Hey folks,

Now I have been telling you for years that they have even stopped trying to hide it now. They are nothing more than the Corporate Media and they simply report whatever they are told to. Gone are the days of independent, hard hitting, real Journalism. What we have left is nothing more than an extension of the Liberals in Washington. An Attack Organization and Cheerleaders for the Liberal Agenda.
A while back, I talked about how the New York Times Violates their own Ethics Policy Daily. Now we have another clear case of this. Her name? Jennifer Preston. Preston is a Fake Journalist, Book Author, Adjunct Professor at Columbia University, and long-time New York Times Employee.
According to the NYT's Ethic Policy:
Steering Clear of Advice RolesActually, I could highlight A LOT of the Ethics Policy here that would highlight Ms. Preston's naughty behaviour, but I think you get the point. They are suppose to be NEUTRAL. UNBAIS. They are not suppose to be in bed with ANY Politician, or Political Party. I know, I know. But they are at least not suppose to ADVERTISE that they ARE.
40. It is an inherent conflict for a journalist to perform public relations work, paid or unpaid. Staff members may not counsel individuals or organizations on how to deal successfully with the news media. They may not, for example, advise candidates for public office, write or edit annual reports, or contribute to the programs of sports teams.
41. They may, of course, explain the newsroom's normal workings and steer outsiders to the appropriate editor or reporter. They may offer basic advice to community or neighborhood institutions such as their child's school, a small museum, a local charity or their house of worship.
42. They should not take part in public relations workshops that charge admission or imply privileged access to the press, or participate in surveys asking their opinion of an organization's media relations or public image. But on occasion they may describe our procedures to public relations groups with the goal of improving the flow of pertinent information.
43. Staff members may not serve as ghostwriters or co-authors for people or groups who figure in coverage they are likely to provide, prepare or supervise. They may not undertake such assignments for organizations that espouse a cause.

Minutes after President Obama urged Americans this morning to tweet their support for a Democratic debt-ceiling bill, a New York Times reporter prompted the White House to organize the effort with a special Twitter hashtag.What? OF COURSE YOU WERE. You know that she KNOWS what she was doing was against her own Ethics Policy by her quick denial of her doing, well, what she was doing. It ends with this statement by Preston.
Hashtags use the “#” symbol to mark keywords or topics on Twitter. They often help drive messages by linking similar messages together in a common theme.
At 10:55 a.m. the Times’s Jennifer Preston suggested that administration officials might create a hashtag, so tweeting Democrats could jointly target Republicans who are now trying to pass their own debt ceiling plan.
Preston tweeted to a White House rep, saying “@macon44 Hi there. I heard the President ask the people to tweet re: debt ceiling. Are you guys using specific hashtag?”
A minute later, she tweeted a followup to White House staffer Jesse Lee, saying, “Hi Jesse, what’s the hashtag that you guys are urging people to use in their tweets to Congress re: debtceiling.” Lee is the White House’s s director of progressive media & online response. (RELATED: New WH talking point: Boehner is the Grinch, and he’ll steal your Christmas)
Eight minutes later, at 11:04, the White House’s press shop announced a new hashtag for Democrats to use when targeting GOP members of Congress: “@NYT_JenPreston People responding to POTUS shld use #compromise. As he said, it is ‘time for #compromise on behalf of the American people.’”
At 11:31, The Washington Post reported out the new hashtag, and at 12.32, staffers at the White House’s Office of Management and Budget re-tweeted the same message. “RT @postpolitics: The @whitehouse new media team has said people responding to the President on Twitter should use #compromise.”
Preston, whose own tweet ID is @NYT_JenPreston, covers social media in politics and government. Reached by TheDC for comment, she insisted that she wasn’t trying to aid the White House in any way.
“I wasn’t doing it to help the White House,” she added. “I was doing it to help myself.”Of course you were helping yourself. You need to keep having the Paycheck coming in. So, like a good little Drone, you simply do whatever they tell you. I know your Paper lost ALL Credibility a while ago but JEEZ Ms. Preston. At least PRETEND to be Neutral. It would be like me, saying to someone trying to figure out a Math Problem, "Hey, why do you not use a Calculator? Here is one." Of course you were HELPING them. It didn't work though. Did you catch this? NY Daily News - President Barack Obama takes debt battle to Twitter, loses more than 40,000 followers in one day
Not everyone is a fan of the presidential spam. By Friday evening, the President had lost more than 40,000 Twitter followers - and counting.Better be careful Ms. Preston. They will throw YOU under the Bus. It was YOUR fault that their little Twitter Spam thing didn't work. They were following bad advice from YOU. Do not doubt that. They NEVER take credit for Failures.
Congratulations Jennifer Preston, for openly and outwardly violating your own companies Ethics Rules and Regulations, YOU are the Idiot of the Week. For that completely pointless denial, maybe it is YOU that needs some help in Covertness and Denial. But then again, it IS the NYTs. We have come to expect none the less.
The Daily Caller - New York Times reporter prompts White House media staff on Twitter
NY Daily News - President Barack Obama takes debt battle to Twitter, loses more than 40,000 followers in one day
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