Hey folks,

We use to be the driving Economical Force in the World. We use to be the Leader. That was until Obama came out and said, no longer.
The US economy for a long period of time was the engine of world economic growth. We were sucking in imports from all across the world financed by huge amounts of consumer debt. Because of the financial crisis, but also because that debt was fundamentally unsustainable, the United States is not going to be able to serve in that same capacity to that same extent.OK. Where to begin?
First, it is LIBERAL Policies that drive Businesses out of the Country. Crushing Regulations, and Oppressive Taxation, drives Business away. In which case, we must rely more heavily on Imports.
Second, it is the FAILED Liberal Theory of Economics that has gotten us here as well. Try as hard as you may want to, you simply can not SPEND your way out of debt.
Third, if you keep printing money, the whole "Supply and Demand" thing comes into play. Money, Printed Money, is the same as Gold, or Precious Stones. The more you have, the less it's worth. In other words, print a lot of money with nothing backing it's value, it becomes worthless.
Let me try this. OK. I hold an once of Gold. Now, I print $1300.00 Dollars, and say, that my Gold is backing that Paper I just printed. Now you go out and spend that, so I print more money. Problem is, I have no more Gold to back the NEW Money I printed, so in essence, the NEW Money I just printed is worth no more than that Monopoly Money in your Board Game Box.
So we have an Economy right now that is in REALLY bad shape. Our Fearless Leaders have already come out and printed tons of money that we really do not have any backing to. And they have already went out and gave away Stimulus money. Remember that? Where did it go? It went to Commercial Banks, Investment Firms, Wall Street Firms who have not lent any of the money. Now they are about to do it AGAIN?
That's right, the Federal Reserve announced they're gonna purchase about $600 Billion in Treasury Securities. That's about $75 billion per month for the next eight months. They are also going to use the left over $250 Billion in TARP money. So that would be $100 Million a month over the next eight months. Now this means, and the idea is, that the Institutions will have more money as a result of selling the Treasuries to the Fed and then they can use that money to buy Securities. This inflates the Prices and creates an ILLUSION of Economic Growth. But it does NOTHING to actually solve the problem. Jobs will. Freedom from Oppressive Regulations and Taxation will. Freedom to be all that these Companies can be, will. But NOT by creating an illusion.
Well, according to CNBC - Germany Concerned About US Stimulus Moves
German Economy Minister Rainer Bruederle said on Thursday he was concerned at U.S. efforts to stimulate growth by injecting liquidity into its struggling economy.
"I view that not without concern," Bruederle said, adding that a variety of measures were needed to solve the problem and it was not enough to pump in liquidity alone.
"We hope the U.S. economy gets back up stronger on its feet," he said.
Bruederle also said there was some truth to the criticism that the United States was influencing the dollar's exchange rate with monetary policy and voiced concern about increased protectionism in different forms around the world.
Remember folks, Germany is also dealing with another Liberal Policy ran down Country, Greece. They understand how important America is. How important our Economy is, even if those in charge of it, doesn't. But it's not just Germany.
Bruederle said China had been criticised for having an undervalued currency but Beijing argues that U.S. monetary policy is also artificially influencing its currency. The German minister said there was some truth to that.Of course there is. We ARE the driving Economic Force in the World. We can get back to being that. However, we need someone with an understanding of how the Economy really works, and implement policies to encourage that along. Bailouts, and delusional kickstands will not do it. We need to reduce Government interference, reduce Taxation, and restore Freedom. We need to let American Companies DO what they do. Only then, will we be back on a path of prosperity and confidence, which will grow Prosperity and Confidence both here and around the world.
CNBC - Germany Concerned About US Stimulus Moves
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