Tuesday, August 01, 2006

There Is NO Global Warming.

Hey folks,

I got an email a few days ago from a very good friend of mine. She is TRYING to convince me that Global Warming is real. I have tried so hard to see this as a possibility, but I just can’t. I tried, I can’t, THERE IS NO GLOBAL WARMING..

But I did try to understand why some believe this. Her email to me said,

"Here are a few things to look at. this is just today, I am sure as the years go on I will find something to break that bubble your living in."

The links that she provided were interesting. The first one is a yahoo / AP news article that talks about the "dead zone." Dr. Nancy Rabalais, Chief Scientist for Northern Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Studies, claims that this dead zone has averaged about 4,800 square miles since 1990. The record of 8,500 square miles, about the size of Israel, was in 2002. This is due to global warming.

Just on a side note... The size of Israel? Oh yeah, this is a LIBERAL augment. Global Warming is evil, Israel is evil, hence the comparison?{Smile}

The next was an AFP article that is talking about the heat wave. According to the article, of course this is caused by Global Warming, as well as a Reuters article which is talking about the California Blackouts. Yes this too, Global Warming. Along with another Reuters article, Global Warming Puts 12 US Parks At Risk. As you can see, she had no problem finding news article to warn me about the so called imminent threat of Global Warming and the fact we are causing our own destruction.

But here is the problem, there is NO real scientific evidence that Global warming is real, according to many scientist, like at Arguments Against ,

According to The Leipzig Declaration, "There does not exist today a general scientific consensus about the importance of greenhouse warming from rising levels of carbon dioxide. In fact, many climate specialists now agree that actual observations from weather satellites show no global warming whatsoever--in direct contradiction to computer model results." It adds, "based on all the evidence available to us, we cannot subscribe to the politically inspired world view that envisages climate catastrophes and calls for hasty actions. For this reason, we consider the drastic emission control policies likely to be endorsed by the Kyoto conference--lacking credible support from the underlying science--to be ill-advised and premature". This would mean that there is a possibility that global warming could happen, but right now there is no real evidence already happening.

Also there is a wealth of information at the Global warming information center . Like,

On the matter of Earth's recent climate history, it is implausible that despite variance in solar irradiance Earth has had a stable temperature for the last 1,000-2,000 years. History instructs us this is not so, literature tells us this is not so, and a large spectrum of paleotemperature reconstructions tell us this is not so. USA Today and the hokey "Hockey Stick" representations are obviously wrong, regardless of how politically correct their concept of human culpability might be.

Regarding whether Earth has really warmed to some extent, regardless of our ability to accurately determine it? Yep, we have no problem with that. We have seen nothing compelling regarding Earth's current suspected temperature trend being anything extraordinary nor alarming but we have no reason to believe Earth's mean temperature is not changing, or that it does not do so continuously -- frankly, temperature stasis is a myth.

Do we face a planetary emergency precipitated by carbon dioxide emissions? No, there is zero evidence that such a scenario might be true.

The point is, there are just as many "scientist" and people with information that will tell you there is NO Global warming, as there is people who say there is. The truth is at this time, Global Warming is a theory, that I do not subscribe to. If you what to believe all the "Chicken Littles" out there that say that the sky is falling, be my guest. But I do not.

Thank you to my friend for taking the time to email me all the links, but I still truly believe this is junk science.


Anonymous said...

AMEN my brother! I don't believe science even exists! It was invented by those Liberals to lure us into Satan's den with attractive things like soap, cable television and antibiotics.

It is very arrogant of us to think we can have an effect on something as mighty as the earth! It has always been there, and always will be!

Anonymous said...

I remember a phase that was very popular when I started using computers several years ago. It is called garbage in and garbage out.

When computer models or any type of study is done if the persons doing it provide only the information they want to add and ignore everything else the result of their computer model will be predictable.

Peter said...

Hey Sam,

Seems some spamners have found my site. I'll deal with them in time. I encourage any and everyone to comment here. Agree or not. but I will not have people spamming the

You want to advertise here? Contact me via email. If we come to an agreement as to cost and regulations, then you can feel free. Do not send spam.

