Hey folks,

Seriously, with all the extra money, you would be willing, and able, to go out and buy more goods and services. It sounded almost too good to me so I Googled it, and found this in SEVERAL Different places. So I just picked one for the link. Here is the letter.
March 25, 2009
Mr. Barack Obama
United States of America
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500

I am writing to applaud your decision to appoint a Presidential task force to review and overhaul the nearly century old U.S. Tax Code. Costly, convoluted and confusing, the current code has left the American taxpayer to spend countless hours and dollars trying to comply with an antiquated system.
As the task force begins to examine ways to simplify revenue collection so that it works better for the American people, I ask that you direct the Treasury to analyze the objectives embodied within H.R.1703, the Comprehensive Transform America Transaction Fee Act of 2009, as they could be helpful in pursuing two of your goals; improving revenue collection and reduction of both the national debt and the deficit. It is legislation that I introduced today calling for Treasury to conduct a comprehensive analytical study on the viability of eliminating all federal taxes on individuals and corporations and replacing the taxes with a fee on transactions.
The transaction fee would be equivalent to current revenues generated by all federal taxes, and could provide addition revenues to reduce the national debt and the deficit. The transaction fee would help close tax loopholes and protect progressivity. Experts at the Congressional Research Service (CRS) have reviewed the transaction fee and find along with other tax policy organizations, that eliminating all federal taxes would further stimulate the economy and spur job growth by allowing businesses to expand their operations and hire more employees. CRS also estimates that with implementation of a transaction fee of less than half a percent, the nation could get to revenue neutrality.
As your Administration investigates avenues to eliminate the nation's escalating debt and deficit, the transaction fee offers a viable funding solution. In whole or in part, the transaction fee would also serve to support some of your other critical initiatives such as universal health care, an equitable public school system and investment in the infrastructure of urban and rural areas.
Should you or the tax review task force need additional information on the Comprehensive Transform America Transaction Fee Act, I will be more than happy to answer your questions.
Very truly yours,
Chaka Fattah
Member of Congress
cc: Mr. Rahm Emanuel
Here is the Link I chose: Yahoo News - Fattah to White House: Task Force Should Look to Transforming Tax Code With Transaction Fee. I see it is originally from PRNewswire-USNewswire. That makes sense.
Anyway, I think this is an idea that is really worth considering. What say you?
Have a great Weekend. I'm off to a Pow Wow tomorrow. Josh's first. See you Sunday.
Note: "From The Emails" is a weekly segment in the Friday edition of the OPNtalk Blog. If you care to send in News Articles, Comments, Stories, or anything else you may wish to share, please feel free to send it to opntalk@aim.com As always, you never know what you are going to see here.
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