Hey folks,

To all my friends up North. Uh, sorry. Keep warm. We here in Sunny South Florida are not so Sunny right now. Cloudy and drizzling. The Temp is a Chilly, well, 73. {Smile} Thank you for some of the Pictures. Pretty. I'll lend ya my Shovel. One of the Reasons I moved here. But it sure is Pretty. If YOU want to send me a Picture of that Pretty White Stuff, or, if YOU want to be a part of the OPNTalk Blog, OR, just say Hi, the Email as always, is opntalk@gmail.com.
Coming right up today?
WAY Over Played Race Card. Not Working Anymore
Aspirin: Not Just for Headaches Anymore
DLA For Sunday 103011
IWA for Sunday 103011

Today, unfortunately, is a different day and age. You have to be careful out there. Me and Joshua, well, NOW, me and Both my Boys, will be going to the same Neighborhood we have been going to for like 5 years. Josh a Dinosaur, and Eli a Candy Corn. We go to the same place every year because EVERYONE in the neighborhood participates. REAL Candy, decorations, Haunted Houses. ETC. Everyone pretty much knows everyone. There are even a couple of Sheriffs that live there. So it's pretty safe.
However, if you are new to the area, and even if your not, here are some tips for you.
Before you go out, go ON. That's Online. Check the Sex Offender Registry in your area, or the area that you will be Treat or Treating in. If you find some, OBVIOUSLY avoid those residence.
Of COURSE, either YOU, your Spouse, or ADULT Sibling, need to go with them.
Know were you are going. Map it out. Or at lease KNOW the Streets you want to "hit." Do not let your Kids talk you into going down a Dark Street that you may not be Familiar with.
Always avoid dark houses. House that do not have the Outdoor Light on. This is an Indication that either they are out of Candy, or want NOTHING to do with the whole thing. Only go to those Houses that have CLEAR signs that they are Participating.
STAY OUTSIDE!! Make sure your Kids don’t go inside ANYONE'S House. Even if they are invited in. Actually, ESPECIALLY if they are invited in. They can get their Candy at the Door. Unless you KNOW the People, there is no reason whatsoever that your Kids go inside.
Not only are Glow Sticks, Light Sabers, and Flashlights fun, they can save your life. Make sure you have something to alert Vehicles of your presents. They may HONESTLY not see you.
Of course, and finally, an oldie but goodie. CHECK YOUR KID'S CANDY!!! ONLY allow prepackaged store bought Candy. No Homemade Fudge, Cookies, Brownies, ETC. Sorry to those that love to Bake and Share. It is just a different time, and Trust in Strangers is harder and harder to come by.
The most important of all the Rules? HAVE FUN!!!! Just be safe.
Going to fill my cup. Be right back.
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