consumptions when we feel emergency need is how we deal with issues in capoticalsm. [sic] Should we address issues the same way."
"That point's been brought up before. On the point of consumption, it will be next to impossible for us to operate without buying some of the stuff we need. We try to balance our principles with our need without making it too difficult. I've been visiting Salvation Army stores and buying as many sleeping bags as I can so I believe it's possible for us to get our supplies from charity stores and the like."
I have an idea. These people, they obviously want to live in their communes, and they want to sew their own sleeping bags, and there's more. I mean that's just a little excerpt. Why don't we find a state with vast wilderness where the federal government owns significant acreage and just give these people a piece of that land. They can knit their own clothes and sleeping bags, they can grow their own food and their own pot, but they will have to walk there. So we make sure it's a western state: Montana, Idaho, a lot of open air out there, a lot of federal land. These people want to live as far away from capitalism as possible, fine, give them the land, they can go knit and sew, do whatever they want to do out there, but of course they can't use the airlines, they can't drive cars. Those are evil, destroying the planet, capitalist.
General Assembly minutes, October 3rd, 7:30 p.m. "Wanted to make sure that we the people are okay with the people up front running it. The people up front are facilitators. Anyone can facilitate if they get in touch with the working group. Bri: Is a co-facilitator. She wants consent on weather [sic] of [sic] not we agree for them to be facilitators. ... Let's move the agenda first. Passed with no blocks."
"The first point, comfort budget." Okay, here's Jeff, he's one of the guys, one of the leaders of the group, they got a budget for comfort. He says, "I work with comfort. We have some major concerned [sic] about people sleeping here. Mainly we need sleeping bags. Sleeping bags cost money and no one is donating sleeping bags. With that in mind we have a proposal to use some of the donated money to buy sleeping bags. We would like to request about 2000 dollars from the fund for sleeping bags. We think if we buy 100 $20 sleeping bags, that would be enough for the time being."
"HOW THIS WILL WORK, we will ask for questions then concernes [sic] then blocks, then we will vote. CHRIS is stack taker: So I just want to know how many people are sleeping here already and if it’s projected that number will increase. Someone on medical counted around 400 the other night and it HAS been increasing. Roney: My question is does the budget requested account for taxes on the sleeping bags?"
These are the minutes. This is what these people were talking about at their board meeting. This is the Occupy Wall Street group.
"David: How long will 20 dollar sleeping bags last with winter coming up? Not very.
Great concern, we have none currently they are the most asked for item. We’d rather buy cheap ones now. We also have more blankets than sleeping bags so you can use blankets in conjunction with sleeping bags. LUKE: How many requests for sleeping bags do we get every day? He doesn’t know off the top of his head an accurate number. But he would guess about 100. Should we not just buy fabric? And construct sleeping bags?"
Then someone goes on to say: "I'm concerned buying a new sleeping bag is against the principles that people came here for." Somebody says, "Why?" "I was under the understanding that there is an anti capotalist [sic] part of this movement and consumptions when we feel emergency need is how we deal with issues in capoticalsm. [sic]"
Then the next set of minutes: needs of the occupiers. Most needed: "Sleeping bags, blankets, tarps, and large clear plastic storage bins to keep it all dry, polar fleece sweaters, pants, socks --" this is what they want people to give them, the Occupy Wall Street kooks. This is what they want people to donate them. It isn't gonna be long, folks, before we are going to hear that the Republicans gave the protesters blankets that were infected with smallpox. You wait. Some of these people are gonna get sick, gonna blame it on Republican donations to try to thin the herd. Well, the Republicans are gonna fix the bridges so they collapse when you drive across one and sabotage all the bridges and so forth. "We're also looking for volunteer legal counsel, doctors, nurses, dentists, mental health professionals, a volunteer accountant, volunteer computer expert, artists, people willing to do loads of laundry, and folks to print off fliers for us. Dedicated, capable volunteers for the food committee."
They've got a website tax deductible monetary donations can be made at. So they want capitalists to give them stuff. Doctors, nurses, they want these people to perform their services free, while they are at the same time protesting everything that would make any of that possible. (interruption) It's obvious that that's what they need. They obviously need more mental health professionals than anything else. And that list of people they need, isn't that a group of people you'd describe as "the rich"? Legal counsel, doctors, nurses, dentists, mental health professionals, an accountant, computer experts, artists? And, of course, people willing to do laundry. Why don't they do their own laundry? Oh, because they're gonna be too busy protesting. Exactly. This is who these people are. This is what they're agonizing over. They need all this stuff, but it's a great conflict, because to go buy it they think is self-defeating. That's helping the "capitolists." So they want the "capitolists," the people they're protesting against to come donate items and their services.
See, these people's mothers usually are the ones doing their laundry, and now mom's not around. It's their mother that makes their beds, but mom's not around. And it's their mom and dad that put food on the table for 'em, but their mom and dad aren't around 'cause they hate their mom and dad 'cause their mom and dad are evil capitalists, so they're out living on the cheap in their mind while asking all the people that actually make the country work to give them stuff.
Now we learn that Unions, most likely on orders directly from the White House, are BUSING professional Protesters in to Protest. Most of them will most likely be PAID. Tea Party this is NOT. Liberal or otherwise. This is a Joke. A Saturday Night Live Skit. A show. But I love it. They wants to live free, as long as they get all the creature comforts that Capitalism provides. They just do not want to pay for it.
If you are a Rush 24 Member, please go and check out the Audio. It really is Funnier than Hell. But if not, you get the point reading the Transcript. Have a GREAT Weekend folks, See you SOON!
Rush Limbaugh Radio - Anti-Capitalist Protestors Face Dilemma: Should They Buy Stuff?
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