Hey folks,

"Pete, WHY? Why do you continue to be a Cheerleader for the energy industry. I'm not trying to be rude here, and I think you are a smart guy, but I will tell you I rarely ever "check in" as you say on Tuesdays, because I know all I will see is drill baby drill, or you making excuses for the high gas prices while the oil companies get richer. I just do not understand how you have been so duped."
Does the Oil Companies make big Profits? Yup. But they SPEND Big to get them. It is the sheer size of the numbers that get most people lost. They can't wrap their mind around it. Just like people trying to understand Government Spending.
Most in the world will be lucky if they make a Million in their lifetime. Then you have people talking about Billions and Trillions, most can't grasp the concept. Yes, Oil Companies make Billions in Profit. But they SPEND Billions to get there. They have to search out, extract, refine, and ship the Oil. They spend BILLIONS to do so. So they make Billions in return. Just like YOU investing in anything. The more you put in, at risk, the more you make, or lose. The Oil Companies do come up "dry" from time to time, meaning they LOSE Billions.
However, what most do not talk about is the Government makes MORE than "Big Oil," and they do NOTHING. No one complains about that. Big Oil makes pennies on the Gallon, Government makes percentages.
Then you have the fact that we NEED Oil. Oil is what the WORLD runs on. Notice the price at the pump keeps going up? World demand is still going up. In some areas here in sunny South Florida, I have seen $3.00 a gallon. Why? Because Demand {World} is going up, Supply, is not. Logic dictates, INCREASE Supply, LOWER Demand, Pay LESS. There is no other formula that works here.
What I do find insane is those that feel that if the Energy Cost Skyrocket, by design, someone, somewhere, will miraculously come up with a viable alternative on a mass scale that everyone in the world could switch to over night and we could all be "Green." There IS nothing out there to switch to. While we wait on this magical Dream to come true, the poor and less fortunate will be forced to chose between Food, which the cost of will skyrocket as well, and heating their homes or driving their cars. Will Congress? No. Most are Millionaires and most pay NOTHING for gas. YOU do. Does Obama care about the Price of Gas? No. Rush Limbaugh? No. People with money can afford it. The single Mom working two jobs? YES. The Retiree? YES. People on a fixed income? YES.
So why am I a Cheerleader for the Energy Companies? Because I GET IT. I understand REALITY. I understand that we have more natural resources than the entire Middle East Combined. I understand that relying on Foreign Governments that hate us, is just foolish. I understand that within a Year and a half, to two years, we could be using some of our VAST Resources and the Prices will reduce majorly and we will be more secure. Remember when Bush just TALKED about Drilling here? The Prices plummeted. Imagine if we actually DID IT.