Sorry Sam,

Your right. What amazes me is that EVERYTHING seems to be blamed on “Global Warming” even though there is NO scientific proof of this. It is just theories and hypotheses. It makes sense and sounds good, therefore more and more people fall prey to the “fear” of us ending the world.

This movement is really lead by many that were telling us in the 60s and 70s that the “New Ice Age” is coming. Now it’s “Global Warming” People LOVE crises. I just saw a “new” news show that had a segment that was all about “what if” a hurricane hit the north east. I predict it will be windy and wet. We all KNOW what will happen. All this hype leading up to this season here in Florida, and so far, nothing really. But they have to hype the crises. It sells, after all.

There is big money in “Global Warming” It’s that big money that Al Gore tried to get some of with “An Inconvenient Truth”, which flopped big time. Truth is, despite my friends efforts, I still truly see no credible proof that it is real.

Anonymous said...

ok, Pete
Here is what I see........
I see that your mind is made up about this so whatever evidence you see to prove global warming must be wrong solely because you don't believe. You don't even TRY to honestly ( you say you do but..) see another view. With the worlds scientists firmly on board you still say " no global warming" but what if you are wrong? I know in your world that could never happen. But what if? What if in your lifetime you could do something to extend your son's life? What if? Can you save him from a run away bus? No. BUT you can try to make the world a better place for him when he becomes a man. Our parents blew this stuff off and look at the weather patterns and crazy shit happening in our time. Again, What if?
I sent this to your email but given your dismissal of my point in the last one I believe you won't even read this new one. So here is today's linkhttp://news.yahoo.com/fc/World/Climate_Change;_ylt=ApiN4trP4pNuVHfZxYdRbtys0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2ZGZwam4yBHNlYwNmYw--
Pete, you know I am not a crazy "tree hugger" but I care what my daughter's world will be like when she is our age. If we can make that future better ( even if this threat is not real) isn't it worth a try?

Anonymous said...

I think the link got messed up
try tis one


Peter said...

Hey Bethany,

“Ok, Pete
Here is what I see . . .
I see that your mind is made up about this so whatever evidence you see to prove global warming must be wrong solely because you don't believe. You don't even TRY too honestly ( you say you do but.) See another view.”

That’s not true.

“With the worlds scientists firmly on board you still say " no global warming" but what if you are wrong?”

That’s the point. You can pick many scientists to say that Global Warming is real and going to be the end of us. I can pick as many, if not more that say it is junk science and there is no proof it exists.

Global Warming is a theory at best. There is no evidence that can be directly linked to it. If you follow some of the methods that are suppose to curb GW, then you start to see that there is a money factor involved. A MAJOR money factor.

Of course, I am NEVER wrong. {Smile}

“I know in your world that could never happen. But what if? What if in your lifetime you could do something to extend your son's life? What if? Can you save him from a run away bus? No. BUT you can try to make the world a better place for him when he becomes a man. Our parents blew this stuff off and look at the weather patterns and crazy shit happening in our time. Again, What if?”

I know you are truly trying to help me to understand. What if? What if Jesus comes back tomorrow, and we do not have to worry about it? What if Jeb Bush is elected President and takes over for George, and the war escalates to nuclear war and we blow each other off the planet? What if, covers a great deal of things. It can be used to cover any argument. But I understand your point. I think.

What would be the harm in doing things that just make logical sense to help the environment rather than harm it? Nothing. I have no problem with that. But to tell me {not you directly, but those who insist that we are destroying the planet} that I must comply to a theory, I just don’t buy it. I think that we need cleaner fuels, cleaner air, and less pollution. But do I think we are destroying the planet? No.

“Pete, you know I am not a crazy "tree hugger" but I care what my daughter's world will be like when she is our age. If we can make that future better ( even if this threat is not real) isn't it worth a try?”

Excellent point that I cannot argue. Of course I want Joshua and Elizabeth to have a bright and clean future on this planet. But I think the whole GW thing is bogus.

Thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...

know what I found out?
In the next 5 years a certain unnamed (wink, wink ) fuel company will be selling 2 different kinds of fuel and are currently building a refinery in central fla. Don't tell anyone. I am buying stock on monday in that company. new fuel tanks and pumps are starting to go in the next year. Mums the word

I guess we will have to agree to dissagree on this as well as many other issues. still love ya even though you are soooo wrong :)