Hey folks,

"Peter, you keep talking about the pipeline system to transport crude oil from Canada to Refineries in Illinois and Oklahoma,and the extension that will take it all the way to the Gulf Coast. I think it's called the Keystone Pipeline. You said that when completed it could help produce like 90 percent of our national oil needs. No more relying on countries that hate us.
That is a lot of ground to cover, and you know the environmental wackos out there are going to do anything they can to stop this. But image if you would, they told the wackos, forget you. We are going to kill the damn birds. You will like it and approve. this is for our country's own good. Can you imagine the headlines? Congress would want to investigate, etc.
Well look at this. "The permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service would allow the projects to "take" an unspecified number of endangered species. Under the Endangered Species Act, "take" is defined as killing or injuring an endangered species
The government can issue permits to kill or injure listed species with no penalties or risks of lawsuits to developers who agree to craft conservation plans." Not only are they saying we WILL kill endangered species, they want to rush the permit process through. Ignoring standard procedures. Can you imagine Big Oil saying this? Incomprehensible."
No not really. This is WHO they are. "WE, us Liberals, can doing whatever we want. We do not have to follow the rules that we create for you. We are smarter than you, therefore WE get the power, and control. WE are in charge and you will like it."

SALMON, Idaho (Reuters) - The Obama administration is evaluating a plan to allow a 200-mile corridor for wind energy development from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico that would allow for killing endangered whooping cranes.So they are not saying it may THREATEN Endangered Species. They are saying it WILL KILL THEM. They are just trying to figure out an "Acceptable number." Then forget all the different Studies and Permitting Processes. Just roll it all into one. The regular Process takes too much time and costs too much. You think any other Industry would get this kind of treatment?
The government's environmental review will consider a permit sought by 19 energy developers that would permit turbines and transmission lines on non-federal lands in nine states from Montana to the Texas coast, overlapping with the migratory route of the cranes.
The permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service would allow the projects to "take" an unspecified number of endangered species. Under the Endangered Species Act, "take" is defined as killing or injuring an endangered species
The government can issue permits to kill or injure listed species with no penalties or risks of lawsuits to developers who agree to craft conservation plans.
According to federal officials, the large scale of the review will help streamline the permitting process by lumping many projects into a single study.
The Obama Administration has been working to speed development of renewable energy projects by improving coordination among various state and federal agencies.{Sigh} "Government scientists have not yet determined how many whooping cranes, other threatened and endangered birds and imperiled bats would be killed or otherwise harmed because of the wind project." OF COURSE NOT! But an Oil spill, they would have estimates out the wazoo, even if they were making them up completely. But since Obama wants this, GOVERNMENT SCIENTISTS, which is an oxymoron to begin with, say "It's so early in the process we won't begin to speculate on what that might be," You SPECULATE all the time you Idiot. Global Warming is nothing more, well, a SCAM, but nothing more than Speculation of possibilities of a POSSIBLE Problem that no one can PROVE. {Sigh}
Environmentalists, however, say the "fast track" process results in inadequate environmental reviews.
The Administration's latest wind energy proposal raises concerns among wildlife advocates because the developments would overlap with habitat imperiled birds such as whooping cranes rely on, including the Central Flyway, a migratory path that cuts through North America's midsection between the Arctic and the Tropics.
The leading cause of death for the nation's last historic population of whooping cranes, which stand at 5 feet and have a wingspan of more than 7 feet, is overhead utility lines, the Fish and Wildlife Service said.
Conservationists say the Central Flyway's population of 280 cranes -- which make a refueling stop along Platte River in Nebraska along with tens of thousands of sandhill cranes and snow geese -- would suffer with the loss of just a single adult breeding bird.
"I can hardly imagine what the government is thinking. Whooping cranes are the rarest of all the cranes, the rarest of American birds," said Paul Johnsgard, author of several books on the cranes and professor emeritus of ornithology at the University of Nebraska.
Fish & Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe said wind energy is crucial to the nation's future economic and environmental security, which is why the agency is paving the way for a renewable energy project with an undetermined number of wind turbines generating an unidentified amount of electricity along the 200-mile-wide corridor.
"We will do our part to facilitate development of wind energy resources, while ensuring that they are sited and designed in ways that minimize and avoid negative impacts to fish and wildlife," he said in a statement.
Whooping cranes, North America's tallest bird, once numbered in the tens of thousands before hunting and habitat loss caused their populations to plummet to 16 in the 1930s.
The cranes, which annually migrate thousands of miles from wintering grounds in coastal Texas to breeding and nesting areas in Alberta, Canada, were at the forefront of an emerging wildlife conservation movement in the 1960s that gave rise to a series of landmark laws aimed at preventing extinctions of rare and declining animals.
Whooping cranes were among the first creatures added to an early version of the Endangered Species Act in 1967.
Few other populations of whooping cranes exist in the United States, with an introduced flock in central Florida that does not migrate and a fledging group in Wisconsin that biologists have trained to fly to the winter refuge of Florida by following ultralight aircraft.
Attempts to establish crane populations elsewhere, including Idaho and Colorado, have failed.
Government scientists have not yet determined how many whooping cranes, other threatened and endangered birds and imperiled bats would be killed or otherwise harmed because of the wind project, said Amelia Orton-Palmer, conservation planner with the service.
"It's so early in the process we won't begin to speculate on what that might be," she said.
F in right, I mean, "F" is right here. Imagine if "Big Oil" sent out a Press Release and said "We are going to run this Pipeline, Drill, or whatever, and YES, we are going to kill some Endangered Species. We are also not going to go through this lengthy and costly Study and Permit Process. Just give us one all encompassing Permit to pretty much do whatever we want. Hey, it's for the good of the Country and all Mankind, so you will LIKE it." That is EXACTLY what Obama and Crew are doing here. EXACTLY. And they are coming out and TELLING you that is what they are going to do. In essence, Obama is saying, I want this. I do not care. Kill the Damn Birds. It is not really incomprehensible. It IS who they are.
Have a GREAT Weekend folks, see you SOON.
Reuters - Vast wind energy proposal could kill endangered birds
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