Health and Science for Sunday 111410
Hey folks,

What I'm talking about is this. According to CBS News - Circumcision Ban May End Up on S.F. Ballot
CBS) The city that will soon outlaw toys in McDonald’s Happy Meals could have a measure banning circumcision on next November’s ballot, reports CBS San Francisco.Well, here is our Idiot of the Week folks. Lloyd Schofield,who tells us his REAL reason behind this in just a second, and I will explain it then. But this Moron, ACTUALLY believes that Circumcision should be a CRIME. Talk about Government controlling your lives. Religious Rights be Damned.
“It’s genital mutilation,” said Lloyd Schofield, the author of a San Francisco ballot measure that would make it a “misdemeanor to circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the…genitals” of a person under 18.
Baby boys in San Francisco may be relieved but not everybody agrees with a proposed ban.She is RIGHT. It IS. Now I know that there is a debate out there. But the FACTS are this. Problems with the Penis, such as irritation, can occur with or without circumcision. Yet they are FAR more likely to occur in Uncircumcised. It is true that with proper care, there is no difference in hygiene. Yet there are still higher risks with Uncircumcised. There may or may not be differences in sexual sensation in adult men. Some say more, some say less. Most say that the Circumcised Penis is MORE sensitive for obvious reasons. There is an increased risk for a UTI in Uncircumcised Males, especially babies under 1 year. When you Circumcise Newborns, you provide some protection from Penile Cancer, which only occurs in the Foreskin. According to this article, the debate rages on.
“I just had him circumcised 3 weeks ago,” said Heather Wisnicky of Sacramento, mother of Tyler, a 6-week-old baby boy. “It’s a health issue. It’s cleaner,” she said.
Scientists with the Centers for Disease Control are still studying whether circumcisions are healthier, and have promised recommendations to the public. Meanwhile, according to the New York Times, a CDC researcher reported a sharp drop in the number of American parents choosing circumcision in hospitals - from 56 percent in 2006 to less than 33 percent last year.Now I have no idea where THIS number came from. EVERYWHERE I look I see around 65 percent of ALL Males are Circumcised. So I'm not sure where 33 percent came from.
“Most medical groups have not come out with strong opinions regarding pro or con circumcisions,” said CBS 5 medical reporter Dr. Kim Mulvihill. “Most are saying leave it up to the families, let them decide what’s right for their son.”Amen. Government also has no right to tell McDonald's that they can not put Toys in their Kid's Meals. If I was McDonald's, I would put out of California. But then again, that's a whole other issue. Back to our Idiot.
“Ah, that’s a little much,” said Earl Phillips of San Francisco about the proposed ban. “That goes a little bit too far.”
“You shouldn’t be performing cosmetic surgery for other people,” said Schofield, who points out that female circumcision is banned, but was covered by Blue Cross insurance in the United States into the 1970s.Then I'm guessing he is against Abortion? I mean, you really shouldn't be choosing life or death for someone else either. Right?
“It’s your choice, it’s your child…government can’t rule us on everything we do,” said Wisnicky, the Sacramento mother.Amen. However? HERE IS THE REAL REASON...
“Tattooing a child is banned as a felony and circumcision is more harmful than a tattoo,” said Schofield, who believes religious traditions should change.THERE it is folks. This is completely Anti-Semitic. Where did Circumcision start? That's right. The first five books of Hebrew Bible (Torah) compiled, including Genesis has references to Yaweh’s {God} command to Abraham to Circumcise himself, his Sons and his Slaves and Servants. Circumcision has been enforced by Priests among Jewish people as sign of the Covenant. Now this Moron wants to make it a Crime?
“People can practice whatever religion they want, but your religious practice ends with someone else’s body,” said Schofield. “It’s a man’s body and…his body doesn’t belong to his culture, his government, his religion or even his parents. It’s his decision.”
Look. It may have started in the Jewish Religion. Some say it started much earlier than that, but it have evolved into Christian, and many other Religions. It has also become more and more mainstream for the SHEAR Medical Benefits of it. But that one statement shows EXACTLY why our Idiot is on this quest.
“People can practice whatever religion they want, but your religious practice ends with someone else’s body,”Now he needs to collect more than 7,100 signatures, and there is no word on how many he has gotten so far. I'm pretty confident that he will not get them. But like I said. It IS California. So who knows.
Having said all that, let me say this. Leave Religion out of it. Lets just talk about Government Intrusion. Can you get more personal and Private than THIS? I doubt it. The Government should have NO say in this. Not to mention, you really CAN'T separate the Religious aspect. Therefore it is PROTECTED under the First Amendment. It really IS just that simple. I am. Joshua is. And when Eli is born, he will be as well. Regardless of what Mr. Schofield thinks.
CBS News - Circumcision Ban May End Up on S.F. Ballot
This measure would simply update the existing law that protects girls from assault to their genitals, to also include boys.
To you who oppose this measure, let me see if I understand your reasoning correctly:
A man has NO right to control his own body, as long as he's an infant... but at some point (is it age 16? 21? or when he's achieved fatherhood? or some other criteria?), that same man now DOES have a right to control not only his own body (too bad it's too late for his most sensitive erogenous tissue), but also the bodies of other people...? No wait, only if those other people are boys, but not girls...?
Whereas a woman HAS a right to control her body, even as an infant...? but when she meets some criteria, then she can ALSO control the bodies of boys... but not girls?
Seems pretty twisted to me.
Hey Tina,
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog.
"This measure would simply update the existing law that protects girls from assault to their genitals, to also include boys."
This is NOT an "assault to their genitals" This is a medical procedure that has been done for THOUSANDS of years for health reasons. It may have started with Religion, but it became mainstream for that reason.
"A man has NO right to control his own body, as long as he's an infant..."
No. No one does. Because NO ONE is of sound mind. They have no clue what is good, bad, or indifferent.
Let me ask you this. Do you have kids? Would it be OK for a Kid to get a tattoo of anything, anywhere, at any age? How about a piercing? What about "Cutting" Is that OK. It is their Bodies? Can they have Sex at any age?
So again, if we go by this Liberal Ideal that we are all Free to do whatever we want to our own Bodies, and this "Right" must be protected, then we must end Abortion. That Baby has a RIGHT to decide if it wants to live or die. Right? Talk about given TOTAL Control to someone over the Body of someone else?
So using your argument, it is NOT OK, for a Mother and Father to decide to Circumcise their Male Child, but it IS OK for the Mother to decide to Murder it? Talk about twisted?
Thanks again for stopping by. Please feel free to stop by anytime. You never know what you may see here. {Smile}
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