Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Now That Is a Secure Border.

Hey folks,

According to Government Accountability Office testimony to be released today, at nine border crossings on the Mexico and Canadian borders, agents "never questioned the authenticity of the counterfeit documents,"

According to the GAO, the investigative arm of Congress,

"This vulnerability potentially allows terrorists or others involved in criminal activity to pass freely into the United States from Canada or Mexico with little or no chance of being detected,"

It appears that undercover investigators entered the United States using fake documents repeatedly this year. In Arizona and California, Homeland Security Department agents didn't even ask for identification in two different cases. In a third case, According to GAO investigator Gregory D. Kutz , in Texas, investigators offered to show identification, which was a counterfeit Virginia driver’s license. The border agent replied, "OK, that would be good," but let the investigator pass BEFORE even inspecting it. No questions, just "Come on in. Welcome to the United States. Please do not try to kill us."

Now this is not the first time that security was tested. The GAO probe followed a similar inquiry in 2003 and 2004, when undercover investigators crossed unhindered into the United States at least 14 times using counterfeit drivers' licenses and, in one case, an expired, altered U.S. diplomatic passport. At least in that investigation, border agents in New York and Florida stopped three undercover officials who were using expired and forged passports, driver’s licenses or birth certificates.

Is this showing a lack of interests? Complacency? Have we all but forgotten 9-11? Do we really think that this could not happen again? We are in a time of war, should our security be heightened? What color are we in now? Do you know? I don’t. Remember when it changed ever day?

This shows us that we just do not care. Maybe the daily garbage coming from the MMD{That’s Mass Media Drones, for those who need further assistance in understanding} and the LWL {Left Wing Looneys} that truly do not believe we are in a war. Maybe it is as simple as the fact of our, as a nation, short attention span. We haven’t been attacked since 9-11 happened, so who cares. Can’t happen again.

But then again, and AGAIN, I see that the pretty clouds in the sky are caused by "Global Warming", "Bush Lied" "Hurricanes are coming" and "Fat People are Eating Healthy." So who cares about those pesky terrorists that have vowed to destroy us. We need no help, we will do that, all by ourselves.

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