That's right, Obama will now control the Internet.
Hey folks,
Where are all those Liberals that were up in arms over Bush Wire Tapping? Where are they with the Naked Scanners, Molestation of Women and Children, and THIS? Where are they?
According to Web Censorship Bill Sails Through Senate Committee
By Sam Gustin
The New Media consists of Bloggers, Websites, and Talk Radio. They are still working on Talk Radio, but now they can and WILL control the Internet. I warned you about this. The State Run MMD are getting tired of being called out for ignoring real news, making up false news, and towing the Democrat Party Lines. They want Bloggers "Controlled."
Several prominent Conservative Bloggers, including Yours Truly,,, The Next Right and Publius Forum, The American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch, Scholars, Lawyers, Technologists, Human Rights Groups and Public Interest Groups have ALL denounced the bill. Forty-nine prominent Law Professors called it “dangerous.” Left, Right, Independent, Extremists, Moderates, Religious, Secular, Music, Entertainment, News, Personal Bloggers. You name it, they are out against it. Period.
When you have people, from ALL Walks of Life, Religions, Political Parties, coming together for a common cause, whatever it is, usually doesn't stand a chance. But we still have a President and a Congress that couldn't care less what you think. They have an agenda and they are sticking to it. Public Will be Damned. This is why this is so important for the New Republic House to prove to the People that they are different, and that they ARE going to listen. This is just one of many things created by the Liberal Loony Left that needs to be repealed and thrown back under the Rock of which it came.
Sources: Web Censorship Bill Sails Through Senate Committee
The Hill - FCC may regulate Internet lines days before Christmas
Politico - Sources: FCC chief to move on net neutrality proposal
Hey folks,

According to Web Censorship Bill Sails Through Senate Committee
By Sam Gustin
Who says Congress never gets anything done?In other words, SILENCE those that they may deem a threat. NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, completely ignore REAL News all the time. How did you hear about Amnesty? The New Media. Obamacare? Cap and Tax? The TRUTH about, well, ANYTHING to do with Obama and the Liberals in Charge? The New Media.
On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approved a bill that would give the Attorney General the right to shut down websites with a court order if copyright infringement is deemed “central to the activity” of the site — regardless if the website has actually committed a crime. The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) is among the most draconian laws ever considered to combat digital piracy, and contains what some have called the “nuclear option,” which would essentially allow the Attorney General to turn suspected websites “off.”
The New Media consists of Bloggers, Websites, and Talk Radio. They are still working on Talk Radio, but now they can and WILL control the Internet. I warned you about this. The State Run MMD are getting tired of being called out for ignoring real news, making up false news, and towing the Democrat Party Lines. They want Bloggers "Controlled."
COICA is the latest effort by Hollywood, the recording industry and the big media companies to stem the tidal wave of internet file sharing that has upended those industries and, they claim, cost them tens of billions of dollars over the last decade.Actually, from what I'm being told is that they WILL. Actually, according to The Hill - FCC may regulate Internet lines days before Christmas By Sara Jerome - 11/19/10 04:50 PM ET
The content companies have tried suing college students. They’ve tried suing internet startups. Now they want the federal government to act as their private security agents, policing the internet for suspected pirates before making them walk the digital plank.
Many people opposed to the bill agree in principle with its aims: Illegal music piracy is, well, illegal, and should be stopped. Musicians, artists and content creators should be compensated for their work. But the law’s critics do not believe that giving the federal government the right to shut down websites at will based upon a vague and arbitrary standard of evidence, even if no law-breaking has been proved, is a particularly good idea. COICA must still be approved by the full House and Senate before becoming law. A vote is unlikely before the new year.
An FCC source confirmed on Friday that the commission plans to push its December meeting back by a week, meaning it will fall on the 22nd of the month. That's the same meeting in which analysts say the agency may move forward on its controversial net-neutrality proposal.You want to know how bad this is? Look who is teaming up together to attempt to kill this.
Though the FCC has not confirmed that it will vote on net neutrality this year, rumors are swirling that it will.
The timing of the meeting is already raising eyebrows. Some see it as a way to move the matter along before the GOP assumes the majority and while Congress is not in session to criticize the effort.
Several prominent Conservative Bloggers, including Yours Truly,,, The Next Right and Publius Forum, The American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch, Scholars, Lawyers, Technologists, Human Rights Groups and Public Interest Groups have ALL denounced the bill. Forty-nine prominent Law Professors called it “dangerous.” Left, Right, Independent, Extremists, Moderates, Religious, Secular, Music, Entertainment, News, Personal Bloggers. You name it, they are out against it. Period.
When you have people, from ALL Walks of Life, Religions, Political Parties, coming together for a common cause, whatever it is, usually doesn't stand a chance. But we still have a President and a Congress that couldn't care less what you think. They have an agenda and they are sticking to it. Public Will be Damned. This is why this is so important for the New Republic House to prove to the People that they are different, and that they ARE going to listen. This is just one of many things created by the Liberal Loony Left that needs to be repealed and thrown back under the Rock of which it came.
Sources: Web Censorship Bill Sails Through Senate Committee
The Hill - FCC may regulate Internet lines days before Christmas
Politico - Sources: FCC chief to move on net neutrality proposal
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