Hey folks,

Did you work together with Obamacare? Did you work together with the implementation of ANY of your Agenda Items? No. You shut out ANY Republican Participation.
You know folks, I tried to find the transcript of Obama's Press conference or speech regarding the Obama Midterm Blowout, and you know what? It has been removed. Yup. Even from the White House Website. I'm not kidding. I keep getting "Error, page not found." Why? Maybe he upset his kook base? Maybe he upset Soros? I found a Video, but no transcript.
I do want to repeat to my new Republican House and Senate Members. I also want to say this to my more liberal Friends out there. The People did NOT send the Republicans to the House and Senate to WORK WITH the Liberals. They sent them, YOU, there to STOP THEM.
We have no interest in furthering an agenda that goes against the Will of the American People. We have no interest in finding common ground in the destruction of this country, it's Constitution, or giving up Freedom. We have no interest in finding a way to "Fix Obamacare," bring about "Cap and Tax." "Amnesty." Higher Taxes. Nothing that IS the Obama Progressive agenda. We have no interest in Socialism. We have no interest in redistribution of wealth. We have no interest in punishment of hard work and reward of laziness. We have no interest in continuing to spend money we do not have to spend. Like $200 MILLION a Day for a Trip to India.
It really is this simple. The Republicans were Voted in to STOP all this. Not find common ground or areas in which to agree. They want it STOPPED. They want Obama STOPPED. They want the America that they know and love BACK. Here is the Video.
I know one area where pretty much EVERYONE agrees. STOP OBAMA! STOP THE LIBERALS! STOP THE INSANITY! Restore honor, and respect to this country. Govern FOR the People, not AGAINST the People. THAT we can all agree on. THAT is our common ground.
Make no mistake about it my new House and Senate Friends. If you are perceived to be doing ANYTHING other than attempting to stop this insanity, YOU may very well face a similar fate of Pelosi and Obama. You may very well be out as well. It really is, Just that simple.
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