Thursday, August 18, 2011

Obama Administration: White People Are Terrorists

You good Minorities out there, if you see something Report it to a Minority Authority.

Hey folks,

THIS is absolutely absurd. Seriously. Is this an attempt to stir up the Racial Divide? Is it laying the foundation for further Race Wars and incite Violence? Is it an attempt to lay the Ground work for the FURTHER stripping away of our Freedoms and Rights? Truth is, I have no idea what this is. The scary thing is if they ACTUALLY believe this. We are in SERIOUS trouble.

Look, FACTS are FACTS. Who is it that is, and has been attacking us since before we even have a Navy? Yup. Muslims. In fact, and lets forget, that in the past Two Years, ALL the 126 people who were Indicted on Terrorist related Charges in the United States were Muslim. No. We need to target White People. Yup. White People.

You remember a while back, and I got in a bit of trouble for it, I posted the OFFICAL Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment It's called the Freedom of Information Act. So if you are Pro-life, you may be a Right Wing Extremist? If you are anti-Amnesty, you may be a Right Wing Extremist? If you are in the Tea Party, forgetaboutit, yous a Terrorist. You Racist, Bigoted, Chauvinistic, Homophobes out there. Yo! Yeah, I'm talk to YOU. You angry unemployed White Guys. Yous a threat to National Security. And Big Sis is watching you. You dare to question to King Obama? Uh? You dare to question the Thugs, uh, I mean the hard working, smartest People in the Country, the Congress? Yous be careful, or yous be a target. Ya hear me talking to ya? {Sigh}

But NOW we have this. Big Sis and the Homeland Security, has put together a Public Service Announcement. If you see White People acting hinky, go find the nearest Minority Authority Figure and report them. They may very well be a Terrorist. I'm not joking.

According to Prison Planet - Big Sis’ Latest Terrorists: More White Americans By Paul Joseph Watson August 17, 2011

Despite causing controversy last month with a video that portrayed white middle class Americans as the most likely terrorists, the Department of Homeland Security has released yet another PSA that depicts an attempt to bomb a subway station not by Al-Qaeda Muslims, but well-dressed white people.

A new Public Service Announcement entitled ‘The Drop Off – If You See Something, Say Something’ was unveiled by none other than Big Sis herself, Janet Napolitano, on the Homeland Security website today.

The PSA, which will be played on television and radio stations, shows a well dressed attractive white woman exiting a taxi before walking into a subway station. The taxi driver – a white man – then makes a phone call and sets a timer on a device in the trunk of the car. The woman then leaves her bag in the station.

“If you see something, say something – report suspicious activity to local authorities,” states the voiceover as the clip ends with other commuters reporting the incident to a black security guard and a black police officer.
{Laughing} You good Minorities out there, if you see something Report it to a Minority Authority. Do not waste your time reporting it to a White Police Officer, they may be Terrorists too. Also beware of White Cabbies. Folks, this is Patently Absurd. But it is NOT the first time.

As we highlighted last month, a longer PSA recently produced by the DHS overwhelmingly went to significant lengths to portray white Americans as the most likely terrorists, despite the fact that the 126 people who were indicted on terrorist-related charges in the United States over the last two years were all Muslim.

Bizarrely, the majority of the people shown reporting suspicious activity to authorities were portrayed as non-whites.

Despite the DHS’ claims to the contrary, many saw the ad as being deliberately racially motivated. Some concluded that this was merely a nod to political correctness while others viewed it as part of a pattern of demonizing white middle class Americans – many of whom are furious with the federal government for all manner of different reasons - as the DHS increasingly targets its anti-terror apparatus against politically motivated citizens.

Of the numerous different scenarios shown in the video, no less than 12 of them depict white people as terrorists whereas only three are non-whites. In addition, of the people depicted as patriotic Americans for reporting the terrorists, only one of them is white, while seven are non-white.
So lets see if we can answer some of the questions I posed in the beginning. Is this an attempt to stir up the Racial Divide? Seems that way. Minorities good. Whites Evil and they need to be reported.

Is it laying the foundation for further Race Wars and incite Violence? It very well could. White person sitting on a bench on a Train Platform, they get up to throw something away, leaving their bag on the Bench, all of a sudden, some Black Cop is investigating them? For no other reason than the fact they are White? What happened to NOT Racial Profiling? Oh I guess that does not include White people. It's just Muslims that we are not allowed to question. Right?

Is it an attempt to lay the Ground work for the FURTHER stripping away of our Freedoms and Rights? YUP! Just like the Right Wing Extremist Report, it is an attempt to give the Government authority to SILENCE and Harass ANYONE, who dares question this Administration. It really is simple to understand. They got NOTHING. So they HAVE to play the Race Card. That is how Obama got Elected in the first place. But now it's more than that. They do not like the Constitution. They do not like Freedom. They HATE it when someone in this country stands up and questions them. If they can successfully label Americans in this Country that disagree with them as Extremists and possible Terrorists, they will then attempt to SCARE others into moving away from them. In other words, shut up, or we will lump YOU in with those Terroristic White Racists out there. You wouldn't like that now would you?

The scary thing is if they ACTUALLY believe this. We are in SERIOUS trouble. We are. They will STOP looking for the REAL Enemy, and they will continue to strip search Granny, molest little kids, and let those that actually ATTACK us, walk right through. Amazing. My hope is though, that the Majority of Americans are done with this nonsense and ready for REAL Hope and Change.

OPNTalk - OFFICAL Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment
Prision Planet - Big Sis’ Latest Terrorists: More White Americans

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This country was 'built' by terrorists and terrorism. Don't care who's in denial or glorifies it. It's plain as day.