Hey folks,

Announcing the Launch of the Partnership for AmericaIf they are legit, I will be interesting in learning more about what average everyday people can do to support them and help the cause. Sad though, in this day and age, one has to be careful. There are a lot of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing out there.
PR Newswire
WASHINGTON, July 29, 2011
New Organization Presses for Market-Based Solutions to Health Care Problems
WASHINGTON, July 29, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Partnership for America, a new, national grassroots organization dedicated to finding common-sense, market-based solutions to problems in the U.S. was unveiled today in Washington D.C.
The organization, based in the nation's capital, is dedicated to fighting to preserve American independence from foreign creditors, foreign energy producers and excessive government control by finding solutions to public policy problems that are consistent with our Founding principles. By ratifying the Constitution, the states granted limited powers to the Federal government and reserved to themselves and their citizens those powers not explicitly granted. The Constitution also provided that the three branches of that Federal government would provide checks and balances to prevent one person or branch from gaining too much power.
"The Partnership is determined to fight to protect the unalienable rights of all Americans and ensure a new era of American greatness by reducing Americans' dependence on government," the Partnership's chairman, James Wootton, said. "Our first project will be to work with other groups and individuals – our partners – to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and devise widely acceptable ways to address the problems with America's healthcare system."
The Partnership for America (http://partnership4america.org/) has assembled a first-rate team headed by Wootton, who was the founding president of the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform. The group's team also includes Legislative Director Bob Wood, a former chief of staff to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Policy Director James Capretta, a former associate director for healthcare at the White House Office of Management and Budget, and Litigation Counsel Chuck Cooper, a former Assistant Attorney General for Legal Counsel.
The Partnership has made Repealing and Replacing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) its highest priority because while PPACA poses a great threat to that system of government and must be repealed, repeal is unlikely to happen unless there is a credible alternative to take its place. According to Policy Director James Capretta: "There were problems with the American health care system before PPACA was enacted that will need to be addressed when it is repealed. That's why the Partnership is working with a broad-based political coalition to design a realistic, market-based alternative that can be implemented when PPACA is reversed."
The Partnership is working to alert the American people that PPACA's Independent Payment Advisory Board will allow unaccountable bureaucrats to ration health care for seniors. It also is raising alarms that a greater than predicted shift to state-run exchanges for subsidized health insurance could add between $50 billion and $100 billion to annual Federal deficits and increase the national debt by up to $1 trillion over ten years.
"The Partnership believes it is imperative that Congress address these concerns before permanent damage is done," Wootton said.
The Partnership for America; 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006
The Partnership for America
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